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Module 1 - members test experiences

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14 hours ago, KiwiBob said:

Instead of cancelling it and as its only 15 quid I did it on my 125 just for a bit of practice.


I'm almost tempted to do the same. I checked and they have a few spaces up for grabs.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Recently passed my Mod 1 (7th Dec) at Uxbridge test centre, thought I’d add to the thread. Might be useful to those waiting.


My DAS was Thursday - Sunday with Mod 1 on the Monday........I was lucky enough that the school could book some time on the test pad for the Saturday lesson which helped massively with getting familiar with the faster speed exercises and what I think is maybe a little overlooked the surface( not sure if it is the same nationwide) but the dedicated ‘arena’ so to speak has an amazing riding surface, you just stick to it around that bend.


Anyway the Sunday lesson I had an absolute mare of a slow speed session in the morning, (I think that 3 full days of learning, riding, thinking before hand had exhausted me mentally and I just lost my head)...This is how the lesson went.


Slalom: wobbly as a hell

Fig 8: Abandoned as I forgot how to turn the bike around, other attempts I remembered but they were awful feeling 

U turn: wide, slow and unsteady. Followed by numerous attempts with feet down 99% of the time.


The instructor could see I was mentally done, so said let’s go for a ride out. Couple of hours out and about, got back to the yard and did 3 mock slow speed sections of the test in a row- all with no issues. He asked if I wanted to do one more, but I declined as I just knew I’d knacker something and think about it all night.

Morning of Mod 1 I didn’t need to be at the centre until 2pm ( I was the last test of the day) which meant my instructor lesson didn’t start until 1130. I turn up to be greeted by a different instructor, which I think was the best thing to happen as he helped hugely with the slow speed mindset for the day. He watched me do a mock session on the slalom, fig 8 and u turn and obviously picked up the 4/10 confidence level on those!

It is this suggestion which completely changed the way these exercises felt- and for anyone practicing now for Mod 1 I’d suggest give this a try. So for the next 15 - 20 mins he wanted me to go through the slalom, turn around at the end, back down the slalom and turn around again ( so no figure of 8’s) as fast as I could , this was around 11mph, without caring if I knocked anything over just keep going


Once this was done, he suggested taking 2 mph off that top speed (which brought it down to around 8-9 mph). Which compared to the 4-5mph made everything so much steadier and confidence level up to 8/10.


Quick 15 min ride to the test centre it is just me and one other guy there- he goes first and has his test abandoned on the E stop as he pulled clutch in and not the front brake which just revved the nuts of the bike and didn’t stop!

Okay, my turn. Usual set up in terms of paper work, enter the pad, handling (which i can do, but struggle as it uses a lot of core strength to walk the bike around, which due to the kidney transplant is reduced ), now onto the slow speed remembering to set the revs and let the clutch do the work (instructor voice in my head saying make as much noise as you need).

Slalom, fig 8 done. Ride over for the slow ride to the u turn. Again deep breath, set the revs - go in fast, touch the rear brake to slow, obs, and turn, look well ahead of where the white line is and stop. Smile on my face as that’s over with. And I had already practiced the speed section on the Saturday and found this to be my favourite section.


Controlled stop complete onto the speed trap E stop and avoidance. Managed a consistent 54kph for both and with that comes to the end of what was the most enjoyable test I have ever had.

Sorry for the long winded post- it ran away with me.


Hopefully something useful to think about for those awaiting the Mod 1. I would suggest not to overthink it, relax the arms. And most importantly enjoy it.



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On 01/01/2021 at 08:42, Silentbob83 said:

Recently passed my Mod 1 (7th Dec) at Uxbridge test centre, thought I’d add to the thread. Might be useful to those waiting.


My DAS was Thursday - Sunday with Mod 1 on the Monday........I was lucky enough that the school could book some time on the test pad for the Saturday lesson which helped massively with getting familiar with the faster speed exercises and what I think is maybe a little overlooked the surface( not sure if it is the same nationwide) but the dedicated ‘arena’ so to speak has an amazing riding surface, you just stick to it around that bend.


Anyway the Sunday lesson I had an absolute mare of a slow speed session in the morning, (I think that 3 full days of learning, riding, thinking before hand had exhausted me mentally and I just lost my head)...This is how the lesson went.


Slalom: wobbly as a hell

Fig 8: Abandoned as I forgot how to turn the bike around, other attempts I remembered but they were awful feeling 

U turn: wide, slow and unsteady. Followed by numerous attempts with feet down 99% of the time.


The instructor could see I was mentally done, so said let’s go for a ride out. Couple of hours out and about, got back to the yard and did 3 mock slow speed sections of the test in a row- all with no issues. He asked if I wanted to do one more, but I declined as I just knew I’d knacker something and think about it all night.

Morning of Mod 1 I didn’t need to be at the centre until 2pm ( I was the last test of the day) which meant my instructor lesson didn’t start until 1130. I turn up to be greeted by a different instructor, which I think was the best thing to happen as he helped hugely with the slow speed mindset for the day. He watched me do a mock session on the slalom, fig 8 and u turn and obviously picked up the 4/10 confidence level on those!

It is this suggestion which completely changed the way these exercises felt- and for anyone practicing now for Mod 1 I’d suggest give this a try. So for the next 15 - 20 mins he wanted me to go through the slalom, turn around at the end, back down the slalom and turn around again ( so no figure of 8’s) as fast as I could , this was around 11mph, without caring if I knocked anything over just keep going


Once this was done, he suggested taking 2 mph off that top speed (which brought it down to around 8-9 mph). Which compared to the 4-5mph made everything so much steadier and confidence level up to 8/10.


Quick 15 min ride to the test centre it is just me and one other guy there- he goes first and has his test abandoned on the E stop as he pulled clutch in and not the front brake which just revved the nuts of the bike and didn’t stop!

Okay, my turn. Usual set up in terms of paper work, enter the pad, handling (which i can do, but struggle as it uses a lot of core strength to walk the bike around, which due to the kidney transplant is reduced ), now onto the slow speed remembering to set the revs and let the clutch do the work (instructor voice in my head saying make as much noise as you need).

Slalom, fig 8 done. Ride over for the slow ride to the u turn. Again deep breath, set the revs - go in fast, touch the rear brake to slow, obs, and turn, look well ahead of where the white line is and stop. Smile on my face as that’s over with. And I had already practiced the speed section on the Saturday and found this to be my favourite section.


Controlled stop complete onto the speed trap E stop and avoidance. Managed a consistent 54kph for both and with that comes to the end of what was the most enjoyable test I have ever had.

Sorry for the long winded post- it ran away with me.


Hopefully something useful to think about for those awaiting the Mod 1. I would suggest not to overthink it, relax the arms. And most importantly enjoy it.



Thanks for sharing, very useful for other members to read your post. Congratulations!

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  • 3 months later...

My two experiences were night and day.


First attempt -

Had final lesson night before test on December 3rd. At 6pm I was freezing my bollocks off trying to do a u turn without foot down managed 2 very dodgy ones after about 10 attempts then lesson was over. The morning of the test I was actually very calm and the reason was I had pretty much convinced myself I was going to fail so wasn't that bothered. Anyway my time came , paper work done very nice lady tester. Got on bike did checks then into test paddock. Pulled bike up did manual handling then when I got on to start actual manouvers the nerves kicked in. Ok all checks done off we go....clipped the very first cone on slalom !!! Knew that was it but carried on figure of 8 felt like it went on forever , slow ride was torture as it was toward the u turn. As expected half way round foot down. Test cancelled. I was glad it was over.


Due to covid I knew it would be months until I could try again and I don't own a motorcycle so I thought I was stuffed until I had an idea. I knew they turn was just a mental block I needed to get over so I took my mountain bike to a empty carpark near me and started doing u turns on that...a lot of u turns over the weeks probably did well over a hundred practice u turns. Anyway I had my first lesson back booked that started at 1 so I hired a 125 from my school for 2 hours before my lesson started and took it to a carpark of a closed down business on the same industrial estate. I measured out figure 8 and u turn and put bricks from a skip to mark out and practiced the first u turn I did I nailed it first time  all the practice I had done my balance and dear the bike would fall over was gone. I practice nothing but figure 8 and turns for 2 hours then went on to lesson...it was the best I had ever had.


Second attempt -


Needless to say this time I'm in completely different headspace. Had a lovely ride over to test centre. Really nice examiner. Rode in manual handling off through slalom mmm..bit shaky but through , figure 8 also felt off but got round, slow ride and then ! Before I knew it I was back round facing the examiner and I couldn't even remember doing the u turn I started to panic shit did I do a life saver !! On to fast test, standard stop fine, emergency he comes up to me looking serious " you went through the trap at 61 kph you might want to slow that down for avoidance" onto avoidance comes up to me  " I'll have to put you down for a minor as you only hit 49 kph" think I can live with that. Got one other minor for fig 8 being sloppy ( it felt it). Three if us went and we all passed so great day the ride back to the school I felt I was flying !

Edited by Spongefinger
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  • 3 weeks later...

From the start i had an issue with the bike i was on. It just felt extremely top heavy. U turns are a thing and i struggle with them. However by the time we got out of lockdown to do our mod 1 after 2 cancellations there was a Suzuki sv for me to ride....perfect.  We had one refresher and the ride to the test centre. 

The examiner was awesome, i couldn't have asked for better but i failed...he looked more gutted than me....heres why though.

Engine breaking on a big bike is fairly instant and what i did was rolled off the throttle in the speed trap, losing a precious 2mph which had me too slow. So i failed on the swerve avoidance. Engine breaking i jad heard of and knew what it meant but just didnt realise how quickly the speed drops when done on a bigger bike. 

Did a lovely U turn though 🤣


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On 14/12/2020 at 18:46, KiwiBob said:

I had my DAS mod 1 cancelled due to covid and when I could book one my trainers didn't have a bike available.

Instead of cancelling it and as its only 15 quid I did it on my 125 just for a bit of practice.

Passed it with 2 minors which I blame on the bike! .. It struggled to make 50kph by the speed trap for the emergency stop and hazard avoidance.

Shouldn't have that problem on the bigger bike! ;) 

Passed mod one again today .. I was much more nervous today knowing that it could be a long wait for another go if I failed.


It was much easier on the bigger bike and I got just 1 minor.


When I did the emergency stop on the CG125 I only just made the speed. It must have played on my mind because on the bigger bike I whacked the throttle open coming off the bend and was doing close to 40mph through the speed trap.


For the hazard avoidance I eased it down a little too much and got a minor. 


Who cares about a minor? Its a pass!





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Late post about Mod1 Pass, was back in October - Was extremely pleased as I thought I had failed it on my U turn.
Went slightly left before turning, touching the line.
Got a minor for it, then another minor for going fast on the hazard avoidance.

But done.

Was not looking forward to the Mod2.

Edited by peatear
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1 hour ago, peatear said:

Late post about Mod1 Pass, was back in October - Was extremely pleased as I thought I had failed it on my U turn.
Went slightly left before turning, touching the line.
Got a minor for it, then another minor for going fast on the hazard avoidance.

But done.

Was not looking forward to the Mod2.

Turning the opposite way just before you turn works well for setting you up for a turn 😁 

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On 08/05/2021 at 16:33, peatear said:

Late post about Mod1 Pass, was back in October - Was extremely pleased as I thought I had failed it on my U turn.
Went slightly left before turning, touching the line.
Got a minor for it, then another minor for going fast on the hazard avoidance.

But done.

Was not looking forward to the Mod2.

How fast did you go ? 

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10 hours ago, peatear said:

If I remember correctly about 37mph?

I went 38 in the emergency stop. Didn't get a minor but the instructor told me they have a standard warning they have to give if you go over 60 kph ( I think). Perhaps it's different for the avoidance as more risky if too fast.

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50 minutes ago, Spongefinger said:

I went 38 in the emergency stop. Didn't get a minor but the instructor told me they have a standard warning they have to give if you go over 60 kph ( I think). Perhaps it's different for the avoidance as more risky if too fast.

I was going around that speed for my emergency stop and nothing was said to me. I realized it was a bit too quick and dialed it down a bit too much for the avoidance and got a minor.


The government website only states minimum speed for the maneuvers .. Apart from the slow ride no one has ever mentioned a maximum speed to me.


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4 minutes ago, KiwiBob said:

I was going around that speed for my emergency stop and nothing was said to me. I realized it was a bit too quick and dialed it down a bit too much for the avoidance and got a minor.


The government website only states minimum speed for the maneuvers .. Apart from the slow ride no one has ever mentioned a maximum speed to me.


I did the exact same 48 kph on avoidance. Do a minor .

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3 hours ago, Spongefinger said:

I went 38 in the emergency stop. Didn't get a minor but the instructor told me they have a standard warning they have to give if you go over 60 kph ( I think). Perhaps it's different for the avoidance as more risky if too fast.

Just rechecking my email I got (with the result), and no mention of too fast as a minor. So I guess my memory fails me, and like you say I guess he just said a warning

for  the avoidance. Shows 52km/h for emergency stop, and 61km/h for avoidance/controlled stop. Minors were the u-turn and slow control.
I thought I could see more detail using my reference number on the site, I thought I had back when I passed in Oct. But for the life of me I can't find any where to do that. 😕

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  • 1 month later...

Took my Mod 1 at Gillingham this morning. Conditions was wet and lite rain. So I got started with the manual handling then onto the slalom and figure 8 (which I screwed up last time with a foot down on the second loop). All went well as the bike engine was still fairly cold so on high idle for most of it. Then onto the controlled, emergancy and avoidance stops, all went to plan with speeds for the emergancy being 51 and avoidance with 53. With that all finished I was asked to exit the test area and right up until I finished, turned the engine off and kick stand down I treated it like I was still being tested. So shoulder checks aand all the other stuff.


Now just waiting for the 8th July for the Mod 2.



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  • 1 month later...

Passed my mod 1 today in Uxbridge...have been on my 125 for a year and did 2 days training for mod 1 today and yesterday...tbh my figure of 8 were cack and I wasn't really that confident.


Got 2 minors 1 for my figure of 8 were as wide as hell and I missed last come but decided to take the minor rather than hit the cone and another for going slow round bend...anyway so glad it's over I hate hate hate figure of 8 and I hope I never have to do one again 


Not sure when mod 2 is as it's booked up but Uxbridge is so busy round there ! Must lose loads of test time waiting at temp lights 



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5 hours ago, Blackholesun said:

Passed my mod 1 today in Uxbridge...have been on my 125 for a year and did 2 days training for mod 1 today and yesterday...tbh my figure of 8 were cack and I wasn't really that confident.


Got 2 minors 1 for my figure of 8 were as wide as hell and I missed last come but decided to take the minor rather than hit the cone and another for going slow round bend...anyway so glad it's over I hate hate hate figure of 8 and I hope I never have to do one again 


Not sure when mod 2 is as it's booked up but Uxbridge is so busy round there ! Must lose loads of test time waiting at temp lights 



congrats on the pass….I found Uxbridge a great test centre- all the examiners were a decent laugh. 

with your Mod 2 at Uxbridge watch the traffic lights at the Post Office right at the beginning, loads of people have failed that as they change quickly and you either get stuck in the box junction or get caught in two minds to go through and end up in no mans land.



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On 06/08/2021 at 21:53, Silentbob83 said:

congrats on the pass….I found Uxbridge a great test centre- all the examiners were a decent laugh. 

with your Mod 2 at Uxbridge watch the traffic lights at the Post Office right at the beginning, loads of people have failed that as they change quickly and you either get stuck in the box junction or get caught in two minds to go through and end up in no mans land.




Congrats on getting mod 1 out if the way I hated that 🤣 I also got a minor for a "sloppy" figure 8. Who cares never got to do another one ever again 👌


I believe this is a video of an Uxbridge Mod 2 


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  • 4 months later...

Hey all, just passed MOD1 this morning at St.  Helens.

Second attempt - first time I put my foot down on the fig. 8. Did 2 hours of lessons yesterday just to get it dialled in, but was still nervous as hell.

At one point the (new) bike wouldn't go down into first. The examiner was good, "just let the clutch out a touch in second, then pull it back in,  that'll sort it".

Kept my head up,  arms loose,  clutch control good,  a little drag on the back brake for comfort. No minors.

It started snowing on the way home, but by then I was happy.


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