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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Damn you Bob I thought it was one of those guess the phrase type things been pondering it all day to find out it's just 2 breaks and a brake. So let's get back to biscuits... We were on a break
  2. Can't be that good or they wouldn't have to break them to sell them off cheap in a big box
  3. Ahhh Break Chinese motorbike lol
  4. Our local post-office window was put out by a helmet when I was on way back from school aged 9, unfortunately the riders head was still in it.
  5. Yea steady on you can call a driver a knob but not a knob because of gender. I would suggest fastening the helmet properly would have helped, unless he had a very big helmet (I know) and a small head. Both of those bikes had a clear view of what was happening, Mr L plate was probably too busy chalking up a pass on the other bike.
  6. Did someone mention biscuits? Yes but you’ve had more than your fair share Meeeowwww
  7. Just do what you want , if you can't wait that's fine just don't create pressure for yourself you don't need, I preferred rain and rush-hour for my test but I wouldn't go out in it now unless life itself depended upon it, either that or we run out of biscuits
  8. Give it a rest till the sun is a bit more predictable, the only pressure is that which you place on yourself. Glad your OK
  9. You won't be the first or last and the best thing to do is go back and get it over with, this is just part of the learning curve, be aware of the ground look at where your parking and make sure you pull up so you can lean it the right way.
  10. They deserve a good talking to, a nice cup of tea and be asked politely to put it back and if they don't then they should damned well be left to get on with it
  11. A sexism hardcore porn motorbike forum, why has nobody thought of this before [mention]Slowlycatchymonkey[/mention] I was typing a reply just like yours but lost the will to live lol
  12. Get on to them in writing asking for a written reply so you have a record State the fault, you can put that it cut out causing you to have an off and ask exactly what they intend to do, include that you did what they instructed but you belive there is an underlying electrical fault that has been there since you took ownership of the bike. Did you take out hp for the bike, you will have recourse through that if you did. I'm not entirely sure they are going to fix the damage, it could have stalled due to a problem or by yourself, having a bike cut out you should still be able to fetch it to a stop without dropping it.
  13. Did have a huge reply but deleted it, I can't be arsed lol, I'm offended by all of you in equal measure just on the grounds of equality so I don't offend any one more than others your all
  14. In fairness it's not a comment I would make but I would also not have an issue with one of the women having a similar comment about the men/children on here.
  15. Is that some kind of English? Mackem I recon................ Close but no cigar
  16. Braking harder and leaning more together is fine until you run out of grip which on a UK Road with Street tyres is likely to happen quickly, look at some YouTube video where racers on track, getting it wrong, usually involves them being catapulted high-side, as the bike looses grip then regains it or if they lucky simply sliding away from them Look at trail braking ">
  17. It's a wonderful life Elf
  18. Some cracking 200 to 300cc bikes and they tend to be cheap
  19. Your main problems with braking in a corner are the laws of physics, as you have lean angle you loose available friction due to the forces acting through your tyre, when your upright all of the grip is available for braking as you lean you take up a percentage of that which increases with the lean, depending on how hard you brake the bike is going to want to stand up and move weight goes to the front which under heavy braking will prob upset the stability. You can brake in a corner and it can be used to help get you round a corner but your best off trying to avoid it.
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