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Theft at work


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so, ive left money in my pocket at work, twice.

The first time it was £170 to go towards rent (over a year ago). It was stolen out of my pocket at work.

The second time it was £4 in coins (this week). It was also stolen at work.

To be honest, its not the money that bothers me, its the fact that someone is going through peoples pockets and taking what ever they can get their hands on, and seemly have been for over a year. I mean, my pockets are full of crap too. I think there is an old lace in there, receipts, and house keys (I dont leave the bike key in there though) and all sorts of shrapnel that they have to dig past to find anything, so its not as easy as dipping your hand in to check, they properly went routing through.

So what can I do? I mean, obviously money will be going in the locker again, as it usually does, but I want to catch/get payback on who ever it is. Is there any way of doing this?

I mean, does anyone know of any tracking devices that look and feel like coins? Or is lots of used needles and sharp blades left in the pocket the best way to go?

My manager will be informed about it when I go back, but when £170 got stolen, there was nothing he could do, so I doubt he can do anything about the £4

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To be honest. Theft is theft, no matter where it occurs.

Inform the police. No doubt your manager will take the matter more seriously then.

We regularly leave money laying around. Takeaway orders etc that can be £50 easy and never once has anything been stolen.

I think it's despicable you can't trust your own colleagues.

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a bag of blue/black/red or any other colour of your choice ink in your pocket set up in such a way that if they stick their hand in its game over

or dog shit

whatever takes your fancy

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Proving it is the main problem, when I worked in kitchens I got my sister a part time job washing pots, someone had her radley purse off with about £50 in it out the staff room.

As soon as I found out I went apeshit, I could tell who it was, because one of the newer waiters couldn't look me in the face, and was visibly shaking when I was going mad. I demanded the manager search people's bags before leaving and pretty much everyone else was ok with it barring this little prick but the manager said he didn't have the power to do that.

Looking back I should have just found his bag and emptied it myself, but I was concerned with my job as I had rent to pay (only reason I worked in such a shithole anyway) end result was, my sister wouldn't come back to work there, I walked out not long after, had a massive row with the manager, told him it was theft and constituted gross misconduct, sackable offence, he told me to drop it, I said something along the lines of dropping him, then walked out before I snapped. Never went back, but I know how horrible it makes a working environment when it happens.

If they have a safe you should be able to request that you lock personal belongings in that.

Failing that set some f**ker up, get a load of them napkins that vaguely look like money, have them just on view in a pocket in your bag and set that drift cam up of yours out of sight. If the company still won't take action, post it all over facebook and tag the thieving get in it. Make sure all their freinds and family know what they are like

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so, ive left money in my pocket at work, twice.

The first time it was £170 to go towards rent (over a year ago). It was stolen out of my pocket at work.

The second time it was £4 in coins (this week). It was also stolen at work.

To be honest, its not the money that bothers me, its the fact that someone is going through peoples pockets and taking what ever they can get their hands on, and seemly have been for over a year. I mean, my pockets are full of crap too. I think there is an old lace in there, receipts, and house keys (I dont leave the bike key in there though) and all sorts of shrapnel that they have to dig past to find anything, so its not as easy as dipping your hand in to check, they properly went routing through.

So what can I do? I mean, obviously money will be going in the locker again, as it usually does, but I want to catch/get payback on who ever it is. Is there any way of doing this?

I mean, does anyone know of any tracking devices that look and feel like coins? Or is lots of used needles and sharp blades left in the pocket the best way to go?

My manager will be informed about it when I go back, but when £170 got stolen, there was nothing he could do, so I doubt he can do anything about the £4


Put a sponge soaked in that sticky ink that comes out of Biros in your pocket and maybe a couple of mousetraps.

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You need a safe like outs at work. It doubles up as a microwave when it doesnt have money in it and warms the food nicely.

On a more serious note i hope you catch the fecker, report to police, dont get them to attend and if it happens again call them and they can do searches ect.

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There must be someone who you think it might be. Just keep a close eye on the person and see if you can catch them out. Maybe you could leave some change out on purpose near him and see if it goes missing. You want to try and work out who it is with out them knowing you know so you can catch them in the act.

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Hidden camera. The Möbius camera I use on my bike can be setup to activate when it detects movement. Ideal for this type of job. Plus a mousetrap in the pocket and you have a comedy video ;)

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The annoying thing is, I don't have a clue who it is. Everyone I work with, I get along with and everyone I even had a hint that it might be the first time, no longer work there.

The issue is, a good 20 men have access to the changing room during the shift, plus 20 odd more when the other department start, 30 minutes before my shift ends

Unfortunately, although a camera would be the best idea, it is a changing room after all and I do want to make a career path within the company, so I don't really want to be putting cameras up

As for the dye though, that sounds like a good idea.

What can I use that won't make a mess of my jacket, but will show up on skin? Something that won't dry out either as it may be in there for weeks

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1. Ask around the forum, see if anyone has any beaten up old leathers no longer fit for use

2. Cut 'em up, use the tough leather to make a ruddy solid lining for your pocket

3. Buy a big pack of razor blades, hit them with a hammer and fill your pocket

4. Remember not to stick your own hand in that pocket

Easy to spot the thief, follow the trail of blood :lol:

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I use USB cameras to catch idiots.

Looks like a USB stick but has a little camera on it. Best thing to do is attach it somewhere it won't be seen but can observe the lockers. Do not tell anyone about it.

The camera catches motion and records for 2 minutes. Leave money in your pocket until it vanishes one day, then check the tape for that day and see who it was.

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Update: I told my boss about the £4 and mentioned I had money taken christmas before last, but didn't say how much, and he was about as pissed off about it as I am.

He seems a bit more proactive than his boss (who is the person I told about the original theft) and said that if we can narrow down a day that it happens on, we can work out who is in and set something up whereby money is left in there and the security guard can check to make sure its still there after every person goes in.

It'll probably be set up in a few weeks though, as we've just been paid, so its more likely to happen the week before pay day the week just after imo

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Update: I told my boss about the £4 and mentioned I had money taken christmas before last, but didn't say how much, and he was about as pissed off about it as I am.

He seems a bit more proactive than his boss (who is the person I told about the original theft) and said that if we can narrow down a day that it happens on, we can work out who is in and set something up whereby money is left in there and the security guard can check to make sure its still there after every person goes in.

It'll probably be set up in a few weeks though, as we've just been paid, so its more likely to happen the week before pay day the week just after imo


Good news that something is being done. Theft is one crime that makes my blood boil. Thieves get no respect from me; they are lower than the belly of a snake.

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If you use money (notes) as the bait, record/photograph the serial numbers. If you use coins, use some UV dye on them, perhaps write your initials or, better still, 'GOTCHA!' on the coins/notes with UV dye as well.

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Update: I told my boss about the £4 and mentioned I had money taken christmas before last, but didn't say how much, and he was about as pissed off about it as I am.

He seems a bit more proactive than his boss (who is the person I told about the original theft) and said that if we can narrow down a day that it happens on, we can work out who is in and set something up whereby money is left in there and the security guard can check to make sure its still there after every person goes in.

It'll probably be set up in a few weeks though, as we've just been paid, so its more likely to happen the week before pay day the week just after imo


Good news that something is being done. Theft is one crime that makes my blood boil. Thieves get no respect from me; they are lower than the belly of a snake.

Lower than fly shit.

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mousetrap left in your pocket :D

failing that.. Rat trap.. More powerful snap on them..

It will soon stop them doing it again, and will be easy to find out who it was.. look for someone with a broken finger :lol:

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