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Everything posted by Hoggs

  1. So this morning I got fuel and somehow managed to bend my key at a right angle (I don't even know!) managed to straighten it out enough to use it but going to swap it over for the spare later. I'd like to get another key cut so I have a reliable spare but I don't seem to have the key number etched on it (even though it does have Kawasaki on the top). There are quite a few online places that will cut from a picture, are these places any good? It just sounds dodgy in my head! Even though they are proper companies with VAT numbers and stuff! Or do I need to go to a dealer? Thank you for helping with more of Hoggs' Neverending Ridiculous Problems!
  2. OOH the other half bought one of these, they're great for a quick clean! http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41k21xmHT3L._SY300_.jpg Whack the bike up on a stand and rotate the rear wheel while holding. It's quite easy to accidentally flick dirt in your face if you're a bit overexcited but does a great job of quickly getting a lot of the rubbish off before re-oiling. I just use WD40 Chain lube because we have some I'm not sure how "good" it is, but does the job for me.
  3. Wow! I know a few people that have been and have all said it's amazing! Hope you have a properly fab time! *jealous*
  4. Maybe he got drunk and bought a Chinese bike on ebay and is now hiding in a cupboard
  5. I got a new revell model (new shelby mustang) and an airbrush so it should look better than the old mustang I did last year
  6. Stu told me I wasn't allowed to go if I didn't camp* *this may be a lie
  7. I used to have some kind of lego(esq maybe) transformer it was amazing. Was Bought It on a holiday several decades ago.... *fires up ebay*
  8. Hoggs

    Amazing news

    Sure you haven't already started on the booze?
  9. Wasn't a fan of tinker Taylor... works fastest Indian is good... I've also seen closer to the edge 5 maybe 6 times. .
  10. You're doing a 5 day though right? You'll be fine. They may put you on a 125 for a bit at first just so you can get to grips with the controls and balance again and it'll all come flooding back!
  11. I don't feel Christmassy yet.... I think because it's still 12 degrees out! Have a lovely Christmas everyone! May it be filled with food and booze and afternoon naps! http://www.guy-sports.com/fun_pictures/santa_poison2.jpg
  12. ooooh only if it's not a problem, that would be great thank you
  13. I'm a definite maybe don't really do camping....don't own a tent. .. maybe I can get one delivered to the place save me carrying it haha can my OH come? He's a miserable git but likes bikes and board games
  14. they are a godsend! I thought everyone knew about them but obviously not ! Mine has a soft cover though!!! Can you believe it! Cost cutting buggers
  15. I have to say.... I like a "bad" film. Hobo With a Shotgun, Machete, Iron Sky, Sharks in Venice, Piranhas 3D, Tank Girl, Repo Man. They have to be bad enough they are a little bit good.
  16. Hmm... Shawshank Redemption. Yes an obvious choice but I do love it. And I still cry at the end every time. Groundhog Day Princess Bride Pulp Fiction. Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead. Happy Gilmore. I have no shame over this it's a great comedy. North by Northwest Monsters Inc. Again, NO SHAME!! Also I have watched Jack Reacher and Lockout three times each but that is mainly as I keep forgetting I have watched them as the beginning is really generic. Lockout is delightfully awful Christmas Bonus: Elf
  17. Hoggs

    Moral dilemma

    I know this doesn't count because it's deliberate but I love it so much I'm gonna sneak it in....
  18. Hoggs

    Star Wars

    No. I joke, go for it
  19. Hoggs

    Star Wars

    Maybe she's Chewie's kid
  20. Hoggs

    Star Wars

    ooh oooh I'm good at guessing the plot of this film I haven't seen. I'm gonna say she is also Han and Leia's kid. That they sent away to protect her or some crap. And at some point she'll kiss their other kid and it will be like lol remember when your mum almost got together with her brother.
  21. It sucks I wouldn't recommend it. Only went to the hospital several months later as I was worried my toe was dislocated and it wouldn't fix itself. X ray guy casually asked if I was aware I had a broken foot and toe. luclily nice clean break that healed straight
  22. I may have mentioned this before. ...but broke my foot by dropping a bike on it at a few miles per hour. Was wearing leather non bike boots so dread to think how much worse it could have been if I was in trainers. Have proper boots now. Will not go anywhere on a bike with any other footwear now!
  23. Haha the bandit is loads bigger! You need to play the newer and safer card
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