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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Happy new year to you all and a big thanks to all the users who make this the place that it is.
  2. Been bright and sunny here today, few bikes out today.
  3. Be more interested in seeing how the rest holds up.
  4. The thing with buying any bike is it has to be right for the one buying and riding it.
  5. I would be doing air filter and plugs, tyres personally I would be sticking some new on but they are probably fine to get it through MOT and running in a bit to see if anything else pops up. Give chain a good inspection for sticking links.
  6. Welcome or welcome back
  7. Cause the police are too busy wearing rainbow armbands and attending evening pray to enforce any lane discipline. That and people are twats.
  8. If it was 8 seat and under and his fully comp covered other cars he would be covered is the bit I'm confused by, having just bought an 8 seater I can confirm it's a car
  9. Upto 8 seats is a big car, you can drive a 9 seater on car licence if your driving it for an organisation school etc after that it's pcv license @John636 your best bet is try to get the decision overturned. If your ever asked in the future have you had a policy cancelled your legally and contractually obliged to say yes, this goes for car or bike or anything road going, if you don't and your in an accident and they find out your it again for any costs. Try Adrian flux or contact insure 2 drive, they will find policy's for people with cancellations, don't know if they do bikes. You may need to look for a local insurance broker, rather than comparison sites, they will have knowledge of where they can apply to, your going to pay more either way. A few forces are starting to clamp down on antisocial behaviour.
  10. Back on topic. I would love a laser cleaner, you can get smaller Chinese ones but they are still 10k, I fear that combined with the price of a divorce is a bit too prohibitive.
  11. In the event of a claim by third party they then have the right to claim that money back from the uninsured person or the one who was insured and allowed the uninsured to ride/drive said vehicle. The police don't usually start digging unless they think there is something to go digging for, a simple stop and check doesn't normally go further than vehicle seizure and charges for the one driving/riding it. @John636Was your friend involved in an incident
  12. Your insurance wouldn't care less if your friend was riding it, he's not the one insured, if he has no insurance that's his problem and he's insured. Your insurance on the bike is still valid and you've not committed any offence that I'm aware of, if he was under age and had no license and you knew it then things would prob be different from the police point of view, if you've both been involved with trying to pass him off as you then your screwed. @husoi I don't get what your saying, I can borrow a car and I may or may not be insured on it, if I get stopped and I'm not insured the car will be seized and I get done for not having insurance, the legal owner with insurance can then go get the car back, they are not going to have there insurance revoked or face any issues with the police, he's a friend he said he was covered and that's that ?
  13. Trouble is insurance question is have you EVER had insurance declined or withdrawn, that's a long time.
  14. I'm not sure I want to fill that opening.
  15. I just put things in the dishwasher.
  16. As they've not been back on since June it's unlikely your getting to find out.
  17. Blame crime rate and risk in London.
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