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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. The shoebox actually burst under the strain .
  2. Well that's decided then . I'm never , ever , eating Tofu .
  3. Those pretty words might lose their sparkle when the postman drop kicks it over the wrong gate .
  4. And coming soon .... It's amazing how far kits have come . Full cockpit detail and all in 1/72 scale .
  5. Here we go , another one rolls out of the hangar . Actually , to be more accurate , this evil looking implement of Nazi desperation was manufactured by mostly forced labour and furtively assembled in a forest weeks before the Allies closed in . And that is the beauty of model making , it concentrates the mind on the story behind the represented object .
  6. Second that , let it all bed in before worrying about a compression test .
  7. Errrm , I hope this doesn't cause any embarrassment . https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Make-Your-Own-Personalised-A4-Photo-Calendar-2022-Add-Pictures-Unique-Gift-YPP22-/393485996306?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  8. You do have a point there . I'll be honest then . I ripped off the other pictures month by month and kept the picture of my bike visible for the whole year . Well it saved me the effort of taking the drawing pin out .
  9. There had better be some decent pictures of my bike on this thing after I've shelled out a whopping twelve Poonds ! Ahm nae made o' money ye ken .
  10. Interestingly , this is a Czech remould of a Heller kit so the instructions are completely symbolic but still easy to understand .
  11. All in all , not a bad Biking year . I managed to get to a few events and go on some runs . Let's hope 2022 is better still .
  12. Lenor lovers can f*****g do one !
  13. Do the course . It's still online as far as I know .
  14. Yes . I understand the character has been developed across radio , stage and TV .
  15. LOL . One of the most irritating Social Media expressions . But what actually makes you laugh out loud ? Apart from people falling over and farting , preferably simultaneously , what do you find genuinely funny in the field of entertainment ? If I'm perfectly honest , very little passes the LOL test these days . I still can't get enough of the Ricky Gervais , Steven Merchant and of course Karl Pilkington podcasts even though they are years old now . Recently though I've stumbled upon Count Arthur Strong . I haven't watched a whole show but there are loads of clips on YouTube and yes , I have laughed out loud . See what you think .
  16. Getting there . Doing it Old School with a brush .
  17. Kin' 'ell ! What's happened to Kev's head ? Is his giant brain trying to escape ?
  18. Yeah , it last changed hands in 2020 and it's red in colour . I did look through countless photos online but I couldn't find it .
  19. These are the instructions I'm following at the moment .
  20. In my job role I see so many of my colleagues , with the very best of intentions , struggle to convey good written instructions to our service users . It doesn't matter how knowledgeable someone is , if they can't communicate that knowledge then it is , unfortunately , worthless . I think this is where my Asperger's Syndrome becomes a real asset because I'm acutely conscious of how easily the meaning of a set of instructions can be lost if just one word is badly chosen .
  21. Couldn't have put it better myself . I went from the World's most powerful production motorcycle ( In 1993 ) to a lazy Harley Sportster . I wish I'd done it years ago . The Sports Bike is dead . If you want to go really fast on a bike that handles then an MT09 or Speed Triple style bike would be worth considering .
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