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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. The £30 stubby cans that are sold as " Akra " with the logo blurred out are so Obviously fake that I doubt that Akrapovic are even bothered about them . Some AliExpress suppliers don't even bother blurring the logo .
  2. The steepness of the climbing hairpin is not very apparent in the film , check the car struggling for traction . I think they simply ran out of momentum and toppled over .
  3. I think the time has come to bring out this old favourite . Can anyone spot " That hole " ? https://youtu.be/pUB2darr5mU
  4. The phrase " Untold misery and distress " is worth bearing in mind when filling in the compensation form . I'm sure I got at least an extra grand's worth of PPI compensation by putting this in the extra notes section .
  5. A friend of mine took this shot on the Ardnamurchan Peninsula west of Fort William last week .
  6. An excellent point . Easier to do when there's no vegetation in the way .
  7. Nearly ready for paint . I've always loved the Beaufighter . What a brutal looking aircraft . Imagine a flight of those coming at you with rockets and cannons .
  8. fastbob

    Repair advice

    As anyone who has ever tried to straighten a bent lever will testify .
  9. Right then . I've been up this one on a GSXR 1100 in a severe gale and a whiteout and up it on a Harley which was a doddle , but the most fun was going all the way from the top down to sea level with my engine switched off on my dear old ER5 .
  10. fastbob

    Repair advice

    You might want to buy or borrow an impact wrench and a suitable attachment for using an Allen Bit socket . If the cartridges do spin , the curvature of the forks may well prevent the use of the correct tool . The use of a vise and suitable bits of wood might prove to be advantageous as well . Please be aware that this advice is based on fork building in general and is not specific to the CBF 500 .
  11. The scariest hairpins I've ever negotiated were on Porlock Hill in pitch darkness . I'd never been there before and I just couldn't find the campsite ( Pre smartphone ) I went through the village and up the hill with no idea that there were any hairpins until I found myself at 30% with my headlight pointing up into the trees and absolutely nothing to get my bearings . I managed to get into first and get my feet down in time to carefully walk the bike around the curve but it was touch and go . The same thing happened on the next bend as well , bloody terrifying. The next day a coach load of OAP's had managed to ground itself at both ends with all the wheels off the ground on the same bend .
  12. They were a f**k sight easier on the Harley than they were on the GSXR !
  13. fastbob

    Repair advice

    This is the Head Stock . You don't have much of a frame on your particular bike because the engine is used as a stressed member . Check for cracks at the frame attachment points on the engine .
  14. fastbob

    Repair advice

    Hello and welcome to the Forum . That won't straighten . I think that you should be looking at your front wheel very very carefully . If I recall , your bike has very fragile looking wheels . If it's taken enough impact to do that to the forks I'd be cleaning the wheel before going over it with a magnifying glass . Then I'd be doing the same with all the welds around the head stock . By the way , what has your insurance company got to say about all this ? I assume you aren't fully comp because this is a definite write off .
  15. If anyone has a good Polish deli nearby , I heartily recommend these more exotic variations on the Jaffa Cake .
  16. I can't get enough of this at the moment . It's just so intriguing to listen to Charlie Watts doing what he loves rather than the "Work" that he did with the Rolling Stones .
  17. I think this topic ends here .
  18. It doesn't matter really . Just replace both halves . https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4pc-kit-2-pin-way-car-waterproof-electrical-connectors-plug-with-wire-/112233499255?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  19. The fact that I've never heard of it might be a clue . I'll do a little research .
  20. It's very very far gone . It would cost far more to restore than anyone would ever get back for it . I like the challenge of restoring bikes that have seen better days but there is very little of use left there . Stick it on a Hipster / Cafe Racer FB page and ask a grand for it .
  21. I thought I'd try something a little more advanced next . A Tamiya 1/48 Beaufighter .
  22. The spring will be fine . It's not there to exert a lot of force . If the spring ceases to be effective then the cam chain should have been replaced ages ago . Having said that , I did fit a manual tensioner to my last ER5 just for a laugh .
  23. That's the one ! It's amazing how inadequate the small amount of torque feels but that's the way it is .
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