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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. I think this thread name should be changed to Dr Who and the biscuits to give it a nice episodic title
  2. they are gorgeous!! They also do a Bananoffee one which I wouldnt touch with a 10ft pole
  3. Especially the Coffee flavoured ones
  4. Caramel Digestives are bloody dangerous to me, I can finish a pack off in 15 minutes
  5. Not sure if I should be proud or frightened on what has been created in this thread I wish I could watch the last season of Game of Thrones now
  6. I assume on your travels you picked up the biscuits as required?
  7. On a side note I am sure I saw your post title on the cover of a video on the top shelf of blockbusters back in the day
  8. Welcome to the forum How long since you last started the bike up? I'm sure they stop flashing after a set time to conserve battery
  9. To give you all a laugh here is me on my first Scooter, just turned 18. An early chinese grey import called a hundong zippy or something similar Exhaust fell of 1st week I had it, It had next to no power whatsoever, in fact I used to have to walk with it up a particularly steep hill on my commute as it couldn't cope unfortunately I was never able to find an insurer wiling to insure me as they wanted a uk equivalent which I couldn't give them (though being 18 and stupid I didn't put 100% effort into finding one) and approx 6 months later I was pulled over by a police trap on the way home. 6 points and a £400 fine
  10. A Man wants a divorce so goes to see the Judge at court. He tells him "I need a divorce, I cant take it anymore, she just spends every night out in different pubs and clubs until the early hours of the morning. The Judge asks the Man why he thinks that is He replies "she's looking for me"
  11. No worries, it was Donnie Brasco (Dabir) the Karaoke King who gave me the heads up but he doesn't really come around here anymore so I thought i'd share. Picked mine up today as well. Had to get it delivered to my local as they dont usually stock it. Girl behind counter was shocked at the difference in price
  12. I have found it to practically always be a connection issue rather than a blown fuse when electrics go dodgy and since you've ruled out the fuses.........
  13. Same here, I don't even need any oil right now but at that price it can sit in my garage until I do!
  14. If you go online and set an account up on the Halfords website, somewhere on your profile options it gives a place to put your trade card details so you can see the prices. Im at work now so can't look properly into it but that's roughly what I remember!!
  15. Bloody good deal if you are fortunate enough to have a trade card
  16. Loving the creativity I wish I earned enough money to work only when I wanted to
  17. Just tried on my phone and it's fine, doesn't work on my laptop though
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