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Nob of the Day.......


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Today's nomination goes to my dispatcher at the office.......not only did he not call me to tell me where I was required to go tomorrow.....but has ordered parts to be sent direct to site where they could turn up at any time up to 4pm.....and I drive past the DHL depot on my way to this site and could have dropped in there and collected the parts at 8am....been on site by 9am....job done by 10am...... :roll: Efficient use of my time?......... :evil:

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nob of the day.

Dizzy bint in white BMW who failed to check to see if the way was clear as she was "looking for a gap" in the opposing stream of traffic and proceeded to pull out anyway. Keep driving like that and you WILL kill someone one day.

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Dagger award goes to the biker in Pontarddulais this evening who filtered past a traffic cop with a filthy numberplate. Really, you wouldn't have known the guy had one with the amount of dirt that was on it lol

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The peenarse who decided to turn the road through Dry Drayton into a gravel death trap :evil:

And the prat driving the Jag in front who slammed on the brakes to go from 40 to10 so he'd avoid scratching his paint.

Nice work, district council.

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The peenarse who decided to turn the road through Dry Drayton into a gravel death trap :evil:

And the prat driving the Jag in front who slammed on the brakes to go from 40 to10 so he'd avoid scratching his paint.

Nice work, district council.


We've had masses of nw road surfacing with gravel over the last few weeks....has made riding treacherous...so Lincoln Council gets nobs of the weeks for me...

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Nob of the day goes to the estate car driver who I was following tonight on my bike.

He closed his sunroof, then squirted his screen wash. Most of it missed his screen and went over the roof, hence the reason he closed his sunroof first.

Needless to say I got a face full of screen wash...

I reckon he did it on purpose too.... Nob

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Today's award goes to the "yummy mummy" with sunglasses and a salon-perfect hairdo in a spotless white BMW with tinted windows dropping her little darlings off at the local school, who decided to turn right across my path without indicating, when I was almost directly in front of her.

In fairness to her, she did slam on the brakes but instead of calmly apologising, she had a shit-fit - throwing her hands up and down, screaming incoherently, with a look of terror on her face. She did look incredibly shaken and only one mental breakdown away from the funny farm ... but still ...

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Today I'm nominating the Police Officer who was parked up at the side of the A14 slip road outside Dry Drayton, keeping an eye out for dodgy drivers. When he did spot one, he pulled out into the slip road to make chase without taking the time to check if anything was behind him.

The good news is, the front brake is apparently the one part of my bike that isn't being a git :mrgreen:

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Todays nomination goes to the driver of the Yellow Porsche 911.....who waved me past on the Kimbolton to Higham Ferrers road......and then wanted a race.......proceded to tailgate me then drop back and come racing up behind me again......this road is notorious for its Police prescence.....especially on a sunny Sunday afternoon...... :roll: Book a track day mate!!...... :roll:

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Not today but towards the end of last week....nob of the day went to the idiot that flew his P51 Mustang a few feet above my car as I went past Duxford.....frightened the f*ckin life out of me...... :lol: :lol:

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Not today but towards the end of last week....nob of the day went to the idiot that flew his General Lee a few feet above my car as I went past Duxford.....frightened the f*ckin life out of me...... :lol: :lol:


Yep. Looks like them Duke boys are causing mayhem again.

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Nob of the day this morning - Joining A14 for the short stretch to the A1 South - A complete WAN@@R was reversing uup the slip road in his Fiesta. I (quickly) stopped behind him and he just sat there and then 'tooted his horn'.

As I put my sidestand down and started to get off the bike, he thought better of it and shot off :mrgreen:

There must be less than a quarter mile to go onto the 14, round Brampton Hut R/Bout and back to the off-slip - What a nob!!!


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Think I scared the shit out of a driver who drifted into the outside lane as I was approaching so gunned the bike through the gap and the two brothers woke him/her up as they swerved back to the inside.

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Not today but towards the end of last week....nob of the day went to the idiot that flew his P51 Mustang a few feet above my car as I went past Duxford.....frightened the f*ckin life out of me...... :lol: :lol:


What a beautiful plane with the fabulous noise of the Rolls Royce Merlin at full chat....mmmmmm

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Not today but towards the end of last week....nob of the day went to the idiot that flew his P51 Mustang a few feet above my car as I went past Duxford.....frightened the f*ckin life out of me...... :lol: :lol:


What a beautiful plane with the fabulous noise of the Rolls Royce Merlin at full chat....mmmmmm

He was just taking off.....so was giving it the full beans......the whole car shook as he went over.......and I nearly sh*t myself..... :lol: :lol:

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Nobs of the day were the two blokes cycling along the hard shoulder of the motorway :shock:


well at least it wasnt the slow lane...

nob of yesterday goes to whoever didnt cook my KFC for long enough and ended up giving me food poisoning today. migraine and relentless throwing up all day :(

(i admit, it can be argued nob of the day goes to me for buying KFC in the first place, but i've never had any problems before)

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Years ago it used to be called Kentucky Fried Chicken, but since trading standards found no actual chicken in there, they were forced to change names to KFC...

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Mine is to the bast*rd who short changed me a whole pound, while buying an ice cream! To late to go back as the line was out the shop...

Well played mr texaco man, well played...

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f**kwit in the stupid little mini "sports" car thing who, when I was trying to join the motorway from the slip road this morning, deliberately accelerated hard to stop me merging with very slow moving traffic, thereby forcing me back out onto the slip road (I already had the front wheel on the motorway), and then tried to block me from filtering once I'd dropped back and gone round behind the car, then wound down the window and shouted at me when I was eventually able to filter past, due to the nice driver in the other lane who saw what had happened and dropped back to create a gap. Yes, I thanked the driver who dropped back and yes, the middle finger and the "w**ker" sign were directed at the driver of the mini. Right in his f**king face, while I eyeballed him. Why the f**k do they do it? Why?? How the hell does it inconvenience them at all if I filter past them? :evil:

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Todays nomination is to the wonderful taxi driver who decided that the laws concerning red traffic lights didn't apply to him at the crossroads and shot straight over the junction nearly having me off of the bike whilst blowing on his horn and giving me a dirty look.

Unreal...another driver who got their licence from poundland.

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My nomination is the pidgeon that scared the shit out of me.

Driving into work gate at about 15mph with window down. This pidgeon is flying on perfect collision course with my face through my window... Causes me to duck, hit brakes and feel stupid that such a little creature disrupted me so much :(


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The fracking drunk driver twonk I followed through the Shotley peninsula and along the strand to Ipswich just now. He was weaving onto the oncoming lane and breaking hard whenever traffic came the other way.

He beats the 4x4 twonk who decided to overtake on a bend just as I was going the other way. The t#ss#r seemed more narked that I had the audacity to be on the road, than anything decent like apologising.

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