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Everything posted by onesea

  1. If the panel holds its shape when off the bike, it should be easy enough to put layer of glass behind the panel (using right glues). Then fill and spray panel, it might not win any shows but would probably be good enough for your average onlooker...
  2. It depends upon how pretty a result you want and how much money and probably more importantly time you want to spend is my thinking... Next time you get chance post up a pic...
  3. It would depend on the nature of the repair and never on a bike.... http://www.tcschandlery.co.uk/west-system-epoxy-105-k-fiberglass-boat-repair-kit/p12763?gclid=CjwKEAiA8dDEBRDf19yI97eO0UsSJAAY_yCSxkEz9i3mitlKeHQoTdtmq-zr2td8aA6qvPIOmI400hoCHQXw_wcB http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/371836276983?lpid=122&chn=ps&adgroupid=36165537022&rlsatarget=pla-277568679110&adtype=pla&poi=&googleloc=1006900&device=c&campaignid=738474636&crdt=0 I had some success when I patched dinghies up at Uni, make sure the resins and panel are compatible and as a general rule the more expensive resin is better... Do some homework and check your reparation. If its a crack and need reinforcing it could be relatively easy if you need to create shapes it could be challenging...
  4. onesea

    Zx6r issue

    I should also of mentioned the check the gap/ clearance is correct that could make a difference the Trophies are prone to changing...
  5. I went through this with my misses (and me initially)... Last solution was similar to this: https://www.wish.com/c/5644805e703379139f8396cc?hide_login_modal=true&from_ad=pla4&_display_country_code=GB&gclid=CjwKEAiA8dDEBRDf19yI97eO0UsSJAAY_yCS2wAEeahbhNU3nqVPTLU8seiFeOAtU3NCP8Z4j3MC0xoCT0Lw_wcB With a SMALL amount of air in it half a breath or so... I dont know whats changed but 4 hours a day on the bike for my other half is not much of an issue with no cushion. I think she just learned to stand on the pegs and move from time to time. An occasional second or 2 wiggle of the bum makes a big difference...
  6. onesea

    Zx6r issue

    If its none of the above Ignition pick up? Timing sensor? The sensor that detects the the rotation of the engine to tim the sparks... On my Trophy they are prone to working when cold then as the engine gets hot it stops, after about 20 ish minutes, it cools down does its job properly and you can continue. Symptoms sound similar...
  7. On my FZ6 I use a little rucksack its enough for some small items spare gloves and jumper. I hook the sholder straps round the Pillion bars and use chest clip to secure and waist belt similar. I can send picks next time I put it on. I think I paid £12 http://www.sportsdirect.com/karrimor-superlite-10-backpack-791170 I am sure with a bit of homework you can find bigger that will do the job, cheaper than dedicated tail pack and VERY easy to put on the bike. I also have a pair of these that work well if your not carrying Pillion. I don't strap them under the seat again very easy to put on. I have modified mine so I can get them on and off in a minute... Think I paid £60 https://www.motocard.com/en/bags/givi-wp405.aspx?ctry=uk&currency=&utm_campaign=comparadores&utm_source=google&utm_medium=comparadores_en&utm_term=bags_givi_m-0254291&size=UNICA&gclid=CjwKEAiA8dDEBRDf19yI97eO0UsSJAAY_yCS6CBCPIo4jDxLr9ujD53QsLv0aTPJ_1qZHrVumAsQJhoCXZrw_wcB I see your local if you want to catch up some time let me know....
  8. Go on what don't I know (allot I know), why so low a pressure? I thought I run 36F & 40 odd on rear on the road...
  9. On the bright side MCN Show London is nearly upon us, I found it really handy for trying on lots of lids and some good prices. http://www.mcnmotorcycleshow.com/ Even if you cannot make it allot of shops run deals when shows are on.
  10. I have never been and it depends on his character but he will be fine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE-vhp6gXBo
  11. I am talking generalisations here, but from my experience drivers in London are also used to bikes filtering. It does not mean they are always going to have a good reaction but there are more bikes and it is accepted more. In my local town where bikes are not very common filtering is often obstructed, in Southampton and Bournemouth where there are more bikes they are slightly more cooperative.
  12. With all this talk of bike security and theft I was looking into a garage alarm... Well a shed alarm my garage is in a remote block to the house fairly well overlooked so I am not to concerned... I have looked before but the distance to the house is on the limiet for a remote alarm driveway alarm: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Driveway-Patrol-Alert-Sensor-wireless-weatherproof-Security-Alarm-system-Deluxe-/181955746349?hash=item2a5d685a2d:g:AsIAAOSwAKxWZz7O I also worry about false alarms form the PIR Then I found these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WIRELESS-VIBRATION-SENSOR-REMOTE-CONTROL-BURGLAR-ALARM-SHED-HOME-GARAGE-CARAVAN/131938870304?_trksid=p2047675.c100010.m2109&_trkparms=aid%3D2220072%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140221143405%26meid%3D68978b8612f64942a58212e10e43de72%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26mehot%3Dpp%26sd%3D131201714327 Although its a local alarm not remote it could be a good security measure... Then I thought of putting one on the bikes themselves as well as on the garage door. It could be useful for out and about to, put it under your seat in a bit of fairing and you have a bike alarm. Its not going to be perfect but may well startle the theifs enough, its not going to stop some but thats the way it goes...
  13. I had 3 lessons on how to do my chain before I did it on my own then it took me 20 minutes. Now I can do it in less than 5, thats just 2 years.
  14. Well I got away with it here in the wet 2 up, a little bit of both gently... As you approach they slow down and stop OK they have seen me, get about 1/2 across the pub entrance and out they came. I can live with that its the lack of acceleration (slight hill) as they move on that makes it harder... https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.8722739,-1.5880542,3a,75y,285.73h,75.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSI7KtcvF7n8bmHLtoDTbhQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Scary thing is if you get it wrong with breaking or cornering your trajectory is straight into the oncoming traffic.
  15. onesea

    excess cargo

    We can manage for overnights but it depends on weather summer we might manage a while longer, winter with more gear 2 or 3 nights or we might start smelling... Camping certainly for us is out we don't want to lug round that much around, although its not helped by my misses not wanting a top box.
  16. onesea

    excess cargo

    My other half and I where looking at this depending on the service you want you can get cheaper though couriers & next day delivery. I think UPS was a hot contender not cheapest (by a little) but we could deliver to local shop and they deliver to door and vice versa or they could do door to door. https://www.parcelmonkey.co.uk/quotev3.php?sub=compare#dropoff https://www.parcelhero.com/shipment/quote?Q=207,,207,,1,15,80,60,60,postcode,cms,lbs,N,postcode,,,1&p=&s=
  17. I have pondered this when playing with my electric clothing. As even with heated grips I find the palms of my hands warm and the tips of my fingers cold I am guessing not.... I have not found the cheap 5v heated grove liners yet....
  18. If anyone is local sadly one of my local biker groups lost a member to cancer. https://www.facebook.com/events/134542813716373/ 27 January at 14:30–17:30 Rownham Services to Wessex Vale Crematorium There will be at least to forumites at the ride, more welcome...
  19. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? My company is tiny and employs six people; this client is a multinational, multi-billion dollar giant that employs over 120,000 people, takes nine months to pay its bills and still has the audacity to ask for discounts. I can rember this issue chasing big international company for invoice it was back in June said I what this year or last comes the reply..... Add 10% on and offer 10% discount if ALL invoices paid within 60 day....
  20. Are they not asking for a Kickback? http://guide.iacrc.org/potential-scheme-bribes-and-kickbacks/
  21. Snow foam brand? I use this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SNOW-FOAM-WASH-N-WAX-25-LITRES-OVER-30-OFF-/321813182415?hash=item4aed8f77cf:g:r3gAAOSwjVVVr0Gx Then there are better out there, it becomes a price thing.... Then it might be an applicator thing, some one will be along with more knowledge than me.... As for where EVERY where...
  22. I jet wash both of my bike, I'll effects so far. On the FZ6 the neutral indicator stays on until bike has dried, On the Trophy the immobiliser light comes on, Neither seems to affect use, using both bikes in all but icy, snowy weather I would rather they cut out on jet washing than on a wet day on the road... Then again my jet wash is a cheap low pressure variety. I should also take the time to sing the virtues of snow foam. Spray on wait 5 minutes and wash off...
  23. Ah but is she wearing them when you use them on your toys?
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