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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. On the downside , the bast*rds are in the process of putting a Fibre Broadband cable into a trench that will run for the majority of the westbound carriageway . That's right on the motorcycling line and it's as bumpy as f**k !
  2. On Tuesday I rode from Arisaig to Dunbar near to North Berwick via Perth . I made my mind up to travel some routes that I've never done before just to see what I could see . And I'm glad I did , amazing road with great surfaces all the way to the A9 which is a bit boring because all the villages are bypassed . I decided to press on so that the trip home would be shorter and that took me over the new Forth Bridge or Queensferry Crossing as this colossal miracle of engineering is known . After that I just hit the Edinburgh bypass until I found the A1 and then I spotted a Caravan and Camping Club site . After all the usual tutt tutting and thinly disguised disapproval I got to spend a very pleasant night under a canopy of stars and broken clouds . At sunrise I was greeted by the rare sight of a pink rainbow , which was odd . After a full English breakfast at the Lindisfarne cafe , I hit the A1 , M1 , M69 , A45 and home . The only glitch was torrential rain in Staffordshire where my visibility went to nearly nothing except the distance between the two tail lights in front of me . There was nothing to do but call upon the Force and I was answered . Fear serves no purpose in a predicament like this . So , a great few days in Scotland with some really blissful riding on what is proving to be a very capable bike . Now the cleaning begins .
  3. Now please don't be offend old chap but do I detect a hint of defeatism in your writings ? I'm quite that if you get the right operative at the right broker you'll be able to straighten this out in a jiffy .
  4. A lazy day . Just ridden the "Road to the Isles " and I'm now at Arising . The bike is enjoying itself on this beautiful road just swooping along in fourth without brakes , clutch or gears ..
  5. What a brilliant day ! Stayed in my tent until the sun broke through . Rode to Abington and on a whim headed for Edinburgh instead of Glasgow . Rode through beautiful scenery and interesting towns right up to the Three Forth bridges and then headed off towards Stirling and Crainlaric . Stopped at the Green Welly and had a natter with HOG Scotland who were out for the day . Then I rode through Glen Coe to Fort William where I have just enjoyed some great fish and chips . The bike has been absolutely marvelous I've ridden for hundreds of miles without the palaver of clutch and gears just rolling the throttle on and off and letting the torque do the rest . Rain tomorrow but I need a rest .
  6. Because Harley Davidson have been in continuous production for well over a hundred years but Indian is simply an old name that has been revived to sell modern bikes ..
  7. PNn!jjnjnnnnnio Ur So far so good . Set of from Cov at about one o'clock . Joined the M6 at Stone and just slotted into the heavy traffic until I was past Lancaster . As soon as the traffic thinned out I gassed it up through the Lake District section whereupon I was hit by a torrential shower before I could get my wet gear on . The rain and wind were so severe that some idiots were just stopping in the motorway because they just didn't know what to do . Got off the M6 onto the A6 , sorted my kit out a bit and rode through Shap , Penrith and Carlisle town centres , rejoined the M6 and pressed on into Scotland . Stayed on the M74 all the way to Crawford where I am now camped on the other side of the Clyde under a sky full of stars from horizon to horizon . Having done the exact same journey on the Sportster last month has allowed me to make a comparison between the two bikes . The Sportster was able but not willing and the Super Glide is more than able and just needs permission to perform .
  8. Well I'm still alive . Just ridden 27 miles of the M74 and some miles of single track road around Abington and Crawford in the dark . Currently lying in my tent under a canopy of stars . I think I'll upgrade to a Daymaker at some point . I've just realised your 'Busa is single headlight . I could ride my GSXR at near normal speeds in the dark but of course that was twin headlights.
  9. Well that went down like a lead balloon .
  10. I could also visit the site where John and Yoko crashed their car .
  11. Well , I'm going to give Scotland a second go this year after the washout that was my last holiday in June . The days are shorter so I think I'll try to make progress by taking the M6 Toll and then just sit out the M6 until Carlisle . If the B7076 / B7078 is infested with cyclists again I'll do the M74 / M8 and try to get camped out of reach of any pissed up Weegies . Once I get in country I'll just do a massive loop taking in all the scenic bits on the west coast , free camping where possible . As in previous years , the experience will not necessarily be about Scotland but about the bike and the roads . About eight years ago I was on a cycling tour of the same area and staying at Ardmair Campsite . I still had my GSXR 1100 back then but I was getting a bit jaded about it . A guy from Germany rolled into the reception area on a big Harley and left it running a while . It was at that moment , as I watched the engine jumping around in the frame and listened to the irregular thumping of the pipes that I said to myself , I want to be there one day . Eight years later and two tours on an ER5 followed by three tours on a Sportster and my vision of the future is set to become the present . Now , panniers or Roll Bag ? I still can't decide but I'm thinking in terms of back support .
  12. Following on from Bender's excellent suggestion , I have decided to start a Harley Davidson section . So I'll kick off with some pictures of mine past and present but not in that order . So please feel free to post pictures of your Harley or a Harley that you used to own . I might even have a go at answering technical queries because , let's face it , there isn't really that much to understand .
  13. And as you probably know by now I have Ian's Harley . The Sportster was a great bike but this thing is in a different league and much closer to what I imagined a Harley should be like . Off to Scotland on Saturday morning .
  14. I don't see how you can tell where the noise is coming from in 3rd and 4th because you ought to be bowling along at 60 - 70 mph . Surely all you can hear is exhaust and wind noise . Probably best to get some ear plugs and stop worrying about it .
  15. fastbob

    Scotland 2022

    EDIT: What I didn't mention at the time was that the entire road from just past Gretna all the way to Moffat was infested with hundreds of cyclists . The road was wet and steaming and the setting sun was full in my face but that didn't deter the selfish bast*rds from riding four abreast in group after group . They went on like this for mile after endless mile and not one of them would move out of the way . If I did overtake they wouldn't let me back onto the left hand lane and no amount of horn tooting or shouting would persuade them otherwise . I hope I'm on hundreds of Go Pro's so the arrogant c***s can hear exactly what I thought of them .
  16. Alcohol and drugs play a big part . COVID 19 has also pushed the Townies out into the countryside.
  17. Good morning , I'm off to Matlock in a bit .
  18. Oh , is that right ? 1585 is plenty for me thanks .
  19. You had better talk to Ian Frog ,the previous owner , about that . There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the brake(s) when I was trying to keep up as he was tearing through the lanes of Northamptonshire with a passenger on board . So far I have found the single front brake to be more than adequate . Notice I said " Front Brake " . That's because , like Ian , I have never used the back brake yet . So there you go , another tired old Harley Davidson myth busted for you . But I don't blame you . I didn't think too much of Harleys as riders machines .... Until I bought a couple .
  20. The c**t in a white car who deliberately matched my speed and forced me to stop right at the end of an on ramp on the A46 . Then they speeded up and went recklessly zig zagging through the traffic . C**t !
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