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Everything posted by onesea

  1. Short answer is yes quite easy if you have google account... 1) Open using this link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=11pQr2GCmVJnO7FpqY15tG4gaT0Ac4X8N&ll=50.43922201729575%2C21.850018574999922&z=4 IE Second link in challenge 100 thread. 2) To the right of where it says "Challenge 100 2019" there are 3 vertical dopts click here to open menu. 3) Click Copy Map. it creates a copy in your one drive of the map change name as you see fit. 4) Using googles My maps you can add (Pubs dealers etc) delete or change as you see fit. My Maps - https://www.google.com/maps/d/ You can also down load KML or KMZ and play using other apps.... [mention]BabyD[/mention] / [mention]Hoggs[/mention] I hope this helps... If it dont work post up your issues and I will try and be more clear...
  2. At least Google asks first and is manly private. I removed the Facebook app and messenger app from my phone at after it posted an unexpected New Years night out in Singapore. Apparently if you log into McDonalds Wifi (I no longer do that either) in the UK a year earlier on the phone. The FB app decides to announce on FB if you visit McDonalds again, even if you only walk passed one in another country I had some explaining to do to my misses
  3. I have a friend like that he often comes round to appreciate my delicate engineering, he is amazed how I have the correct size of hammer for every job (actually I don't have any 5lb lump hammers, never had much call at home). I had some fun with a particular wheel nut the other day I sent him a picture of some sockets I had been using. I actually broke 3 before he arrived. He was amazed when I had copper slip and torque wrench to do them up properly, I actually decided against the small/medium hammer as he was there and it was his socket.
  4. At least the old worn 1" (25.4mm) hitch did not jump off the new 25mm tow ball. So when you stopped at traffic lights the boat did not pull up along side you . FYI you can do it the other way round putting new hitch on old tow ball, just becarefull they don't always come off so easily Or it was not 2 wheel nuts that fell off (apparently borrowed where trailer was left), leaving you driving through the wrong part of Manchester (lost) with a wobbly wheel. Solution by the way is to take a wheel nut from other side and keep driving You should also becareful if you tow with the mast up even the shortest distance or you disconnect the streets telephones. Just saying....
  5. Scottish so you came south for good weather I bet it was like summer in Stafford Rising in wind is often a matter of relaxing and keeping safe space around you, you soon learn you can react without stress. I grew up riding pushbikes on the coast. I love the roads that a little bit more wild but try and stay of them at this time of year, they can create more adrenaline than you wish... Motorways on Motorbikes are terrible, google has function that avoids Highways, using this and a little imagination you can avoid a fair few without adding too much time on to your journey.. Alternately I like Tomtom it has a fair few routing options https://mydrive.tomtom.com/en_gb/ Luggage strapped to seat is FAR better than a rucksack for safety and comfort.
  6. I have been put in this situation a couple of times cars expecting the bike to reverse.... I have never had to, the process goes as follows: 1) Start agreeing of course I am in wrong, 2) Look back up looking at distance and agreeing to back up, 3) Put side stand down 4) Go to dismount (I have never actually got passed this point), 5) Dismount again look at distance, 6) Take gloves off, 7) Take lid off, 8) Start pushing a safe distance away from cars incase of dropping bike (middle of the road) maybe not in straight line, 9) Taking frequent brakes... I have similar tactic in car, I demon straight my lack of reversing skills having to go ahead to straighten up occasionally and try again to not hit a parked car is normal isn't it . Oh and any gap I pull into has to be LARGE. Most cars back up instead or pull into the gaps your reversing passed and signal you passed. Locally there are a couple of pinch points with some regular idiots. If I think the recognise me from previous occasion (they normally quickly start reversing) then I try and alternate my technique by reversing at a rate and reverse parking smoothly into the first gap I can nip into. Of course done with a big smile
  7. IMHO there is not a person/ party that would stand up to nonsense, there is to much political correct I dont think thats the right expression. Snowflakeness (is that a word) among them to stand and be counted. Hard decisions are not always popular and the right decision is often the most unpopular, in the short term anyway.
  8. I have 2 like his made from the pallet the wood came in cut in half and old fence panel As for making stuff myself I have done flat roofs (fibreglass), kitchens, bathroom, tiled flooring laminate flooring, remodelled gardens, built a hanging table, a car roof rack when I had the tandem, god knows how many shelves... Helped grandad build a pond yacht at 8 then a few years later I put a remote control in it, then put a gopro on it: "> Then there is sailing this beast seems to take half my time: "> I just don't believe in paying for overpriced equipment/ items (log sheds!), people for maintenance or work I can do myself.
  9. Note to self never agree for police to search car. I pretty much always have a knife of some flavour in the car, yesterday it was used for cutting hose to length. The the 2' pinch bar is probably more handy a tool for some purposes when not being used to break nuts or cracking sockets. I notice I carry a knife/ multi tool more again with getting the dog, thorns in paws, trimming things out of fur. Then I sail as well so a knife is always handy there if I am not working I generally have a knife about me. Always locking, if not when using it to dig stones out of tyres (forest car parks) it folds back and.... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-42749089 From my reading is it's a London centric problem and those that are out to do harm. Then you would choose a knife that looks aggressive. Let's just hope I don't meet a officious police officer.
  10. Sorry if link is not direct to video but this HAD to be posted... It should ONLY offend bikers so I think I am on safe ground I just hope its not a push bike (Ok now I might of offended some )... https://www.facebook.com/TheJeremyKyleShow/videos/385432915346311/UzpfSTU0MDU1MzIyNjpWSzoyMjU0OTUyMTExNDU5MzI3/?comment_id=2254970828124122&notif_id=1552558234082215&notif_t=group_comment_mention
  11. Jack and Jill went up a hill, So Jack could lick her candy, Well Jack got a shock and mouthful of cock, 'Cause Jill's real name was randy.
  12. I could reword the joke "My husband crashed my Porsche".. "not yet hes locked himself in the shed",that would at least change some of the sexisit eliment. I don't think anyone would consider accept domestic violence as the norm, many understand there are victims out there that dont speak out. It should also be remembered about 1/3 of victims of domestic abuse are male.... Without causing a stir, I like this joke thread because some of the jokes are SOOO Politically uncorrect and I like that... If not I will start an offensive joke thread that people will get upset... Oh and joke for post: What do women and washing machines have in common? They both leak when they are f**ked.....
  13. Some on here have seen pics before but our Ben otherwise known as "Little 5h1t"... Some say he is 1/2 horse.... A brave ferret or stupid dog? at a local bike meet. Looking to the sea and wanting to so sailing... I like this shop..
  14. Another is locally caught grown/ sourced, even better "Grass Fed Trumpton Farm Rump steak" I always want to ask if they know which field its raised in as the south field gets more sun so the grass is sweeter... Or if its the locally reared Lamb Chops if it was from the heard of Dorset or Horn or Hampshire sheep as I find the Hampshire sheep a little bitter in flavour. You know when they say it's "New forest Award Winning Sausages" they when bought at Sway Butchers, it maybe 10 years ago now but they were award winning.... You cannot beat a Tripadvisor well rated Gastro Pub
  15. Were in "day trip" reach of London and people expect it to be an expensive holiday destination and those that don't learn that it is!. "The New Forest is enjoyed by millions of people every year, the majority of visits (13.5 million) are by day trip visitors, including those who live within the forest. Almost 1 million visits include an overnight stay (3 million nights) and the majority of those are by UK residents. Tourism creates over 7980 jobs in the forest and generates nearly £400 million in tourism expenditure. The quality of life in the forest is the primary reason for visits and people come to enjoy the clean air, recreation and tranquillity." Its pretty its got animals that walk on the road (that can cause some cracking traffic jams), there are only a handful of main roads in lots of campsites for Caravans and motorhomes and related traffic jams... Its a National Park lots of reasons for people to come and sit in traffic http://www.newforest.gov.uk/article/5197/Tourism-and-Travel
  16. Pretentious places to eat: Oh My lord don't come to the New Forest, I came here 20 years ago there were alot of good pubs/ restaurants serving quality food at reasonable prices not cheap but fair. Now there are some: Good over priced places, Lots of over priced places serving mediocre food, A fair few high priced places serving shite, A handful of high standard places (depending who you listen to) selling food at astronomical prices, A couple of places selling reasonable food at reasonable prices, Several places I no longer bother going have a 3/4 year cycle: Year 1 Ok food, at reasonable prices whilst they find out what the clients want/ put there mark on the restaurant, Year 2 Good food reasonable price, Year 3 Generally drop in food standards very high prices, Year 4 brewer/ landlords again puts rent up this year through roof prices go up clientele falls and you go back to year 1 with new landlord... If you think this is cynical there are 3 places round here I have seen happen to regularly for last 20 years... A couple of good tripadvisor reviews and you have to book in advance, to be packed in like sardines in a can for mediocre food due to worn out "chef". I say "chef" as by the time the place has got a "name" for itself, the Chef is so knackered he does not care what he produces... The tripadvisor reviews carry on saying how good the places is because that's what they should say.... Then come here of a weekend in the summer and try and book a table in ANY of them and they are all fully booked, the good ones weeks in advance. In the holiday period even mid week we have gone out for adhoc meal to find we are unable to eat...
  17. I actually found having 2 bikes is as cheap as having one... They do know how to take the p155. My misses changed cars the other day it took 1 hour on the phone to remove 1 car from the policy and add another apparently it was "more difficult" because I had changed cars a couple of weeks earlier and we where near our renewal date (for which I had cancelled automatic renewal) . I then reinstated the automatic renewal got all the changes made in 10 minutes asked for a quote for renewal with the changes. It was nearly 2 x quotes elsewhere so I then declined the renewal but it made all the changes easier Insurance companies are nothing more than legalised money launderers IMHO, who else treats loyalty with such contempt. They are no different in other areas house insurance, we just 1/2'd ours for same cover. There is a certain Meerkat that has saved me £1000's, even then we get confused.com and gocompare just to check they all in the same moneysupermarket....
  18. Me for dropping phone in water, out of unzipped pocket water depth about 2 meters .... 4 Hour wait for the tide to go out 2 meters daughters fishing net and I have a phone. Presently working but in airing cupboard (low part coldish) drying not tried charging yet .
  19. Presently looks like its going to an X-trail. We looked at lots came to: Honda CRV Freelander Nissan X trail Rav 4 - low on towing capacity. Reason X trail has more useable internal space.. Next step up all become to big.
  20. Love him to bits but our "little puppy" is now 35 kg and has cost my biking time, he wont fit in tank bag or top box.... He would need a sidecar or trailer (not got there yet)! He is now costing me my car... He's doing well the dog classes and others frequently refer to him as a horse, he takes great please in untraining other dogs to play, his recall is somewhat optional he is over friendly with EVERYONE and any animal he is big boundy and gentle. Training still in progress... We won't mention his ability to destroy any dog chew, dog toy, toilet roll, shoe, door mat dog bed in the shortest time.. He is now 12 months old and doing well. He can be good.. Then he might here Pork Scratching, the bar staff must stop serving him
  21. Thanks for offer dont worry, northampton is 2.5-3 hours away. Plus the A4 is not big enough to tow our present caravan, long story but caravan is biggest I could buy at the time. Still open to offers and ideas.. Thanks again but sadly lack of 3rd seat is the issue its not often I need it but its still a requirement or I stay with my MG TF
  22. Thanks for all the feedback... Having looked at a few cars it gets more of nightmare. The 2 dealers i went to yesterday suggested cars and had no understanding of dogs, look at this golf it has good size boot. It maybe true but parcel shelf space dog would hardly get his head out of! Presently its either a Honda-CRV / Berlingo or random other efficient car that appears at right price... The Audi's look good but its finding the estate (for dog and space) that is not over priced is going to be challenge...
  23. I am going to change cars... I inherited my mums little MG TF and it is not really suitable anymore, the little puppy dog that should of been no more than knee height and less than 25 kg's now at 12 months old weighs 35kg and is nearer waist height (he frequently gets described as a horse!). Although my little MG is great fun and has been reliable it does 40 mpg it is not being treated kindly with dog (even with seat covers) and forest car parks, insurance is also a little bit steep as I need it insured for "business" because of work (more than 2 places its works stipulation).. My milage is now very low 2-3k a year but may increase back to old 5-10k+ easily. My previous car was a landy defender 110 which IMHO are now overpriced and way out of my budget and round there are regular reports of them being stolen. Essentials: Reliable, Low (ish for right car) running cost, MPG 30+ ideally 40+ Low budget - Dog's, sailing and motorbike parts, trash cars, looking to buy cash (2k MAX ideally 1k ) not finance, 2 seats+ plus dog + Outboard... (The only place the MG REALLY lets me down but only just the dog got tooo big!) Not to bothered Petrol or Diesel. Other ideals: Would love to be able to tow a couple of Tons (large caravan & boat trailers), Able to put motorbike in (might help keep 2 bikes ) Possible 4 wheel drive Quick to warm up defrost my commute is presently 3 miles a day I rarely go more than 10 miles. Would consider another soft top. I have been tempted by cheap: Freelander 4, Ford Fiesta/ Volkswagen Polo (will not tow 2 ton I know), Kangoo/ Peugeot Partner/ Berlingo, cabed pickup, transit van (costs normally high mileage rot?) was tempted by Jimny but only 30 mpg another idea is just put towbar on MG for boat bits and dog! Not certain what I will get as response here, just looking for ideas. Believe it or not I am not a real petrol head cars should be practical and get me from a2b although I do like something a little different... Car History> Nissan / Datsun violet Vauxhall Cavalier 1.5 Diesel, Ford Sierra 1.6 petrol (horrible car), Peugeot 306 1.9tdi (I was 21 at the time) Renault Clio, Nissan Primera, Landy Discovery I had 2 of these Landy 110 Defender MG TF
  24. I would agree with others here... Filtering on inside, crossing sideroad, slow moving traffic situation that you need 1000% awareness. List of hazards cars driveways, pushbike, car doors opening, pedestrians among cars, As for who's fault it is well Highway code can say what it wants the people who decide are insurance companies, good luck... I got knocked off whilst on my side of the carriageway having stopped for a van that pulled out of side road in front of me. He then side swiped me when other lanne became free pulling me and Pillion down. Initially it was 100% my fault, then when I protested it became 50/50... FInally Cam footage (mine and another cars, his "was not working") which I sent originally but they refused to watch made it 3rd parties fault 100%... Took about 8 months of "talks" to get that far... even then they refused to repair the bike properly IMO. Glad your ok sorry about your bike hope its fixable... And again good luck insurance companies are a law unto themselves...
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