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Module 2 - members test experiences

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  • 2 weeks later...

Passed my Mod 2 today, over-the-moon. Moto Guzzi V9 Bobber waiting in the garage. Shame I'm working for 24 hours now but there's plenty of time to have some fun!

Basically I agreed I had totally failed immediately (as i did with the Mod 1) and then thought "Oh well enjoy the ride." It worked :)

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I had my MOD 2 today, was told to meet instructor at training school for 6.45am so I could get some training in before my 8.15 test. That didn't happen since he didn't have a set of keys so had to wait for someone to come open up.

Rode the short distance to Beverley and arrived at test centre.

Went through paperwork had same examiner as mod 1 which was good.

Did the tell me show questions where my mind went blank. He explained he'd be in a car and if we got separated just to carry on unless he told me to wait.

Rode out the test centre as I left the gate into the industrial estate I slowed for the first junction and hit a pothole knocking me off balance slightly so i had to put both feet down for a second. Then off I went.

Turned out of town and into a small village, asked to stop when safe.

Examiner told me I was now going to do 10 mins independent riding and to follow signs for the number bridge. Also gave me a heads up that the left turn up ahead was really sharp and to just go steady.

Off i went got to the junction onto the main road, and there it was. Rush hour traffic stuck behind a convoy of caravan transporters. I pulled out in a gap but the examiner didn't. I carried on following the signs as instructed, radio was silent I came to the convoy and was in 2 minds to sit behind it or go for the over take. I decided on the overtake. And I was gone, open road and no sign of examiner. I'm pretty sure I could have popped a wheelie and he wouldn't have noticed (I didn't).

A few miles later the radio crackles into life "take your next available left turn and find somewhere safe to stop, I'll come find you"

I turned off and waited, he caught up and i carried on. Went around the outskirts of town which was uneventful then back through the Westwood, which is basicly a huge field with a road through it where cows have free reign.

Pulled an emergency stop for a cow which decided to step back onto the road.

I looked down at the clock and thought it must be about time to finish.

We rode through town over a number of roundabouts and back to test centre.

Got in and examiner shook my hand and said I had an excellent ride and complimented me on my safe overtake of the lorries. (Good job I didn't pull the wheelie since I was still in sight).

Only fault I got was 1 minor right at start where I put both feet down.

Completely stress free and actually enjoyed it.

I felt more relaxed than I did on a lesson. Only advice i could give anyone really is enjoy it. They aren't looking for perfect they just want safe. Don't rush anything take your time. Remember 1 good life saver is better than 3 or 4 half arsed ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Passed Mod 2 with one minor, I was on a different bike than I had spent two days training on, the clutch was barely working and I made the choice to swap the bike out, I was confident but I messed up the first manover by stalling, I had not done it since I started training and was really annoyed with myself. I also forgot that I was leading during the independant riding and was waiting to be told where to go, luckily I don't think he noticed lol.

I was sure I failed for the stall but it turned out to be a minor and he was happy.

Let's Ride were brilliant throughout my training and could not speak highly enough of them

Now I just need to find an affordable 600cc I was looking at the Superbike factory as they do bikes on crappy credit!

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Passed Mod 2 with one minor, I was on a different bike than I had spent two days training on, the clutch was barely working and I made the choice to swap the bike out, I was confident but I messed up the first manover by stalling, I had not done it since I started training and was really annoyed with myself. I also forgot that I was leading during the independant riding and was waiting to be told where to go, luckily I don't think he noticed lol.

I was sure I failed for the stall but it turned out to be a minor and he was happy.

Let's Ride were brilliant throughout my training and could not speak highly enough of them

Now I just need to find an affordable 600cc I was looking at the Superbike factory as they do bikes on crappy credit!


Good stuff mate :thumb: .

Give the bike a proper check over there, they have lots of bikes come and go all the time. They don't check them properly and many get through with issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Failed my mod 2 today.

Thought I'd failed right at the start. I had to do a left turn down a narrrow road and as I pulled out i saw a car coming. I slowed down and moved into a space behind a parked car and then carried on.

I thought I failed again at a roundabout where I may have crossed the line a bit but this wasn't a fail either.

I got two minors for the above faults and then was on the home straight. I was on the road back to the test centre and I thought I was going at 20 but then the examiner told me to slow down and I was at 26. I failed in this in the last 30 seconds of the test!

I've rebooked it for a few weeks time but hugely frustrated to have to do it again.

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Bad luck, being told to slow down is always going to be a fail, pretty much anything they have to direct you with regards safety is going to be fail, next time never think you have failed and pay attention till the very end, I'm sure you will be fine.

The advice from my instructor was until the bike is parked up and turned off don't presume anything .

Good luck next time.

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oh it has that weird one now where you can drive through the middle doesn't it! tis a silly place


And I still think it's quite ridiculous.


But then there's this:


If I could do it all over again, I still would have picked the same location and same school. Excellent instructors and the school (Lightning) puts its students in a position where the mod 2 test is passable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

trulyy awful experience today when i failed MOD 2...

On the third consecutive normal stop pull away, had a car move from the opposite side of the road as i started moving, well start moving is anunderstatment he charged at me, so i stoppped...failed... the rest of the ride was totally clean no rider faults other than that.

Awful because on my test i did 6 normal stop pull aways, 3 straight, 2 angled and a hillstart....Feel that i was being setup to fail...couldnt work out why the examiner was so insistent on me repeating this exercise. Because i had done 3 consecutively within 500 yards on 2 adjacent roads....I'm told its normal....so thats that

No way to appeal this either.................................

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've now passed the mod 2 test so I'm adding my experience to the log, as per my CBT and mod 1 write up it may not be the best bit of writing in the world but hopefully someone finds it interesting.

I didn't find mod 2 very easy but I think this is down to my lack of experience, from me passing my mod 1 I had a month wait until I could have a crack at the mod 2, this was down to me having a busy diary rather than wanting to wait or the school not having availablity. I had booked a day's training then the test was the day after. I was told that I was going to have one to one instruction but when I got there, there was to be two of us which was fine.

The other bloke was quite frankly a muppet, turned up late and didn't have a clue what he was doing, I think he passed his mod 1 on the 5th attempt. Needless to say he took most of the instructor's attention when we got out on the bikes. Getting out on the bikes was a bit long-winded though. I'd asked when I'd booked the training to be on an MT07 as I couldn't get on with the honda's that they had, the other bloke wanted an MT07 too but they only had hondas available as the MT07s were out on test. So we had to wait for those out doing their mod 1 tests to come back, this took a couple of hours which was annoying but ultimately our choice as there was a couple of bikes there waiting but neither of us wanted to ride them.

Out on the road and I was doing ok, a few things to brush up on but no dramas, the instructor was confident of a pass even though we'd only had 3 hours out on the road.

Next day and off to the test, felt great on the way down but the nerves kicked in as soon as I got into the kit up room. Answered the show me tell me questions no bother out on the road and I was still feeling nervous but it was going ok. I had a bit of a wobble on the angled pull away but it went worse when I was on the independent ride, I missed a couple of shoulder checks and when I went round a roundabout I cut across a lane, I noticed what I was doing just as the white line was going under me. I got back to the test centre and he said I had failed, I agreed completely.

The school managed to get me a test after the 10 days had elapsed which was great, I had an hour or so ride before the test and all went well. Got to the test centre and into the waiting room to be told that the examiner is running late by an hour and a half. Seeing as I was the first test of the day it was quite annoying. I was given the option of waiting for the examiner but if he made it in time for the next test then I would have to ask the next candidate if they would mind if I had their spot, they would have to ask the next person etc, I didn't think this was fair and had other things booked for the rest of the day so I canceled the test. The school took care of the costs incurred and claimed them back from the examiners so at least it's not cost me any more, I viewed it as a couple of extra hours free tuition.

Fast forward another couple of weeks and it's time to try again. The school said if I come in early I can have a couple of hours warm-up which was great. My test was on Monday and it was absolutely pouring with rain, disappointing but I'd done quite a bit of my mod 1 training in the wet so I didn't worry about it. I had a couple of hours riding with another candidate (not a muppet luckily) the extra practice really helped and it really came together for me.

Back to the test centre and after my previous visits I wasn't feeling nervous at all. I got kitted up but the examiner was just wearing jeans, it turns out he was going to follow in a car, he said don't worry about him just do what I would do normally and he would keep with me but if we did get split up then he would ask me to pull over.

I'd forgotten about the show me tell me questions but answered them no issue and then we went out on the road, thankfully it had dried up by that point. We went on a lot of the roads that we had been on during the warm up, I did a lot better on the independent ride and generally felt a lot more relaxed. There was a couple of junctions where there was a gap for me so I went but the examiner couldn't make it so I had to wait for him. At one point he asked me to wait for him on double yellows, that went against all what I felt I should be doing but he'd told me so I did. There's a notorious roundabout near the test centre which is quite confusing, I got it right but I'd lost the examiner again so I don't think he knew what I did.

Even after all the stops and pull away whilst the examiner caught up with me he still made me do another 5 minutes before the end with him right behind me.

Back to the test centre and he stands by his car for what felt like ages and he's looking at his clipboard, he invites me into the building then takes the radio off me and then finally gives me the good news. I still picked up two minors, one for going wide turning left and another for cutting a corner. I didn't argue!

I then got to ride back to the school by myself whilst the instructor stayed with the other candidate that I was riding with earlier as his test was another hour away. Needless the ride back was fantastic!

The feeling of passing the test was great, I'm still buzzing now! Good luck to anyone who's going through the process of getting their license, don't get disheartened if it doesn't come together straight away, stick at it and you'll get there.

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I passed my Mod 2 yesterday! Third time lucky for me again (mod 1 took three go's too!).So glad its done now and I have the license. Just need to save for a bike now!

I had this test at a different place to my 1st and 2nd tests. My questions were about carrying pillions, checking the horn and showing how you would check the brake fluid.

The ride itself was ok,there wasn't anything I thought I should get a serious fault for. My mouth got really dry from being open for the first five minutes though. I was trying to do some slow meditative breathing through my mouth to calm my nerves.

It's strange, I've been driving a car for 10 years but as soon as I'm on my test I become super conscious about speed limits to the point I have a minor panic on every road I go on which doesn't have a speed limit on it. I had to remind myself that if I was in a car I'd be doing 30 without a second thought!

My DAS journey started in June and its taken a lot more time and money than I anticipated but so, so happy to have passed!

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Hi all so I passed both mods first time at Enfield. Was uneventful mod 1 with no minors but a lot of heavy breathing, felt like id run the 100 meters and I'm quite a fit guy. Mod 2 I was equally nervous before the test but had a really nice examiner called Keith who I joked with when putting my helmet over my head with the radio falling off as my ears are big I said my ears are like satellites and he laughed and said it normally helps if your ears are big for it to stay on. If you can find a way to joke I find it puts you at ease and shows your not a serious stuck up bugger and treat them like a human.

So went out to the bike got the oil level horn and pillion effects on the bike questions done fine. Onto the road was going fine until we got to a narrow industrial estate road jammed up with traffic from a dustcart going very slow emptying bins about 100 feet ahead. After about 4-5 minutes we get 2 cars from the dustcart and he says "if we can squeeze through that gap, it would get us out of this quicker". So I go to squeeze between the dustcart and an oncoming car when another van comes and makes the gap tighter I stop between the now moving dustcart and the now tiny gap and am thinking f**k I've failed, this is a terrible spot to be in. Waited for the gap to open up again and went through. This stage was also meant to be my independent ride as he oddly said instead of following road signs to somewhere gave me a long list "take the 3rd exit right and then 2nd right then 3rd left" (I think because it was a short urban backroad route with no big road signs) this was all too much to remember and I went wrong and he said do a U turn in the neck of the next left turn and come back on ourselves which I did fine.

The final and worst part of the test I was coming upto a roundabout called 6 flags from enfield towards chingford and I stupidly assumed it was 40 for some idiotic reason, accelerated hard to the car in front and all of a sudden a bus 200 foot ahead let out an immense cloud of grey smoke (turbo probably went) which made me slow dramatically. Got back to the test centre and the magic words "you passed but only just" he said he was looking down at his speeedo thinking if the needle moves one more mm its game over as I was doing 34 at the point the bus let out the smoke. If that bus turbo hadn't of let go I would have failed for sure so the gods were on my side. He said the rest of the ride was perfect so only got one minor for speed. So happy its over and good luck to anyone reading going to take it.

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Passed my mod2 on Thursday - all in all a good experience!

Two minors:

1 - going down a steep winding hill I was going too close to the apex of the corners (he said object fixation related)

2 - queuing in traffic waiting to go left at a T-junction I left too big a gap on my left (I think I do this as a habit from cycling - sit quite far out in traffic to stop cars pulling up next to you then left-hooking you when you get moving), I understand why he marked me down on it though.

Quite happy with that.

Did one mistake (though not a fault) on the "follow signs to x" bit where I was going down a duel carriageway, started to over take a lorry, went round a corner & the junction for x came up - decided to just mess up the navigation & stay in the fast lane missing the turning - he seemed fine with it, though once we missed that junction there were road works causing very slow traffic so we were stuck crawling along in 1st for 5 minutes which was a bit annoying!

The test center is quite a way away from both where my lesson were & where I live so I didn't know any of the roads we were riding on, the Farnborough council certainly have some interesting ideas on roundabouts & road layouts I'll give them that!

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oh it has that weird one now where you can drive through the middle doesn't it! tis a silly place

Where in Oxford is that godforsaken thing?

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oh it has that weird one now where you can drive through the middle doesn't it! tis a silly place

Where in Oxford is that godforsaken thing?


Near Headington is where I was thinking


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