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Everything posted by onesea

  1. Instead of buying an expensive jacket you could buy some double cuff gloves.... In the rain I could never get over or ender to keep my hands dry double cuff gloves do both. This sort of arrangement. "> I bought a similar RIkka set a mate has bearing set they are brilliant but.... an absolute PITA to put on for short rides. Longer rides I cannot fault them...
  2. Nah its a flip top that no longer flips semes the mechanism melted Did you take out the helmet and leathers insurance cover with your bike policy??... Not even going there, think I may have finally had my last claim srettled at none fault (I was stationary he had pulled out of side road and was blocking my side of road). Only by refusing to pay next years insurance did they think about settling (only took 8 months)....
  3. Nah its a flip top that no longer flips semes the mechanism melted
  4. No one would do that on purpose, but I am not going to name the person to save my embarrassment....
  5. That will be me then for cooking my helmet, really don't ask.... PS Never put your helmet on a cooker even if it is off and cold...
  6. I was hoping some one on here would say actually using a raspberry... Having done a little homework on this... Bluetooth can have longer range than 10m as I have paired Bluetooth headsets across bikes and got up to about 500m (line of sight) although household stuff does not make that range? I have thought about phones and tablets the problem is they can only pair with one bluetooth device at a time Scalapack talk can manage 2. They say 4 but I think they sort of share? The idea of using your phones wifi and a conferencing system sounds good because they you could use wired or bluetooth to your chosen earpiece/ headset and use the phone to transmit the Wifi.... I seemless connection possible? and bridging (connect 4 phones and signal can jump to and from strongest rather than having to be close to the hub?) ? Processing power should be there on most handsets.... I do like the idea of screen sharing your phone to the device so you can use your phone as a satnav at same time.....
  7. Now I have been pondering bike coms and how bloody expensive they are for what you get. Connecting easily particularly across brands is no goer. My thoughts for coms... A Box on the bike that: 1) Can connect to multiple (8 +) local bluetooth devices be it phone, satnav, headset (of any kind), laptop tablet etc similtaniously. 2) Has small touch Screen, 3) Waterproof, 4) Ideally with a combination of Cell phone, Wifi, Communication Radio functions, CB and other civilian UHF/VHF Types. Now for the software side: This should be able to link any of the bluetooth devices for coms in any combination with multiple audio streaming... With the software to cross connect against brands Senna, Cardo, AutoComs etc So this device could take music from your phone and stream it to you and your riding buddies whilst allowing coms, using any headset you choose on your helmet. Using No 4 you could then connect to some of the older sets that require VHF/UHF radios and use CD Radio to connect with riding buddies with similar set ups over greater distance. If designed correctly you could pull in all the coms to others connected. Basically its a super connected tablet/ phone. Then in todays world it might be cheaper finding a conference call facility with auto reconnect and use everyones free minutes from their mobiles!
  8. I am looking at similar, I have had Oxford and they are good and hot. When I bought my Trophy I fitted these as the control is on the grip which suited the bike. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ryde-Variable-Temperature-Heated-Motorcycle/dp/B00CJD1PRI/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 They never got as warm as the Oxfords but my hands never really got cold. I think with the oxfords they got to hot and your hands sweated and then cooled. Sadly having mailed Ryde the response is "This item is currently out of stock and I cannot see any on order, however this may change." But these look similar and I am thinking of trying on my TDM as I was so impressed with the Ryde ones I they look Identical. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Motorcycle-Heated-Grips-For-Motorbike-Bike-Handlebar-Hot-Warm-Hands-PK/331859959356?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D46150%26meid%3D30e488feefe24ec6af32b37f20d498bc%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D232461713037&_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850
  9. Then he would not need for him to hold the Backy, somewhere in life I learned to steer quite efficiently with me knees. A useful skill on occasion.
  10. Don't worry about making que3s down here with a caravan, the pushbikes travel slower than you... Remember towing speed limits, keep heavy stuff low and over wheels, increase your braking distance, remember the caravan will cut the corner every time. To check your satnav is set to lorry or similar, if not going into bath in rush hour with large caravan becomes an entertaining prospect As for the New Forest: https://sammymiller.co.uk/ https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/ If you get one of these for £20 a head or £10 for juniors, it gets you free admision into the above and afew others round the country. One visit to Bealli it pays for itself http://www.bmct.org/
  11. A group of us round here use Scala PackTalk they work quite well the DMC bridge works well if there are several bikes. I do think there is a market for something allot better than whats available...
  12. No location so cannot help with shops... I would buy a Sharp 4-5 star rated £100 helmet & some cheap but good protection clothing, jacket trousers, gloves & boots. Then start watching EBay facebook and other places for second hand. It takes a while to work out what you like and don't like in clothing you wont get it right first time...
  13. Depends who's reading the Highway code.... I am presently in the middle of a claim where I was following a van that signalled left and pulled into side road, whilst flashing van out of same side road. I end up faced with side of van stopped on my side of road as the van I am following pulls into side road. I stop before the fan (a meter or so I guess), van continues to pull out with FULL LOCK on clips my front wheel and takes the bike down. Last I heard from the insurance company it was going to be a 50/50 settlement (I have sent cam footage). Insurance companies make up there own rules, who will win in this case? Probably the one with "premium" insurance...
  14. Some choices: 1) Sat Nav & Bluetooth headset I would say £200+ 2) Earpiece plugged into phone & phone in pocket (using phone as satnav no screen saves ALLOT of battery life gives a few hours navigation) £ Free 3) Phone mount with charging and no headset and no music, £10+ 4) Phone mount with charging and bluetooth headset, £30+ I would avoid phone in tank bag as I found it was to far to look down and could be distracting. better placed near your dials/ eye line. Phone mounts: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360-Universal-X-Grip-Motorbike-Dashboard-Handlebar-Holder-Mount-For-GPS-Phone-/182551504162?hash=item2a80eae522:g:2DgAAOSww9xZBCiz http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/X-Grip-Universal-Motorcycle-Motorbike-MTB-Cell-Phone-Mount-Holder-Black-/231982125616?hash=item3603365230:g:LloAAOSwnNBXY8~j Headsets: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=scala+packtalk&oq=scala+pak&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.3406j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=scala+packtalk&tbm=shop&spd=5891744729320599433 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/800M-BT-Bluetooth-Motorcycle-Helmet-Interphone-Intercom-Moto-Bike-GPS-Headset-UK-/222257028969?hash=item33bf8d1f69:g:GkUAAOSwMgdXzJ7K Or watch out for Lidl special at £20 Sat Nav Apps: From free to a bit more expensive. https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=59748
  15. Applied brakes can easily be "fixed" cut the brake hoses. or open a bleed screw. If they can whiz off chains and disc locks deactivating brakes should not be to hard... Now if you could deactivate your own brakes that might be more effective, slowly darwinism might get to work..
  16. I am going to nominate the bike (Africa twin type thing) who decided to overtake a car and bike just here, speed limit 40mph traffic was travelling well https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.8117284,-1.5717036,3a,75y,18.99h,62.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srS9b4P3UoHGWQ-VmDAMP7A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Tip for you mate, no one cam round the corner today but one day you wont be lucky... Your high viz (it did look new and spangly, creases gave it away) is not body armour. Its just Yellow and ugly it does let you be see. One day a car will come the other way and you just have to trust that in the couple of seconds available before impact you and oncoming car make the right decisions (or get lucky is more likely)....
  17. I have a set of these as summer gloves I cannot fault them... Can be hard to get hard of and normally I am XL or bigger in these I am Medium but cracking gloves.... https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=arma+moto+shl225&oq=arma+moto+shl225&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.3162j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=arma+moto+shl225&tbm=shop Winter gloves I would go with Gortex, without doubt, These look like good value for money.... https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/4879426004801694764?q=winter+motorcycle+gloves+gore+tex&biw=1366&bih=648&bav=on.2,or.&tch=1&ech=1&psi=NUcnWZLoGOzCgAaH5L7gDA.1495746383663.7&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1oKO9-YvUAhUpIMAKHSheBAUQ8wIItgIwAA I always carry both as if it rains in the summer warm hands go a long way to keeping you warm....
  18. Similar story here but for me it was damp morning and gritted road, I went into bit the sun had not dried and braked to hard...
  19. I am going to throw one in... Fair weather commuters, for the last 9 weeks I have been commuting an hour or 2 each way mainly by bike... Other bikes around never much of an issue some you nod at daily each way, others some I creep passed some creep passed me gently. Only one hoones it passed at speeds I am not prepared to play one or 2 I have enjoyed a little play until we reach traffic, all done with some degree of safety... Until this week Tuesday on bike going up motorway, me mainly following flow of traffic unless traffic slowed to 60 or less then obvious gaps I would make gentle progress. Two bikes filter passed maybe doing 80-85... Weaving on through, I stopped filtering the cars where not being so helpful in the other bikes wake The last 2 days for various reasons I have been in the car... A few bikes the same sort of thing on Motorway, on the way home I tend to take the A roads. 3 times tonight twice the day before... Look that bikes going for the overtake that ain't going to work not even a wave of thanks or acknowledgment for making space Now if I wasn't a motorcyclist....
  20. Tomtom app on phone... Use Mydrive to create the route (it does round trip as well).... Sends it too phone, follow route. Seem to route intelligently. https://mydrive.tomtom.com/en_gb/#mode=routes+viewport=51.15867,-0.15931,9+routes=%7B%22roundTrip%22:true,%22departure%22:true,%22traffic%22:true,%22hilliness%22:%22LOW%22,%22windingness%22:%22NORMAL%22,%22routeType%22:%22THRILLING%22,%22travelMode%22:%22CAR%22,%22points%22:%5B%22hw~51.50015,-0.12618%22,%22hw~50.81951,-0.13643%22%5D%7D+ver=2 On your phone you can choose windiest route or fastest on line you can have windy and hilly or not so windy etc.... You can also add intermediate waypoints etc etc I am now at stage I trust it to give a good round trip route all I have to do is decided how long I want to take to do it form fastest to oh twice as long but twisty :D https://mydrive.tomtom.com/en_gb/ I have had some cracking rides from it, am often even late home with big smile so would recommend...
  21. onesea

    Lock, no key

    Warning a seriously unhelpful post following... Reading your post I would be concerned your going to be buying a stolen bike or are out to steal a bike Please don't take my comments personally.... Just the way I read your first post..
  22. Funny thing when I moved south I had to learn to look which pump I was at. Up North they tend to look and remember you if they have to ask they are apologetic. On the bike they some times ask if there are 2 of you. Down in the south in SOME stations you can be the only one in the station and you still have to tell them which pump your at. Then if you reply with "the bike" they have to look up at you to check why you sounded so sarcastic, then still expect you to say which pump. Then it can vary considerably, Picket post both garages Shell A31 West bound, friendly and normally know which pump and wish safe ride (often after asking where your going). East bound a very different service...
  23. I can understand how you did it, some shell stations you have to be careful at the Green can be more deceptive than you think... http://l7.alamy.com/zooms/e92b429d692d448492752f2a1467f08b/petrol-pumps-in-a-shell-petrol-station-dtdbk3.jpg I know your not the first and you will not be the last.... Although I have not done it to a BIKE yet
  24. Dorset Advanced Motorcycle Training I did some training with them and know afew who have gone all the way with them. The only reason I did not was I was on a real time scale and could not do there test days. http://www.dorsetadvanced.co.uk/ If your in Bournemouth/ Poole join here and ask: https://www.facebook.com/groups/446993572004093/
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