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Everything posted by onesea

  1. I have a nomination for today, I will set the scene I am filtering towards the roundabout at the end of a motorway spur. Cars mainly stopped but moving over if moving they get chance as most kindly do. At this point cars are stopped the one the left has not seen me, the car next door to the right has and made space. I can still get through the traffic start moving and the gap starts closing, I am next to the drivers window of car on my left The Car to my right is still to the right I am to the right of the white line, the gap is getting to tight. I brake both cars keep moving forward, my left handlebar bends the left hand cars mirror back. There is no contact to right. Soon the car to my left is slowing the lane to my right is empty, I start to pass she opens the window, I open the visor she looks upset. Whilst straightening her mirror she shouts something about me being an "ar*ehole biker" I think there was something about not being allowed to pass, I figured I was not going to weight around to discuss the matter and filtered off into the distance... I am not certain but there might of been a mark on the front of her mirror cover...
  2. Ahhh the horn of invincibility, in this case it probably would not of helped by the time the driver woke up to the bike being present... Although you can just give them the shock of WTF which always raises a , just got to watch for the road rage after I was doing my usual overtakes on the way home last night, I guess upset a car as he tried some very unwise overtakes to keep up... Don't think he was impressed when the level crossing was down and I filtered passed 20 odd cars to the front .
  3. I am going to nominate me or 2 bikers So there I am heading home stuck in que of traffic behind a herd of horses which are all posing for the tourists, hoping for a carrot (believe me they do!). The car in front of me pulls left and signals right, there going to do a U turn thinks I, I wonder if the bikes filtering up behind me have seen? I swing right towards the line the filtering bikes slow a bit, then continue filtering. Car carries on turning bike carries on filtering to arrive at same point same time, I leap a bit more as bikes are 1 car behind me I leap a bit more. the 2 bikes stop in the space behind me, the car doing U turn continues of its merry way oblivious to the bikes. As car clears I pull left and make room bikes wait for U turn car to get out of the way. Bikers if you saw the U turn coming I apologize, if not keep your eyes open more...
  4. I have a complaint about this poll it is undemocratic it only gives the option of "Yes" and I cannot select both yes options
  5. onesea


    Small spaces, At Uni I got drunk at a party got invited to a climbing wall a social, the next thing I know I am hanging from a rope in a cave. http://www.rrcpc.org.uk/easegill/text/images/LANCPITCH.JPG PS Google image not me! Its small I want get out of here, you cannot comes the shout from the top we have got the Ascenders up here I never really got over the small space thing although I am better than I was, they did have some hellish socials so memory of most caves is a bit of a blurr...
  6. Keep looking for deals.. The other tips I have is short gloves without gauntlets to allow air up sleeves abandon using neck scarf leave top of jacket ip open a couple of inches.... Loosen velcro flaps/ cuffs a little so you get lots of draught and open any vents.
  7. Monday White car that pulled out infront of me on a fast roundabout, that I could deal with. Pulling out very slowly taking both lanes was frustrating, I Stupidly gave a beep to say WTF I am here. Him slamming on emergency stop blocking my exit so I had to turn left go round the back of him... Causing the cars behind him at the junction that had started rolling also to stop was stunningly stupid... This morning the guy who did not look in the Mirror at the motorbike filtering when changing lanes, I can deal with. This time I did not beep I filtered passed him probably shaking my head, he is winding down the window trying to tell me I am in the wrong... ready to stop in heavy traffic, I did not stay to debate.... This evening me.... In the forest heard of cow's on left car in middle of road going my way stopped, pull clutch in slow to 5-10 mph (to keep exhaust noise down, mine is stock and not loud anyway) move out round car to use car as barrier between me and cows... Cows get spooked and decide to run off down the road, instead of up bank leaving me looking like a Nob for scaring the cows
  8. I did that for a long whilst phone in pocket, worked great until double mini roundabouts it could never keep up or motorway junction round about, where it just said take the exit, there were 4!
  9. A GPS shouldn't chime when you get texts, ring when you get a call, chirps when someone you love tweets, flashes across the screen for extended times when Facebook misses you... GPS are much calmer than most phones. Actually I like my texts popping up on the phone in front of me, they normally hold long enough for me to see who they are from. Then I can decide if I want to stop and reply or continue riding, a phone buzzing in your pocket is more of a distraction in many ways... I won't mention the ability to make and receive calls/ texts ("OK google read new texts") on the bike as that would just bring scorn...
  10. Little run out today.... Lasham Brewery Winkworth Arbitorium Leith Hill Place Prince of Wales Lasham Gliding Society
  11. I spent the money on an app and studied for theory and hazard in one go.... Worked for me and seems I would recommend, just look for best reviewed app. As others have said don't just click once if its a hazard, I did over click one scenario in my test (there where no hazards) and I still passed...
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Universal-Motorcycle-Motorbike-Mobile-Phone-Mount-Holder-X-Grip-Clamp-USB-Charge/323069552735?epid=19014380195&hash=item4b3872285f:g:6VwAAOSwlf5Zwh-i Tomtom speed camera app makes very good free Speedo
  13. Luckily it's not the one with the alarm so there is not so much power drain, I have jump pack to hand if I don't like the sound of it.... They have both normally started in first/ second go... There is also no power in my garage.
  14. I am a believer in a relay easy to fit and means less worry my heated grips are through one as well... As for optimate/ smart charger, sorry I am not a believer... My bikes routinely do 3-4 weeks without running without issue one did 2 months no issue, if I get to the bike and its flat I jump pack it and then take it for a ride. I have only had to do this occasionally for the bike with the Alarm fitted.
  15. There are a couple of mid week motorbike groups, maybe not local to you though :/ Set one up and see what happens. Hampshire/ Dorset https://www.facebook.com/groups/1625261391095072/?ref=bookmarks Fife https://www.facebook.com/groups/1672567409712669/about/
  16. I learned that lesson on a footpath coming home from my grandads as a teen, a couple of Guinesses inside me. Bloke coming other way a coupe of beers inside me round a bend 2 of us head on emergency stops just stopped in time. Both 1/2 cut and no lights we both laughed it of and had lights on the next time!
  17. That's how a friends partner used to do it wait till he went to see try hack his account (enter wrong password 3? times) and voila no more Paypal purchases until he was back home
  18. Daft question anyone know a CBT training ground within an hour or 2 of the New Forest with a REALLY big training ground? This is to help someone get above 3 Mph (superb slow speed riding, you have to walk slowly beside her!), just will not go any quicker. Second gear is on another planet at the moment!
  19. A distinguished young woman on a flight from Ireland asked the Priest beside her, “Father, may I ask a favor?” ”Of course child. What may I do for you?” “Well, I bought an expensive woman’s electronic hair dryer for my Mother’s birthday that is unopened and well over the Customs limits, and I’m afraid they’ll confiscate it. Is there any way you could carry it through customs for me? Under your robes perhaps?” “I would love to help you, dear, but I must warn you: I will not lie.” “With your honest face, Father, no one will question you.” When they got to Customs, she let the priest go ahead of her. The official asked, “Father, do you have anything to declare?” “From the top of my head down to my waist, I have nothing to declare.” The official thought this answer strange, so asked, “And what do you have to declare from your waist to the floor?” “I have a marvelous instrument designed to be used on a woman, but which is, to date, unused.” Roaring with laughter, the official said, “Go ahead, Father. Next!”
  20. Just got home all safe, hopefully better weather next year we are already planning it!
  21. My reason for reporting to police is nothing to do with insurance, it's to do with a driver deliberately shunting you . After the op had tried to show him why he was delayed. That makes the act deliberate an attack rather than an accident. There is to much angry aggressive driving on the roads....
  22. This beautiful woman one day walks into a doctors office and the doctor is bowled over by how stunningly awesome she is. All his professionallism goes right out the window… He tells her to take her pants, she does, and he starts rubbing her thighs. “Do you know what I am doing?” asks the doctor? “Yes, checking for abnormalities.” she replies. He tells her to take off her shirt and bra, she takes them off. The doctor begins rubbing her breasts and asks, “Do you know what I am doing now?”, she replies, “Yes, checking for cancer.” Finally, he tells her to take off her panties, lays her on the table, gets on top of her and starts having s*x with her. He says to her, “Do you know what I am doing now?” She replies, “Yes, getting herpies – thats why I am here!”
  23. Givi X 16 helmet... Great unless you try cooking them, mines now plant pot....
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