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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. As I did say , that one is not mine . This one is mine . Four evenings of painstaking work and it's only the size of my finger .
  2. I've just started a 1/48 scale Spitfire Mk 1A by a company called Eduard . The detail and precision of this kit is ridiculous and this is the economy version without the etched brass super detailed parts . The thing is though , I'm about to spend days fiddling about with tweezers and the end result will be a cockpit interior about the size of my thumb . There is an option for an open canopy and hatch but very little will be visible . This is not mine but you can get the idea .
  3. So having created this image you are unprepared to share this intriguing image with the gentlemen of this forum ?
  4. Oh and a cheeky little Spitfire to get the hang of acrylic paints .
  5. WD40 is about 70% solvent so I expect it would work pretty well . I'll give it a go next time because the cheap foaming Wheel Cleaner I do use leaves the wheels without any protection .
  6. That's great if you have a new bike that's finished to a high standard but my Harley wheels are a mixture of polished and rough sand cast alloy so it's a once a year job with a toothbrush .
  7. So who do you expect to actually carry out this work ? There are companies out there but at a starting price of £59 per carb you aren't going to see much change out of £300 . And once they are back on the bike they still have to be set up . You say that you lack the confidence to do it yourself . So do it anyway , without any confidence . Read up , be methodical , be observant and gentle , stop if you haven't got the right tools , create a clean and well lit work area , put everything in little boxes like a pill dispenser and put the kettle on . This is how confidence is gained . . https://www.pccperformance.co.uk/collections/carburettor-services?gclid=CjwKCAiAlrSPBhBaEiwAuLSDUPWDgrJOAz2Hq3F1CMxdBgCiQ2snhp3LAEhecFkwR18hwid9AsMo_BoCvAkQAvD_BwE
  8. I hasten to add that I'm recommending this product in its metaphorical incarnation .
  9. Let's have a picture of the kick start lever on the bike please .
  10. I've owned a couple of FT500' s or Ascots as they were known in the US . I only paid a few hundred quid . Nowadays you can't find them very often and they go for stupid money . Great fun to ride . Bloody hell rusty stand and a ripped seat . One of mine was nicer than that and I only paid £200 I think .
  11. I've only ever seen one . I always thought the tank was an awkward shape at the back .
  12. fastbob

    lexmoto tekken

    Remove , sandpaper and replace your battery leads including the other end of the earth lead . Just because they appear to be done up tight dosen't mean there's a good connection . If it's still knackered after that then you might have a shit battery but at least you're ruled out the cheapest option .
  13. The original idea was for these bikes to be sold as Harley Davidsons but Harley changed its mind . All the Buell developed engine modifications , however , were incorporated into the 2004 Sportster i.e. big valves , higher compression , rubber mounts and bigger cooling fins . And that's good because I've got one .
  14. Fair enough , I know what you mean . Like the old G5 Hondas , the destroyer of many a would-be Biker's dreams .
  15. Ok that may be the case but all my big Suzuki's , the ER5 , the Harley , all CG 125s , Benleys , even the 3TA that I built last year have a Rocker Box gasket or gaskets .
  16. I seriously doubt that there would be no gasket . Usually tappet / valve / cam cover gaskets are made of neoprene ( Rubber ) and are reusable .
  17. I'm getting quite good at this .
  18. The starter motor might just benefit from a good clean and a rebuild . My first ER in particular had a whole handful of filth inside it .
  19. Looks like it's all there . The exhaust looks rotted in the usual place .
  20. It's not a completely closed system . Upon expansion , some coolant will migrate to the expansion tank which has to be vented to atmosphere to displace the air . While in the tank , a small degree of evaporation will take place , especially in hot weather and the cumulative effect of this evaporation will eventually necessitate periodic replenishment . That's my take on it .
  21. B&Q is the cheapest that I'm aware of .
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