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Everything posted by onesea

  1. If your going to struggle to reach 60, your choice of routes is large. From my experience of doing longer journeys on smaller roads the biggest issue with using smaller roads will not be speed as much as navigation. As an alternative to google this can make a good route planner. One word of cautious, its not scared of town centers. Which I have grown to like often it takes takes a couple of minutes longer to wonder through a town center and something ads to the ride. Always worth consulting for different ideas. https://mydrive.tomtom.com/en_gb/#mode=routes+viewport=53.66905,-4.12774,6.09,0,-0+routes=%7B%22departure%22:true,%22traffic%22:true,%22routeType%22:%22THRILLING%22,%22travelMode%22:%22MOTORCYCLE%22,%22hilliness%22:%22HIGH%22,%22windingness%22:%22NORMAL%22,%22points%22:%5B%22hw~52.40631,-1.50852~A~Coventry%20ENG,%20GBR%22,%22hw~54.89506,-2.93355~A~Carlisle%20ENG,%20GBR%22%5D,%22avoidCriteria%22:%5B%22FERRIES%22,%22UNPAVED_ROADS%22,%22ALREADY_USED_ROADS%22%5D%7D+ver=3
  2. To me its a bit like undertaking, tuning your radio or eating drinking refreshments whilst driving. Done sensibly none of these things are an issue.... Its the attitude to the copper and other road users thats as much the issue... Rule 66 You should never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends Rule 67 You should be aware of traffic coming up behind you Rule 68 You MUST NOT ride in a dangerous, careless or inconsiderate manner
  3. To me its a bit like undertaking, tuning your radio or eating drinking refreshments whilst driving. Done sensibly none of these things are an issue.... Rule 66 You should never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends Rule 67 You should be aware of traffic coming up behind you Rule 68 You MUST NOT ride in a dangerous, careless or inconsiderate manner
  4. We all must know people who ride motorbikes that in terms of the biker family you like to consider more distant relations. The ones you would only ride with at a wedding or funeral ride... Occasionally you have to buy them presents what would you choose? Suggestions welcome in the name of fun of course!
  5. Looking forward to next years tags, this year was not the greatest for me ended up passing Tags without the time or inclination to do them. Let hope for a better 2018. As for tags for next year, a little map I maintain they are not all biker stops and the Map does get modified just a nice places.. RED not visited by me, by me but recommended too me. GREEN good. Bunks accommodation, motorbikes roads, mountains passes and so it goes on. Amber ok or issues. Grey there are issues. Storm clouds, Radioactive symbols, black dots, places I might avoid. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1MrV3qAatZ8j5whwtkmFrASENce8&ll=52.13578339417017%2C-2.724212898437486&z=7 Or there is Ice Cream https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1WVfAwSTeg_7SIwVP_h7SR3zXoPI&ll=53.438650560238116%2C2.5956145499999366&z=6
  6. Don't push your long ride, your confidence may well have dwindled, thats normal dont push yourself to hard... Many people take some time to get over these things, I would suggest riding the road where you had your off... I know I still consider mine every time I pass that spot.
  7. Then you wonder why they are like they are when they treat each other like this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=126&v=LNL6DIsaf54
  8. I have not done it by bike, have done by car. Passport Insurance vehicle and personal, Recovery & Breakdown, Possible Destinations and route's, Check for events world cup/ Olympics F1 school holidays etc to either avoid or accept costs and book in advance, Estimate costs double them, Keep vehicle maintained have a few rides on it after any servicing/repairs. I have a few routes in mind, it depends to me where weather will be good and other factors. I don't plan on holidays in school holidays busy periods so have more choice in accommodation. I try not to get choosy over accommodation so options are open on type. If you are determined to stay in one hotel it can be restricting. My roughly planned tips how far can I ride in a day. Is there fuel accommodation in the right place. The times Frances was on the cards by bike I have changed to uk because of French fuel strikes. We where going to try France this weekend, some friends went. We took the car to Cornwall instead. They said they where cold and wet and they needed heated gear but it was nice. For £30 each for 2 nights we swam in a pool, sat in hot tub and Steam room looking at the rain, frost and hail at various times. Yesterday coming through Exmoor with the roof down and no traffic was a good run home glad we where not on bike the roads where muddy and hedge cutting was every where. We have now planned tips to Norfolk and Lancashire to add to the ones to France Switzerland Holland when? and how? depends on weather and or mood on the day. To me some get very excited about details I go with the flow.
  9. That reminds me, I need a haircut. It was my mums car, I inherited it what's even more shameful is the exhausts she had fitted are louder than my bikes Great fun to drive though
  10. I have moderated my dislike of Cyclists, predominantly to those wearing lycra. School children, students, mums with toddlers, people doing short commutes to work, kids out to see friends, old people out and about shopping, even drunks coming home from the pub these are all legitimate and good uses for a cycle on the road. Yes they might increase my journey time whilst I find a suitable place to overtake. Generally they are going slower which means they are often easier to overtake they often assist where they can. Infact many of these I would rather see on a pushbike than in a car. Cyclists in Lycra on the other hand, well even if commuting they have a different mind set... Now in the meantime that gives me an idea, as the Lycra louts go out for the day. That means there Mrs are at home alone.....
  11. 25 years ago I used to work up there and peak time the need to book in advance existed even back then. We did it one April in the Landy before it became known as the NC500, just out for Jolly visiting old friends. Personally I would plan it the same way we did, in April or May one year in the next 5 years. Then have alternative holidays planned in Europe for the same time, one year you will probably get lucky and the weather be good to go north without Midges or tooo many tourists. The other years there's Europe...
  12. Apparently Milton Keynes is the Capital of them in the UK...
  13. Bah I would say your being harsh on yourself, a run in the car today. I would give it to the Range Rover I met whilst on the exit to of a bend, head on, national speed limit road full breaking from 60 as he forced his way back into the line of traffic. Thank f**k he did, he not slow down I was probably down to 30 meeting a range rover head on combined speed of 90mph in a MG TF would not be good for you... Then it could be the Black Audi that overtook on a blind bend/ summit another national speed limit road I was not dawdling but did not know the road maybe doing 55-60 mph, he was going considerably faster...
  14. As above I learned in October through to December had a 125 till I passed.... How ever you choose just get on with it...
  15. onesea

    Please help. =(

    Now I maybe wrong here but.... Fuel goes in tank and comes out exhaust burned it should have no real contact with oil. Water goes round the cooling system and should have no contact with oil or water, Oil goes in to the sump for lubrication, of moving mechanical parts it should have next to no contact with the firing mechanism. Sticking float switch could lead to petrol running into cylinder then to crankcase when engine is stopped? Is fuel level going down in tank overnight??? It would be hard to measure. Oil in water could be from jet wash or cooling system (check coolant level), So if bike is running rough there is most likely a problem with air, fuel, ignition or carbs. My basic checks would be: 1) Drain some petrol out of bottom of carb. 2) Check fuel filter (if fitted), 3) Check fuel coming out of tank is clean (can you disconnect from carb and check what runs out and how quick also good check on fuel filter), 4) Check for Spark and ignition, change plug?? 5) check oil filter is not clogged,
  16. I have an SJ500 and a waterproof case designed for charging with clamp mount whole set up cost me about £45 pounds. Cannot fault it its saved me once on insurance already Although I have to say I am not very good at riding with it on the bike its only about 10% of time so idiot van driver does not realise how luckily unlucky I was
  17. Is there a big ish bike event near you soon? Brighton Burnout? Brightona? Go to your local bike shops find out what size you "normally" (if such thing exists in bike gear) are... Draw a list of whats essential and nice to have, so when you see the right gear you can jump.... E bay Gumtree etc just remember that list and buy what you think you want. Is there a local shop that sells second hand stuff?
  18. Hi Welcome and good to see you are not hiding your location... You maybe want to have a quick peek at my sig
  19. I am on Samsung S5 and Packtalk never had that issue but then welcome to the world of cardo strange things happen!
  20. Well we went and my review accommodation was good. Food was affordable. Yes it's cheesy trying not to be run down and everything you imagine. It's also everything a 10 year old imagines a seaside resort should be because it is... I challenge you not to take a child a generous budget forget any idea of diet and not enjoy.... if you cannot your probably the miserable git... Last night last arcade we ended up playing bingo. I won twice and left my daughter to decide, she chose for me a motorbike....
  21. Following a recent incident I have a crash helmet that requires turning into a plant pot.... Any suggestions I have seen the helmet hanging baskets but I fancy having it the right way up? I know I can screw to hang or put on the floor but what would you grow?
  22. For all the negativity, we've booked a seafront accommodation slap bang between the piers if they are still standing after tomorrows battering Will confirm ater but it may well be once is to often, but never is not often enough. Thanks for the tip RE Guys might look in on way home.
  23. I can believe it when you look at house prices, then I believe children should experience all sorts. Sadly she was not with us last weekend when we where in Plymouth both me and my misses had never seen so many drug deals going on, the smell of dope on street corners, to go with it... Plan is stay 1 or 2 nights, for the illuminations if nothing else...
  24. As a Northerner moved south it is time my daughter saw Blackpool illuminations she is 10, there will be 3 of us. Hopefully arriving Sunday lunch time ish leaving Tuesday Evening - no motorbike involved :/ I have not been to Blackpool for 10 years, recommendations appreciated: B&B's for 2 nights family room, En suite - near the tram if not town center. Must sees? Madame Tussauds? The Tower, the tram ride? Maybe not Pleasure beach daughter does not like rides. I am guessing some one on here can recommend?
  25. Depends on your bike. I have: Shark Vision R Very quite naked bike ridiculously loud on trophy behind screen. HJC TR1 not bad noise wise but crap peripheral vision, Givi FLip Front not bad all round on noise but not as quite as shark on unfaired bike. I rode a couple of miles with other half Shuberth on C3? Not quite at all for me & she complains... It caries as others say on how you sit and angle of head to wind. SOme say the wind noise comes from underneath others the edges of visor and other sticky out bits... To me its all its just some helmets better than others...
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