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Everything posted by onesea

  1. Or is it just that even the judges are scared to do the right thing if there is no president. Some one makes a complaint or appeal and in todays world it must be investigated. Your dog bites Burgler (with hammer and crowbar and mask on face). in your unlocked back yard. Who's fault is it? Once upon a time the Burgler would not complain as he would of been fitted up for last 3 burglaries in area. Now your poor dog is on death Row. Some one give the police some respect, if this is how they are treated and people act outside a school. https://youtu.be/08j-e6hc3Vc This country is a sad place.
  2. onesea


    Racking my brain now its a long time since I have dealt with the stuff, it could be white fertiliser granules that when wet goes clear incredibly slippery like ice. Typically stored in jumbo sacks, Nitrate or phosphorus come to mind but I could be wrong (as thats most fertilizers) almost guaranteed the farmer will have some sacks around.
  3. onesea


    That's just cruel... He's on the Morphine, its probably taken him 1/2 the day to work out what you did Oh well at least he'll be smiling and had nothing better to do! [mention]megawatt[/mention] Never a good day at least you did it at the right time of year, with luck you will be back on the road for the summer
  4. And the world's gone mad Nope, I would say there is more to come.... https://news.sky.com/story/met-police-officer-under-criminal-investigation-for-knocking-down-moped-teen-11571434 If I was a copper I would not go near another stolen bike, it's a no win situation. Its only going to damage my career, my family life, my mental health, my pension...
  5. I have sold bikes through GumTree I have not bothered with E-bay for bike, don't worry about getting no response for weeks. Thats happened to just about everything I have sold on GumTree. Relisted one bike 3 times before I got a sensible ish offer followed by 2 or 3 in the 24 hours before I cancelled the add. Seems selling can be like that if you NEED to sell its going to hurt if yo can wait you should get fair price. I would also suggest FaceBook Marketplace. No fees on either.
  6. You will be a better rider for it, if there is snow or ice forecast I tend not to ride... Then I have 3 times found myself over 100 miles from home riding further from home in heavy snow. Its fine as long as the roads stay clear and the grit is melting the ice oh and you go a little gentle...
  7. Well so far they have only broken a few bones... https://www.visordown.com/news/general/met-police-moped-tackle-tactics-leave-criminals-broken-bones?fbclid=IwAR2x_pcazrCUxXSz5es9jad8-MK3t91VSSAdn1bW8aWvEFZh1yOc8Tos0W4 "My officers make life-and-death decisions every day of the week, they're very accountable. They make the best possible decisions. We are in a risk business. These are people who have been repeatedly left in no doubt whatsoever that there's a police car right behind them. If you look over your shoulder and drive on as fast as possible, putting the public in danger, you should expect we will come after you." As the article says they are accountable. They just need to be given the slack to get on with the job, without looking ver there shoulder for the pext threat of prosecution.
  8. There you go I have corrected that for you... I think my most alarming rear wheel slip involved a cow pat at 60, 2 up on country bend, we stayed shiny side up thank fook...
  9. By the sound of it it the accusations where serious enough and it has been investigated in greater depth by higher authorities than you, then you might know better? Our system is not perfect, but I have spent time in countries and places with systems far less perfect on many many levels. Let them get on with there job, but that is trust from the public and politicians, yes monitor and "police" but trust....
  10. The reason I don't ride my bike to that site, not because I would feel intimidated riding it there. Its because there is a now a genuine chance as desirable tidy bike it would be there at the end of my shift. So I would rather take my car, even if it means an extra hour in traffic at the beginning or end of shift. If the bike gets stolen once it will cost much more time and effort than extra time pleasure than riding the bike. As for being intimidated, thank f**k I told my misses when I jumped a set of lights on a roundabout in the car leaving another site due to a un plated moped acting suspicious. A few weeks later there was a report of an attempted hi-jacking on that roundabout. https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/16246694.hampshire-police-investigate-after-masked-moped-gang-targeted-drivers-in-southampton/ It is nothing to do with perceived risk, when your dog is running round unlit on a common with a motorbike. If the dog gets run-over my misses will fooking kill me, that is a real risk, hence I dont walk the dog there... 9ish -5ish hours yup no problems I would ride in and out of my local city Southampton 2 in the morning I am sorry I am seeing risk. Routinely when working in the city day or night I would see 1 or 2 bikes a day with no plate and no lid, a good 70% of my job is spent on site. https://www.carolenash.com/insidebikes/news/uks-top-motorcycle-theft-hotspots-revealed/ I agree personal risk can easily be perceived. Its what efforts its worth to avoid it that matters.. For me an extra hour in the car, or a fine for jumping lights (possibly now legitimately) and the inconvenience of 20 minutes in the car to not walking the dog in that area are acceptable against the dangers.
  11. As someone: 1) Who can no longer ride his motorbike to work, 2) Who can no longer walk his dog round the local common, in the dark or at dusk. Due to a certain type of "motorcyclist" remember to allot of the public we all get tarred with the same brush. Let the police do there job ans stop this stuff going on: https://emergency-services.news/?p=5251&fbclid=IwAR2H0Gd1s2PXmuXESUj8orOR0Nne2toPNXjgA8NEG4GYhTL2Tpy-2hWfXcg PS I do not live in an inner city although one of my work sites is near one. Most people when I mention the town I live in say how nice an area it is, it just it seems a certain type of biking culture is taking over....
  12. That's my point though it does not matter if they have no case to answer as I understand, they can easily be taken off the job and lives put on hold during the scrutiny. Just because someone who was not doing legal things called the police into question. Sorry I have little sympathy for people run from the police or answer back to the police, they do a tough job and deserve our support. Not saying they dont get it wrong and there are not bad ones out there (both of which we should have be investigated) just if you don't give them the freedom to there job they quickly become ineffective.
  13. See i don't really agree with that. Nobody should be protected from prosecution. You make a mistake at work and somebody dies, 9/10 you're going to court. The Old Bill should not have an exemption from due process. Also, would be interested to know how many Officers have actually been convicted of wrongful death or unlawful death or even manslaughter in the last 20 years? That's not to say i don't think they should be knocking these little cockwombles off bikes used for crime. Probably not many charged but how many have had their lives and careers put on hold whilst acustations or accidents (there fault or not) have happened. If you knock enough scrotes of bikes one of them is going to get hurt and as the clips already shows they are not going to say OK fair cop mate. They are going to say what the fook where you doing that for, it was my mates bike, I was stopping, I did not see you, it was not me, you did it because I am poor/ rich black white/ yellow/ green/ rich ginger/ blond, I was not properly dressed you can't knock me off my bike. Here I am on the dole legal aid or some charity is going to pay my legal costs whilst for the next 2 years your integrity medical and family background and family life is interrogated. YOur career destroyed and no prosecution is actually made cause I drop the charges leaving said officer with career in taters without even a cleared name! That's why they need some protection IMHO.
  14. Emma OK Down here best actions if your bike is stolen are: 1) Post the hell out of it pictures of it on facebook, with obligatory young female only transport sob story (someone might have old bike going cheap?).. 2) Search Facebook for a local stolen bike recovery community (round here it's worth giving them permission to recover frequently they are cheaper than the police), 3) Inform Police (maybe do that first), 4) Search the local streets and alleyways in the area at first light or that night, they often do not move them far for a day or 2. You might have a tracker that can lead the police to where more stolen bikes are. I HATE to say this but people have learned round here old beaten up scooters tend to get stollen less. Old beaten up looking bikes are also less likely to be stolen but more desirable. Next advice would be don't park your bike in the same place regularly (Tough when its your home, work or boyfriends house!) and use a chain. Agree with getting a fixer upper, learn to do the mechanics but if you cannot keep it in secure areas don't fix the looks. I know people who changed the brand or deliberately rough paint outboard on dinghies to make them less desirable/ more identifiable.
  15. The legal system, I agree Walden acted like an idiot. He over stepped many many marks... 6.5 years though? The guy he knocked off was on a stolen motorbike and a known bike thief. The guy who he knocked off was out on the streets the next day looking for bikes to steal, in areas that he would not of been safe before. I had been to a meeting with the police where they said " if your bike gets stolen report it to us, but if you want it back call these guys". Following Walden being taken off the streets I will no longer ride my motorbike to one of our work sites because there is a good chance it will not be there at the end of shift. It ads insult where this guy, from the same city gets 4 years less... How does that work? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/17240364.amp/ I can now no longer walk the dog on a local grass area unless it's daylight because of kids on bikes using it as a dirt track. They know they are above the law so they are not going to stop.
  16. You can get mirror extenders to increase view, and reduce the chicken dance with elbow when you use the mirrors. Some mirrors can be prone to moving if not tightened up enough. A for gear if your commuting I would look at textiles not leathers. Dryer, warmer, more vents for summer more versatile. Ebay Facebook market place and the like can be a good source of second hand gear to reduce costs...
  17. Good luck, just watch out for the addiction it will soon set in...
  18. Teacher: You have 10 cakes and some one asks for 2 how many do you have left? Child: 10 Cakes Teacher: You have 10 cakes and someone forcibly takes 2 how many cakes do you have left then? Child: 10 cakes and a dead body
  19. Following on from my thread about getting a dog, we now follow a pointer group with some interest... A Doberman, a Poodle, and an English Pointer died and are standing in front of God at the entrance to the kingdom of heaven. God asks them all three, what they believe in? The Doberman says: "I believe in discipline, training, and loyalty to my owner." "Good," says God, "take a seat on my right side." "Poodle, what do you believe in?" Asked God. The Poodle answers: "I believe in love and care for my owner as well as peace in the world." "Ah," God said, "You can take a seat to my left side." Then he looked at the English Pointer "And what do you believe in?" The English Pointer stood there, looked at him and answered : "I believe you're sitting in my seat!"
  20. What a “sprag clutch”? Nasty achilles heel of a certain age of triumphs that mean dismantling half a bike/ engine to change, its to do with the starter motor and it engaging. Low voltage & hence slower starter motor on starting is believed to be a major cause of sprag clutch failures.
  21. That's if you believe they extent the life of the battery or just keep it charged and make the battery lazy.
  22. I am not certain which but fairly certain one or both of these qualify. Forry to those who dont have FB https://www.facebook.com/XDYLANjNELSONX/posts/10156761825927188?__tn__=C-R
  23. Cheaper to buy a new battery more regularly IMO. I am not convinced they help that much against occasional charge us by riding or charger...
  24. Oh my lord the more I look the worse it gets! My £10 one does notifications for text sleep pulse, and now I have tweaked it Whatsapp sort off... Next is what do I think I want? - Heart rate/ pedometer (seems standard anyway), - Push messages for text & WhatsApp - ability to read them. - Ability to control phones music through watch, - Some do - Maps would be nice, - Using watch as speaker phone to make calls, - Waterproof, - controllable with gloves on - this is not on market as far as I can see... - Google pay or similar, Options are numerous: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06Y68678G/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B06Y68678G&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_p=b0023f58-ff8d-4694-adc6-43892d3a8107&pf_rd_r=4SYRHR6CV6BBMSFR5MR9&pd_rd_wg=oyERP&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&pd_rd_w=vM8Nt&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pd_rd_r=a4cb4438-bda8-11e8-abb7-293e8b9579b4 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07D564Y6S/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07D564Y6S&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_p=b0023f58-ff8d-4694-adc6-43892d3a8107&pf_rd_r=F8GJCHEWDM793A132G79&pd_rd_wg=COGFy&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&pd_rd_w=S9ajz&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pd_rd_r=8d1689d2-bda8-11e8-abb7-293e8b9579b4 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B078XSFDJ9/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B078XSFDJ9&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_p=b0023f58-ff8d-4694-adc6-43892d3a8107&pf_rd_r=MGGE93N9D3X4SDHBQQJP&pd_rd_wg=jAHQS&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&pd_rd_w=zC2Ok&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pd_rd_r=ca12d81f-bdab-11e8-9daf-352a4519fba6 https://www.amazon.co.uk/FOSSIL-Smartwatch-Explorist-Leather-Notifications/dp/B07H5KJLF5/ref=pd_sbs_107_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07H5KJLF5&pd_rd_r=2d91ad81-bda7-11e8-abb7-293e8b9579b4&pd_rd_w=L3sVI&pd_rd_wg=Xixim&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_p=4fe8124b-f455-49bd-9e7d-c251837661fc&pf_rd_r=PBP6T8VZ2QNQQHRRX3G6&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&refRID=PBP6T8VZ2QNQQHRRX3G6 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07C3QCGZL/ref=sspa_dk_detail_5?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07C3QCGZL&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_p=b0023f58-ff8d-4694-adc6-43892d3a8107&pf_rd_r=PBP6T8VZ2QNQQHRRX3G6&pd_rd_wg=Xixim&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&pd_rd_w=6B0lm&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pd_rd_r=2d91ad81-bda7-11e8-abb7-293e8b9579b4 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-SM-R760NDAABTU-Gear-Frontier-Smartwatch-Black/dp/B01MF5IUEW/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1537542346&sr=1-5&keywords=samsung+smart+watch There are the cheaper ones I would love to find a good cheap one but what quality price.... Does any one use one? As for old tech I only just got rid of my old amstrad 464. and I think I have most of my phones somewhere!
  25. Not going to disagree on that which is why I am asking if anyone on here has one uses one and how they find it?
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