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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. If the weather is like today you won't even notice them . Just be prepared to move indoors as soon as the wind drops . Some friends have been in Skye all this week and it's been sunshine and total visibility every day . They actually saw the Cullin Hills ! What route are you doing?
  2. Hang on there ! If you had the cams out without removing the tensioner then it would fully extend the second the cams were dislodged . You needed to have first removed the tensioner internals followed by the body . Install the cams with no tensioner then fit the empty body first followed by the spring , rod and end cap . Hope this helps . I'll PM my phone number so you can give me a bell for a chat about it . Oh yeah , the other bike has tight steering head bearings ..
  3. An 883 Sportster ridden gently wouldn't be a bad option .
  4. A GSXR 1100 will take you a hundred miles from home before you've decided where you're going . You can do a four day tour of Scotland and find yourself back at home wondering what happened and what to do with the rest of the holiday . Speed and power are mostly about marketing but I realized this 30 years too late .
  5. I don't want to put a damper on things but a Race Track does not guarantee you protection from serious injuries . Somebody I know suffered life changing damage to a foot and a hand but it could have been much worse . Their Arai helmet was split in two . Probably if they had had more experience of kicking away from the bike in a slide it might have gone differently .
  6. No personal experience , but I would endorse the idea of building a Track Specific bike and buying a trailer . There must be loads of tatty R1's and Blades out there .
  7. One of the funniest things I saw was an elderly couple in a dinghy who had some kind of tiny electric outboard connected to a car battery by crocodile clips . Well it might have been ok for going ashore in dead calm conditions but these silly sods were heading out to sea by trying to battle against the Race at Teignmouth . This act of lunacy was performed right in front of all the Bass fishermen , including myself , that line the Race . When they eventually became swamped , the motor , which resembled an electric whisk , packed in and they were mercifully swept back into the safety of the harbour . Still makes me chuckle to this day .
  8. I've spent the whole weekend so far with a really bad back . I can only get comfortable lying on my side . Needless to say I didn't go to the Sportster day at Donnington which was , by all accounts , a huge success .
  9. Two days ago sitting in the filter lane to turn right at a big crossroads on the A45 in Coventry , a Lamborghini driven by a grinning idiot comes from the left also making a right turn . The car is very closely followed by a black BMW that's trying to turn inside it . Next follows the classic Supercar mistake , flooring it while still turning from a standing start . Vroom , screech , THUMP !! I look over my shoulder to see a growing cloud of dust and smoke and slowing traffic . Yep , another Lambo wrapped around a tree .I didn't stick around but the traffic was still moving slowly half an hour later . When are these idiots going to learn ?
  10. This weekend I will be participating in something very similar to this . The Big One . Hundreds of Sportster owners will be riding with their local groups to form progressively larger groups before arriving at Donnington Park for a social and a ceremonial lap of the track .
  11. Ironically , the kinder the weather , the more vicious the Midges become .
  12. I clicked on the link and got something else called Rubber Side Down . Couldn't see content without joining and I've got enough FB feed already .
  13. Last shift tomorrow . Hope I get to process some more Ukrainians . Lovely people and so pleasant considering what they are going through .
  14. Here we go then . 1/ scarves comically signal 2/ rail clerk giggle 3/ funded grouping wolves . 1/ is a wide open field with a view of the London to Glasgow line , the young River Clyde , the M74 and the B7076 . If you are feeling energetic , all the nearby hills have the ruins of ancient hill forts on top complete with stone hut circles. There is also a fresh water stream for your morning coffee or even a wash if you're that way inclined. 2/ has a hardstanding for the bike and is on top of a steep slope with a panoramic view of Loch Ewe . This is where the mighty Arctic Convoys were assembled . There is a solid concrete block on top of a rock that is part of a complex of gun emplacements and observation posts that still dot this coastline . 3/ This was used more in desperation than anything but it's a nice , quiet little spot about half a mile up a lane behind the village of Lochinver . It's like a little driveway to nowhere with just enough grass to get a few tentpegs into . With all of these sites I advise arriving at dusk and leaving in the morning without trace . I'm off up there again in a few weeks and I intend to seek out more free camping locations . Hope this is helpful.
  15. Servicing Costs .... Yes it does
  16. Well you've obviously never ridden a bicycle then .
  17. Ok , the first one is actually between Crawford and Abington and I just use it as a stop over on my way up . Second is at Poolewe and definitely the best of the three because it's got a spectacular view and bike parking . There's even a seat . The third was up a lane behind the village of Lochinver but that was more of an emergency thing . I can give more specific details by PM if you are interested . Do you have What Three Words installed ?
  18. You can edit your posts . Click on the three dots .
  19. 1/ Round the corner . 2 / Through the hedge .
  20. Meet Kiera , a Staffordshire Akita cross and possibly the most gentle dog I've ever met . I will happily leave these two together unattended for hours .
  21. That's not a lot of miles for an oil change . Is this some kind of Honda break in procedure ?
  22. I thought jumping out of a moving car in a tracksuit was a popular sport , especially on council estates . I've seen it on the telly .
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