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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. Happy Birthday!! I'll buy you a drink at the rally if your old eyes can still manage to read this!
  2. Tiggie

    RIP Jo Cox

    I really don't know if I could of used those words in his position, much respect to him.
  3. I would of been fuming!! Not a bad experience as such but potential nightmare happened to me last year. I took my Wifes old megane to be mot'd with plan being I would have it providing it didn't need much doing. Fast forward a few hours and the owner rang me up to say that unfortunately the handbrake had failed before they even got round to testing the car and it had rolled forward into another customers car luckily it only travelled a few feet and left a couple of marks that their bodywork guy got rid of. Lesson learned I always leave my car in gear now, always!!
  4. I've had an iPhone 5s for the last 2 years with no issues, will be upgrading in september for another iPhone
  5. I really better get my tent out of the garage and practise putting it up so I don't look like a prat trying to do it same as every other year!
  6. Tiggie

    Noise issue

    I remember working on finding a hole in my exhaust header pipe one morning, so engine running, little bit of light revving etc when the nosy old biddy across the road (every street seems to have one) shouted out of her bedroom window at me " it is 9 o'clock in the morning!!! " I looked at my watch and shouted back " you're right, it is" and carried on working at same time I am considerate of my neighbours, I used to work nights with my shifts pattern meaning I didn't set off until 11pm. at my last address we lived on a cul-de-sac on a hill approx 5 houses long with our house being at the top so I would roll my bike down and bump start it at bottom of hill.
  7. And my costume now bought from eBay p.s. to anyone who hasn't been before, Fancy Dress on the Saturday night isn't mandatory but you will be booed, frowned upon and most likely have your bike kill switched if you don't take part p.p.s. unless you're bigger than me
  8. I'm coming now managed to swap a shift so all is good. Very happy, still annoyed I missed last years Will be coming by car so I have the luxury of having room for an airbed in my tent this year
  9. Man says to his wife "why are there broken condoms on my chair?" Wife replies "I'm not telling you again, STOP calling our children that!"
  10. I've seen your tent stu, bet it wouldn't go on back of a bike!!
  11. Lots of bungees and a cargo net did me ok!!
  12. can't remember the brand I have but it was from halfords and was a fairly cheap one. Has managed 3 rallies plus a few other weekends away with no problem. Best advice I can give is to get a 2 man tent rather than a single. This way you have room in the tent for your clothes, bags, lid etc. 1 man tents are tiny!!
  13. oh I would of been so p*ssed off if that happened!!
  14. Yesterday my wife had to slam on her brakes going on a roundabout as the car in front of her decided to stop in the middle to allow other cars to come on Lots of beeping and swearing by her i'm sure
  15. Tiggie

    New Top Gear

    Agreed, it was definitely an improvement. Also the extra gear program on bbc3 had a segment with Chris Evans driving the original mclaren. He didn't shout or pretend to be Clarkson, it was actually quite good. No idea why he doesn't act like that on the proper show
  16. check simple things first before pulling engine to pieces I had a really strange squeaking noise once that I was convinced was my front brake. Turned out to be one of the bolts on the chain guard was a little loose causing it to rub against the frame
  17. https://youtu.be/p5lZ3vLizyM I take no responsibility for any accidents that most likely will happen if you try this
  18. thats the plan at moment, just got permission from boss to ask about swapping shifts with other fryer. Will have to wait until he is back from his holiday next week to ask if he wants to do it, may be a bit of bribery involved when I see him
  19. Still have it but my cbt has run out and I refuse to do another one until I can do full license. Hopefully next year but I have to choose between new car or license!!
  20. Hey tiggie haven't seen you about for a bit! Hope you're keeping ok I still look in, feel jealous when I come on here as I have no bike currently and doubtful about coming to rally this year too!
  21. I really liked thats years rally for some reason!! Still no idea if I can come this year I'm off on a cruise back end of August so will be awkward to squeeze in another weekend off. Will try though
  22. off top of my head it would be Money for Nothing - Dire Straits.
  23. and the snapped easy-outs are a hell of a lot harder to drill out
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