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Everything posted by onesea

  1. I like your post having read the first line not the rest of the post... So please about the first line saddened by the end of message...
  2. Yup I should of done that when the seals where changed last year :/ Hopefully this year strip down change bushes and seals 3000 grit wetand dry maybe a bit of plastic metal type filler might save me getting new fork stanchions...
  3. Well can you explain to the OP the reason for booting them out and blocking them? If a group did that to me I would think similar and would think twice about joining even if invited. Saundersr2810 start your own group! I did that now have 500 members. You could call it keeping away from the Coast
  4. If your on Facebook these guys are your friends... I have same job ahead of me. m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=140049276016772&ref=content_filter The wealth of knowledge is impressive in that group.
  5. Agree 7 to about 18 or 20 units very fresh from tree... There is a big difference fresh are much nicer.
  6. You can find Mongrels sorry CockerPoo's (pure bread of course) for E1.3k-£1.5k without much effort... These guys were brilliant with us... https://www.facebook.com/groups/phoenixrehoming/ https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/users/phoenixrehoming Lab rescue can be a bit stuck up themselves a mate who has elderly Lab rescue was looking to rescue another they said he was no longer suitable
  7. Just tell me you turn up on your bike at the local bike meet or even better MC with them like that, My faith in human nature will be restored. Mine is becoming an increasing terror, lovable but.. Growing His farts not only stink but are directional, we can sit opposite ends of settee and one will smell it the other not.... He has randomly jumped off the dinghy when we took him sailing... The sheepskin rug In front of fire has had to go, this is IKEA cheap one for him... He can jump vertical take off about 3 foot, misses boobs his favourite target.. Let's just say he makes a very good contraceptive... We are allowed to kiss briefly and cuddle gently any more and the nutter is released... Oh and wash his bed leave it to dry and he will bring it back to where he wants it. Usual puppy fun...
  8. Al Following from another post are you looking to join a RC, MCC or become available real 1%'er in a MC I would check who's territory your in our you might have to ask permission to leave your own home
  9. I was taught to use back brake but when it came to test I was also cautioned, locked back wheel equals fail... Pulling an endo after hazard avoidance does not though, it does get you rollicking from examiner and raised eye from instructor who was not watching... I now regularly lock back brake on tdm accidently, it bites faster than the trophy. Apparently some of my skids look impressive to.
  10. My kind of roads people with clean bikes dont ride with me yet some still come back for more . I get bored on main A roads and traffic so know how to get to most places by minor roads nearly as quick as main roads much more fun, well it keeps the adrenaline running anyway.
  11. Chat with Cardo again they are very helpful, if its bluetooth there packtalk might be able to deal with it.... I kind of think given the right set it could be the way forward ok coms might not be private but better range than sena cardo etc given a good set up you could have CB type chat for bikes...
  12. An the control lever/ switch and the wires in the middle and the timing thingy and the fuse, they all need to work. It would be so much easier if it could only mean the bulb!
  13. He's 4 months but hoping the beagle in him is dominant big paws and big ears or he will never get on the bike...
  14. Well I am in trouble now.. He came from a rescue and I am not certain how to fit him on the bike Some Beagle some pointer and some others as well we think.... He's a Mongrel
  15. Poodles sorry dogs are like there owners and I cannot think of a poodle owner I am particularly fond of. Living in the New Forest a dog catching my tea is likely to get me fed what ever they feed folk in jail... You have not seen the effort they go to to preserve every one of god creatures, if they could get the elderly animals life support machines I am sure the locals would fund it..
  16. I have packtalk, unlike snea they are waterproof. LIst what you want? Dual audio streaming? Radio? Coms? SatNav connection? Ability to use Siri OK Google etc Packtalk has DMC which allows connection in any order A B C D / D A B C its only the range between riders that matters not range between the individuals.
  17. onesea


    Urm Last week 2 days biking in Wales and sailing this week sailing and camping end of month sailing or/ and motorbike destination depending on weather.. More later in the year....
  18. Terroirs are high in the list. Rottys would be in the list my missus loves them and lived with a friend. It used to tell her off if she has not been there often enough when she moved out. Sadly they do not fall in the can be picked up by one..
  19. If you can make that a Spanish Water Dog we would be delighted..
  20. Unless young (I am not going to define that) children are involved.... "Because of their thin coats, Greyhounds can get the shivers. If you live in a cold climate, buy a warm coat for your dog to wear in snow or rain. A Greyhound should never be allowed to run off leash except in a securely fenced area. Greyhounds have a strong prey drive and will take off after a rabbit or squirrel before you even see it." Read more at http://dogtime.com/dog-breeds/greyhound#WYiMF3l5o4Y4R4cG.99 I am not certain with the freedom of the New Forest is the best place for them, we are also not scared of the cold. markhibberd5 Working cockers are a great choice of dog I had a pair of them, I had them trained up for shooting... Now at different stage of life living with someone else, any cocker would only be compared to my those taken away from me by a divorce. We did look at a rescue cocker x red setter but sadly it had gone before we could see it. Rescue Staffy's are easy to find but swimming ability is limited. Just doing a search for rescue saw one that I thought would work and frankly a puppy farm is really starting look attractive! I can find a puppy dog with less baggage for the £200 they are asking for a rescue.... And probably get a 10K loan for a an expensive "designer doggy" with less paper work. This is similar for every dog you apply for on there forms so you can even make "Doggy CV" I can understand why the irresponsible/ impatient go for other options... See form that follows... Adoption Enquiry ADOPTION PROCESS - If homecheck is a pass and the humans and the dog get along. 1) Enquiry Stage 2) Meet and Greet 3) Homecheck 4) Adoption 5) Posthomecheck ( approx 3 months after the dog is adopted) Have you applied to any other rescue than us in the last 6 months? If yes to which rescue? ( please note we consider all applications on an individual basis, even if you have been turned down by another rescue please let us know) Thank you for contacting xxxxx Please complete the form below. By taking a little time in the initial stages to answer these questions as accurately as possible, this enables us and yourself to make a more informed choice/decision upon which dog/cat is best suited for your family and you for them. This inturn will mean a Happy Ever After, truly will be just that .... Thank you Has anyone from xxx explained the full adoption procedure and what is required in the process? Type of pet you are interested in adopting Was there a dog/cat you was interested in? If so please tell us there name Size of dog you believe would suit your family Age of dog you think would suit your family Gender of dog you think would suit your family Castrated/Sterilised or not? Length of Fur Energy Level Kid Friendly? Dog Friendly? Cat/Small Animal friendly? Would you consider a wonky dog? These are dogs with disabilities of varying kinds. 3 legs, 1 ear, blind etc Level of training you would prefer the dog to already have? ABOUT YOU In reference to the Age/Mobility/Fitness/Occupation questions. Please be totally honest when answering these, you do not have to answer these questions but would help us and you too if you did. There are no trick questions within this form, we do not and never have discriminated against Age, mobility or income. You are as individual as the dog/cat you are hoping to adopt, these questions are purely to assertain whether the dog/cat you are interested in/we recommend is as right for you as you should be for him/her. Name First Name Last Name Address Street Address Street Address Line 2 City County/Region Postal Code Country Home Telephone / Landline number Mobile Tel Number E-mail ex: [email protected] Facebook Profile Link (This allows us to connect you with the team or foster of the dog you are interested in quickly and easily) Please copy and paste your Facebook profile url here Occupation Your age Your mobility Fitness Level Where you live Type of property you live in Owned or Rented? If rented do you require landlords permission to have pets? How many people live in your home? Are there children who live in your home or visit regulary? if so please tell us how many and there ages YOUR LEVEL OF PET OWNERSHIP AND EXPERIENCE Please answer these questions as accurately as possible. Please note that we do not discriminate and in fact welcome experienced and new pet owners alike. These questions purely are to enable us to know whether more advice and support is required by us to give you, especially during the first months of adoption. Please list all resident/past pets owned in the last 5 years and there current status Please enter your Veterinarians contact details below Please confirm below if you give us permission to contact them Please tell us below how many hours per day a pet would be left alone unsupervised in your home What reason/s if any would you give a pet up to be rehomed or euthanised? Are you aware it can take anything from 2 weeks up to 1 year for a new pet to settle in a home? Are you willing to allow a new pet time to settle and work through any problems/anxieties they may have? Are you aware of what the terms food/territory aggression or resource guarding mean? Are you For/Experienced in or against Crate training? Are you aware that some breeds require more vet care than others and are willing to provide the vet care/costs that is needed in the future? Please tell us below how you intend to ensure your pet is covered for any medical/treatments/vaccinations in the future Please tell us below how you would introduce your new pet to your home/resident pet/family/friends If any problems/anxieties arose would you? Please tell us below what you do or intend to do with your pets/pet when/if you go on holiday etc Please sign and date below. This confirms the information you have given within this application is as accurate and true to the best of your knowledge as possible and you understand that if any information is found to have been deliberately misleading then XXXX have the right sieze the animal you may adopt without any form of refund of adoption costs. Signature Date of signing
  21. My misses and I are looking for a fairly young dog (not bitch) up to 15-20kg water friendly we sail, not to shedding as we misses has mild allergy. Both of us have lived around dogs as pets etc, I have had my own dogs in the past (X-wife took them). Problem is we both work, I work shifts she works 9-5 most days. The dog would be left on its "own" most weeks for : 1 day a week 9 hours, 3 days a week 5 hours, 3 days not at all, We have 1 neighbour who will pop in loves and knows dogs but cannot look after, also handy with training them as well. We are happy to have rescue but we are not good enough for rescue centers. Not home enough, sailing the dog might get wet, I have not even mentioned the idea of it going in a Tank Bag! Every rescue center the same 5-10 e-mails explaining how we are not the owners they want, we give them good reasons we are then no reply... Some of the emails get quite condescending. The way some of them are run it looks like a business to me. Call about a puppy NEVER a problem no home visits, no questions about work etc etc. I am against is spending £1??? for a "pedigree" dog normally with the name "Poo" in it, I am not interested its an over priced mongrel. Plus if dogs are like their owners I have yet to meet a Poodle owner that I have thought much off, kind of puts me off! Seems best advice I have had is wait a whilst watch "gumtree" "Preloved" and "pets4homes" watch for the private person who is desperate to get rid... Problem is you have to act fast they go quick...
  22. Thanks for all the replies and adviceWales it was... 2 days, and a gentle 600 mile bimble with not one drop of rain. The company was not bad either.... PS not a single tag done it was to nice...
  23. Nice quite (LOL) roads not motorways.... Scenery is good tourist traps not so much. Thinking off getting out of ruts, very easy to revisit cause its easy. North Wales I know Brecons not so known to me. Mid-wales I have never tried. Presently thinking of long ish loop Brecons Black mountain Pass Porthmadog Hell fire pass heading south a bit camping with pub, heading home Wednesday I have to be back by 15.00 Get it right I could do all the south wales Tags as well but not so important as good scenery/ roads.... Not scared of more than 6 hours in saddle just 6 hours in saddle (have done 10) its just a good target for relaxed day....
  24. I think my first post on this forum said if it's not in the right section please move it.... I have not improved. Lincolnshire maybe but roads to Bicester are well traveled, seems I get around Yorkshire is 6 hours riding to get there avoiding motorways so maybe a bit ambitious ..
  25. So here I am with 2 days next week (Monday/Tuesday or Tuesday/ Wednesday not certain which yet ) a night pass and a touring bike. Based near Southampton and have tent will travel, others welcome to join me of course but happy enough on my own. I am familiar with the roads up the england wales boarder and down to cornwall so was thinking where else can I go. Reconing on 6 hours on the road so that means most of the UK South of Manchester avoiding motorways of course... Thinking final destination will be a pub with camping... All suggestions welcomed...
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