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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. Free again ! Thank you Track and Trace for a 7 day paid holiday !
  2. fastbob

    Brake discs

    EBC , I've sold dozens of them and never had a complaint .
  3. Unless the bike is in real danger of freezing solid , I would just top up with deionised water for now and do a full coolant change at a later date .
  4. I don't have to guess , it's Trick of the Tail . Not bad considering I detest Genesis .
  5. I do feel sorry for people who have to go through this rigmarole just to ride a bike . Back in the day you just hopped on your mates 250 and rode around some industrial estate until you got the hang of it . Although I do not condone it nowadays , being pissed up was a huge confidence booster especially when it came to standing on the seat or riding with no hands .
  6. You should have filed a detailed complaint . I've met this loathsome type plenty of times and they need to be curtailed .
  7. That's what happened to me . I bought an ER5 as a project and ended up riding it for two years in preference to my GSXR 1100 . I even went touring round Scotland on the thing . That's when it finally dawned on me that I could live without a 150+ mph bike so I bought the Harley .
  8. Same again . It really doesn't work like that at all . If you fill your head with all that stuff you will forget to ride a motorcycle . Ever wondered why people in YouTube compilations ride straight through hedges and fences without even trying to turn the handlebars ? It's because they have overloaded their brains with instructions .
  9. It's all there but a black painted exhaust is an indication of rust .
  10. Join the CG 125 Facebook page .There are some decent bikes on there from time to time and some are at reasonable prices . For example :
  11. 38 ? No of course not but don't fanny around because these are the end of days for the motorcycle .
  12. About 20 I think but I had a lot of wilderness years until I finally passed my test and started my biking journey properly . I was quite happy on my Trophy 250 and CB 175 until they changed the law .
  13. Ah ha ! My memory does not serve me well .
  14. You might be able to a replacement or a refund direct from Oxford Products unless they have learned their lesson from the D Lock / Biro scandal .
  15. With my helmet , boots and leathers in a holdall .
  16. That looks like Public Transport , something that the stupid , the unwell and the lazy apparently have to endure on a regular basis . Horrible isn't it ? When I bought my bike I had to get a bus to Coventry Station , a train to Euston Station , a Tube to Victoria Station and another train to Portsmouth . I only bought the bike because I couldn't face that nightmare all over again .
  17. Let me know if you need any suggestions regarding locations , free camping spots etc when you go to Scotland . I've pretty much made it my life's work to explore as much as I can of the far North .
  18. fastbob

    Balancing carbs

    I'm struggling to make sense of your post if I'm honest . It reads like you've bought a set of vacuum gauges for £2.90 but now you need another set because , presumably , these are too cheap to be reliable . I'm not sure why you need a right angled screwdriver either . These used to be used to adjust mixture screws underneath the carbs but they were very hard to use . When you balance carbs you synchronize the Butterfly Valves by manipulating screws on the common actuating mechanism which is usually accessible from above .
  19. Looking at the relationship between seat and bars , you could almost call that a Sports Tourer . You'll just get there sooner . Enjoy .
  20. Oh my goodness . There's definitely something wrong with the poor old bugger AND he's American .
  21. Back to Marmite . I absolutely love the stuff but as a drink ? Well I've never tried it so I'll give it a go . Bovril , on the other hand is , I believe , a throwback to the Victorian belief that meat was a remedy for every ailment . Therefore the extracted essence of meat in the form of Beef Tea was a convenient way of administering it . If the truth be told it was more likely a way of extracting the last few shillings worth of profit from the very worst slaughterhouse waste by marketing it to the TB riddled lower classes .
  22. Good luck with that . We can't even get people to wear a cheap paper mask or have a free life saving vaccine .
  23. Oh Kevin , go and walk the dog or something , get some fresh air .
  24. Have you ever pondered what the medical term De-gloved means ? Here's a clue . Look at this GIF... https://pin.it/6feMxgi
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