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Everything posted by onesea

  1. I would agree with others here... Filtering on inside, crossing sideroad, slow moving traffic situation that you need 1000% awareness. List of hazards cars driveways, pushbike, car doors opening, pedestrians among cars, As for who's fault it is well Highway code can say what it wants the people who decide are insurance companies, good luck... I got knocked off whilst on my side of the carriageway having stopped for a van that pulled out of side road in front of me. He then side swiped me when other lanne became free pulling me and Pillion down. Initially it was 100% my fault, then when I protested it became 50/50... FInally Cam footage (mine and another cars, his "was not working") which I sent originally but they refused to watch made it 3rd parties fault 100%... Took about 8 months of "talks" to get that far... even then they refused to repair the bike properly IMO. Glad your ok sorry about your bike hope its fixable... And again good luck insurance companies are a law unto themselves...
  2. onesea

    Smart home

    Have smart heating but rarely use it remotely..., Have been tempted by this RF & IR control... https://www.lightinthebox.com/en/p/broadlink-rm-pro-iot-ir-rf-to-wifi-remote-controller_p5169212.html?currency=GBP&litb_from=paid_adwords_shopping&sku=314_22743%7C444_7420&country_code=gb&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=cpc&adword_mt=&adword_ct=303007747638&adword_kw=&adword_pos=1o2&adword_pl=&adword_net=g&adword_tar=&adw_src_id=3516490533_855201102_61941736073_pla-482720659860&gclid=CjwKCAiA1ZDiBRAXEiwAIWyNC6qEdqVjPMNA0_E_91AOPtyqJKS1s1DdbOP77E3PQFRKVXYMsPiQ_RoCuzMQAvD_BwE In theory it can control TV's the various other box's associated, some Remote control plugs we have. Plus others we could add, not being tied to one supplier IE "hue", this could be done with chinese stuff more affordably. The idea being I can come down stairs say good morning (or whatever) and have lights & TV turn on to correct channel. Same as telling the dog hes going to look after the house turning the radio on for him would be good. I believe to give it voice control I need to connect it to a dot? alexia? or whatever... Has anyone got any experience? Have heard good things about the quality and price of the stuff from these guys... https://www.mi.com/global/
  3. TDM 900 60+ to the Gallon, light at under 200kg, tall for looking over traffic filtering, not to wide pulls easily to 100 mph.
  4. Judge rules..... NOT ALLOWED Although if you hand painted a sign that said Chequers and had a beer and your number under it then I might make a Via only too-broken-to-ride allowance WOuld they not also have to invite other members roud for beer to tag same such impromptu pub as a pub for one is not really a pub...
  5. Actually the nearest Rose and Crown is 4 miles away so they are ridiculously close. When it comes to the tags after the pubs and Bike dealers the rest become more of a challenge... Now with increased child access and puppy dog (remember post about trailer ), means I am restricted to 8 till 3 ish on the bike for every day runs. Plus work has changed recently so I work a mile and a half from home, my biking time is somewhat restricted So when I get to go distance I often forget the tags that cannot be done in a day and choose choose good roads and destinations and only pic up tags if I happen to be passing. Think its why come May I have done the ones I can get in a day..
  6. I have been through this, if your bike is tidy it makes little difference to price it might just take longer. Some test you with low offer to see if your desperate. Then some sellers are dreamers in the spring...
  7. Cheap option for tank bags.. https://www.rydestore.com/luggage/motorcycle-bags.html Other option I have used and tested at all legal ishroad speeds... https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/X-grip-RAM-Motorcycle-Bike-Car-Mount-Cellphone-Holder-USB-Charger-for-Phone-Jovv/15018839814?iid=273234042845&chn=ps&ul_ref=https%253A%252F%252Frover.ebay.com%252Frover%252F1%252F710-134428-41853-0%252F2%253Fmpre%253Dhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ebay.co.uk%25252Fp%25252FX-grip-RAM-Motorcycle-Bike-Car-Mount-Cellphone-Holder-USB-Charger-for-Phone-Jovv%25252F15018839814%25253Fiid%25253D273234042845%252526chn%25253Dps%2526itemid%253D273234042845%2526targetid%253D520884145359%2526device%253Dm%2526adtype%253Dpla%2526googleloc%253D9045694%2526poi%253D%2526campaignid%253D1594021648%2526adgroupid%253D59100257206%2526rlsatarget%253Dpla-520884145359%2526abcId%253D1139126%2526merchantid%253D119094398%2526gclid%253DCj0KCQiAmafhBRDUARIsACOKERN9T7PVbKs5iNDz2nPrICCWEoYf2oB3NqYinwDaRZ7iYpdyKbXv_Q0aAv8iEALw_wcB%2526srcrot%253D710-134428-41853-0%2526rvr_id%253D1802552624822%2526rvr_ts%253D07a98d9f1680ac3d81e6b16fffee0835 These can either be mirror or bar mounted. If you want to use your phone sat nav I would say it's better high in sight than low on tank...
  8. Mate has BMW navigator tour thing seems give directions to BMW dealers. He likes them as they give away free coffee, he just does not realise while he is there they are emptying his wallet. Hence BMW Brake My Wallet. I have Co pilot and not bothered installing it on my new phone. The Tomtom Go all is great. You can plan routes on the computer, and they appear on your phone line magic. Put it on winding route and see how many thatched cottages you can count... Also does speed limits, fixed cameras and accident Black spots {read as mobile camera}. Still use Google as it is better at searching for specific locations.. TomTom is not always good at finding pubs or museums etc.
  9. Why wait I take pleasure in letting my daughter work it out for me...
  10. I like the new tags particularly the dealers... Will have to look for one or 2 brands... The pubs though... For some it is quicker for me to walk to! One is one of my locals Distances from home... 1. Red Lion - 3 miles 2. White Hart - 3/4 mile 3. Swan - 4 miles 4. Plough - 3 miles 5. Rose & Crown - 18 miles and 12 speed cameras that's Dorset for you 6. Kings Arms - 1.5 miles 7. Hare & Hounds - 3 miles 8. Chequers - 1.5 miles 9. Rising Sun - 2 miles 10. Travellers Rest - 5 miles So I can do them all in a day and one tank of juice.. Not complaining previous years there has always been one that was challenging...
  11. I don't know the roads but will give you my 2 pence worth... Yup do able dual carriageways & roads speed limit 40 maybe 50 mph+ won't be any "fun" on a 125. Then when the traffic builds and you can filter.... 125's Have some plusses often overlooked MPG 100+ my YBR did 130mpg. Most bigger bikes 600cc do 50ish+/- 20 mpg some more some less. 125's Weight is low great for filtering/ heavy traffic. My trophy 1200 weights 250 kg and filtering is definitely doable but you have to work harder. 125's are not so finely tuned machines and generally maintenance costs less, On a bike don't forget any stuff you have to carry you no longer have a passenger seat to dump your stuff on... As others have said forget riding in Snow, Ice, HEAVY rain and STRONG winds, if you have an alternative use it.... Make sure: You buy gear that is waterproof (IMHO read Gortex) with plenty of vents. Can mount your phone waterproof with a charging point as sat nav, I would sort bluetooth radio/ music and microphone these can be found for £20 you don't need to spend £100's Have heated grips these again can be found cheap I use £12 ones, Upgrade the headlight bulb to best filament you can (NIght breaker or similar), You allow plenty of time for your first real time run, I would go for bike with high sitting position even if sacrificing a few mph theoretical top speed, (My choice would be a Honda XL125V Varadero) more presence on road and you can see over cars when filtering... Your trial run is a good idea, if you can ride there and back in short succession at least you know you will have the stamina. Also consider your route it will come with experience but on the bike I gladly ride roads in rush hour that a Very busy if I have more space to filter... One route round here I deliberately go into the heaviest traffic because the road is wide and I can filter, the alternative is quicker in a car but you have little chance to filter on a bike... Just always make sure you have a plan "B" if for any reason the bike is off the road or weather is against you... I would set a budget and start looking for a bike now, you still get good days although Jan - early March always worst months. Plus good bikes are hard to find for commuter I would suggest sticking to the big manufacturers Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki...
  12. I did not state that, its just a given these days isn't it? If you did not see it, it did not happen.
  13. This years is not so bad I am only working everyday from Christmas Day (start at 0600) to New Years Day (finish at 0630 on the first)... I officially get one day off but finish shift at 0200 in the morning on my "day off" and start the next day at 0600 it's not much of a day off... I should add a divorced dad I should add I have had my daughter twice for Christmas in 10 years 2 or 3 due to refusal and caught case the rest if gave been work...
  14. Well I am going to nominate the knob who did this outside the house. Does not look that bad until you find if you don't SLAM the rear passenger door its not going to close, something to do with the damage to the cill below rear door. KNOB
  15. Your welcome and these guys if they stock for your bike are sometimes cheaper and I have had no issues with the quality.... https://www.triumphparts.gbr.cc/index.php/27
  16. As others have said laws of physics, does ABS and traction control help in your car on sheet ice? The problem with motorbikes and cars is you need enough grip between the tyres and the road or you will be going for a slide. In a car that can be expensive on a bike it can be painful as well. Just like in cars electronics help but don't stop every incident. My thought is buy a cheaper bike and have a cheaper car as well. Bikes are high maintenance services every 6,000 miles tyres, chain and sprockets need changing from time to time. I would say bikes per mile are more expensive than cars...
  17. If they where kind enough to leave the keys in the ignition I probably would not be to concerned... Changing the ignition lock might not be as easy as you think if its designed to fool thieves... If like most things in life they have complicated anti theft designs, just made of cheap plastic so a large screwdriver breaks them. Its just when wants to change it without doing damage.....
  18. Sadly it happens as adults as well, its difficult because you aint going to get it right all the time. At some point you have to trust the people in authority, yes there will be mistakes and yes those mistakes should reasnobly be investigated and action take as required. We all have to work within rules and guidelines if your Police, teachers, judges, politicians, councilors, plumbers, electricians, taxi drivers the list could be endless. Most use some discretion in how they apply rules and we have to trust that discretion. The problem is how much trust and how much monitoring you give there will always be those that abuse positions of power... Which brings us back to the subject "Metropolitan Police - use of tactical contact on mopeds" how much trust do we have in the police then its who is "we" and how it should be decided... Its IMHO if you run from the Police, they should have full authority to to stop and restrain, using available methods provided it is not going to significantly endanger members of the public. If you hinder Police or refuse a reasonable instruction from the Police you should be liable to (at Police discretion) to being caution or more. Then that's my Opinion and we all know about opinions they are like A holes, everyone has one and no one wants to see anyone else's.
  19. A cyclist... So there I am driving a safe distance behind a slow moving cyclist on a country road approaching a slight left hand bend, knowing the road straightens out I move to right to extend my vision before accelerating or overtaking. The cyclist swerves to the right and puts right hand out. He looks like he's heading towards a drive/ track, believing he is turning of to the right I move back to the left. Given his idiotic first move I decided to wait until he had cleared the road before accelerating, as I do he swerves to the left back in front of me. His right hand still out but now waving me passed...
  20. Urm Can I have a number please.... Lets go with 101 if you would not mind.
  21. onesea

    Car Parts

    No point the original ones he buys in will be faulty to, I wonder if aftermarket indicators work?
  22. IMHO Personally I would say in todays world the protection of a car to start with is a good thing. Most people bend there first car in the first year, on a bike that can be broken bones. Yes you are more aware and learn quicker on a bike. Then mistakes in bikes much more costly.
  23. TDM900 - 60 plus mpg, light good to sensible commuting speeds. Narrow ish Good height for filtering Abs versions available. Of your budget bigger mt09 tracer, transalp
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