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Mr Fro

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Everything posted by Mr Fro

  1. Very true although I could do with a bigger one - in soogy weather mine gets filled up in a day.
  2. More like a dog shit sandwich! Anyway, all done now with the dehumidifier on max and hoping for no rain for the next few days.
  3. Today it's me: My garage got flooded in the mega rain so I spent an hour or so moving stuff around and mopping the water up with one of those squeegee things on a stick. After several bucket loads I remembered that I have a wet Vax. On the plus side, I've had a bit of a clear out and the floor is nice and clean!
  4. Biblical rain yesterday and the garage got badly flooded. See NOTD thread.
  5. I'd like to see those things guaranteed before I commit.
  6. If you put a penny in a jar every time you have sex with your wife in the first year or marriage and then take a penny out every time you have sex with her in the second year, what do you have? A jar full of pennies.
  7. I think I may have said this before but we had a teacher in secondary school who was in his fifties and a very "colourful" character. One day he stopped coming in to school and the following morning we had a whole school assembly in which the headmaster got up and told us that he definitely was not a paedophile and none of us were to talk of him again.
  8. I remember being picked up by my ears by a teacher for not sitting up straight when I was 6 or 7. I didn't know what sitting up straight was!
  9. You should take more notice of what Jimmy Savile said about the green cross code mate.
  10. Quite frankly, I struggled to understand your post due to poor grammar.
  11. Nice write up @linuxrob. Couple of questions though. The diagram shows trailing wires back to battery -ve. Can you not ground on the frame? Also, could the start-aid-light-off-switch be replaced with a NC relay?
  12. Ahem... I had an unplanned dismount during a test ride - just a minor one mind you. I paid for the parts and that was job done. It was Dave Fox in Ramsgate (Kwak dealer) and I bought from them anyway.
  13. I nominate @raesewell for the unhelpful and pointless spelling and grammar corrections and general pedantry.
  14. Played musical bikes around the garage to give me enough space to finally get the mill off it's pallet. Then I put them back again.
  15. Pulled pork for lunch with Jamaican ginger cake slathered in custard for pudding. I might swap out the ginger cake for Bajan rum cake if I can be arsed to make it (doubtful).
  16. From what I've seen elsewhere, he wasn't the one looking to be a little flower.
  17. I think the reason blokes get possessive and pissed off when their offspring start dating is that they know the kid is getting it more than they are.
  18. I used to work with a guy called Chris Peacock. His sister lived in the house next to mine and she was very nice.
  19. Yep, all fine and dandy this morning.
  20. I moved them around the garage so I can finally have a go at getting my mill off it's pallet.
  21. I'm glad it's not just us then! Good lad!
  22. Anyone having issues with Prime Video today? Just tried watching something and I'm getting error code 6085...
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