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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. Quickly detachable , along with the excellent semi hard luggage system and the screen . I just wanted to ride it home in " Lean " configuration .
  2. As some of you will be aware , I have sold my Sportster . But what have I bought next you may be wondering ? Well , it is with great pleasure that I can now reveal that I have purchased a Harley Davidson FXDC Dyna Super Glide , all 1,585 cc's of it . Not only that , I bought it from fellow forum member Ian Frog . The story begins a couple of years ago when we had a meet up to compare Harleys and Ian let me have a go on it . Since then I have dropped the odd subtle hint about buying it and two weeks ago Ian offered me the bike at a very acceptable price . So I sold the Sportster in record time ( For me ) and rode this magnificent beast home yesterday amid the nerve-wracking clamour of the motorway rush hour . I went for a proper ride later on and I absolutely love it ! Thanks Ian .
  3. So now you need to put a gentle S bend in it .
  4. Any Crocodiles in the Thames ?
  5. These things aren't expensive so I suggest you buy another one first in case you knacker it up . Then I'd stick the lever in a vise and bend and bash it into the shape you want it . Simple ..https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/133765222186?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=DXpb8RH5Rz2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=9xhDzDPcSSK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=MORE
  6. I know it's work to you but to me it sounds fascinating . How about a few pictures ? Say , for example a sunset or a view of the vessel ?
  7. It's obviously part of a racing sidecar outfit . All this would be under a body shell .
  8. Oh yeah , they're from Rugby . Nice people to deal with . Makes a refreshing change . I thought I was in for a right marathon with this sale but apart from the usual dickheads I could have sold this bike three times already .
  9. Ha ! Never count your chickens . Guy messaged to say he'd rather send a courier to collect , I said I wasn't too happy about that , he instantly demands his deposit back ! I made him wait all day while I conferred with some very wise acquaintances to talk through any possible of a scam . Refunded him through PayPal in the end . Contacted a potential buyer that I'd told the bike was sold , they came straight round , sat on it , started it , payed a £200 deposit ! What a bloody rollercoaster of a day .
  10. On my first GSXR 1100 It was definitely the bike doing the steering . I was just a passenger on that evil thing .
  11. Colin Colin Colin .. none of us are getting any younger mate . You really can't afford to waste good riding time pondering stuff to this degree . Give it a rest old chap . Motorcycles were just a brief glimmer of beauty in the headlong march to oblivion . Just tell us what biscuits you like ..
  12. That's it by the look of it , you've had your chips for being too slow . Deposit accepted .
  13. £400 deposit in the bank ! Things are going my way for once ! Think I'll check twice before crossing the road for a week .
  14. I can't see it . Are you sure ?
  15. On a more positive note I've got some interest that seems pretty genuine from members of local FB Motorcycle groups .
  16. To do that I'd have to give the person my bank details .
  17. Just posted an advert for my bike on Gumtree and the bullshit has already begun .
  18. Full details on request but I'll let the pictures do the talking for now . Looking for around £4,500 . Much sought after Roadster model in very close to original condition .
  19. fastbob

    Scotland 2022

    Cheers mate . Sent you a PM .
  20. fastbob

    Scotland 2022

    I've got an image in my mind of where that might have happened . I've done that road in some atrocious conditions and it's not for the faint hearted . There are sections where even in good weather subsidence or potholes could tip a bike off the edge . The lack of any kerb or hedges can also disorientate and deceive . And then there is the real possibility of a Stag strolling into the road right in front of you . That actually happened to me years ago . I got so close I swear I heard it's hooves as it leapt out of the way !
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