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Everything posted by Bender

  1. I start the bidding at £3.59 and a half can of Stella, the can is in use so contents may go down.
  2. Nice lid hope you don't need to replace it for a long time.
  3. Plenty of bikers don't have a car licence, it's down to you, your still going to have to learn all the same stuff your just going to be a lot more vulnerable doing it.
  4. I have never saved a lot by increasing excess, there is usually a sweet spot and when you go over it the policy reduction price reduces by negligible amounts If your stuck with a high excess and not prepared to take the risk then I guess it could help.
  5. Hi If they are bad your probably best off with them removed and properly cleaned and anodised or coated, there is a limit as to what you can do with them on the bike, also pics no worky
  6. I had unlimited vehicles and a recovery truck, mine was limited to no hyper performance and a maximum payout ceiling on said vehicles per claim, which makes multi car policies a complete rip-off
  7. Ouch, mine 120 is for a group 12, those next few groups must have a steep increase
  8. Gu8sbourgh really, Middlesborough is pushing the north east is Guisborough not down south
  9. Looks great glad your happy with it Oh and good short write-up
  10. I have not had a competitive multi quote ever, annoying thing is you can get a trade policy with as many vehicles you like with a capped claim amount for less than it costs to insure 2 cars. Glad you happy with renewal
  11. Get a phone that you can do WiFi calling on.
  12. don't let her milk it Really [mention]Six30[/mention]
  13. Mmm I’ve never tried that Well it is almost Christmas
  14. I prescribe shortbread with a baileys chaser. We find the Ltr chasers are the bare minimum
  15. Will you be munching on another dictionary whilst enjoying your motomadness I'm going with word of the day toilet paper, obviously needs a lot of tissue for some reason
  16. I have never backed off when some one comes to talk to me, he backed off cause he was a dick, the head has a duty of care to kids, if some dick was wearing a mask outside of my kids school I would be having a word with them too.
  17. Yeh ... As long as they stay in the kitchen and leave the toilet seat up . Have you actually ever.......spoken.......to a woman? Spoken to not with I hazard a guess
  18. Example from Cambridge dictionary, sorry I don't like Oxford These days it goes against the grain to show respect for authority. Certainly in our society teachers don't enjoy the respect that is accorded to doctors and lawyers. Children need to be taught to have respect for other people's property. He has no respect for authority whatsoever. You should show your parents more respect. That's the thing with words it's all in the context
  19. I have had many a conversation with police and never felt the need to act like a knob, not even when they are wrong, I feel sorry for them having to deal with members of the public who are in general self centered twats that think the world revolves around them.
  20. [mention]Via[/mention] they want sacked for that. I bet they were not trained in water rescue I bet he was only supposed to go into water no deeper than a puddle, there was no risk assessment made, he actually touched her without her concent , did any one ask her if she wanted to be rescued. Then they dragged her out of the water causing no doubt numerous abrasions, one of them was even recording it, did anyone check that was OK with her and not invading her privacy or breaching her human rights. They should have made notes and got intouch with the hr department and legal to see what was the best way forward. Yes this is the world we live in.
  21. Even a cheap crappy one is more use than non lol
  22. The guy with the mask should have been tassered. Entering his private f**king space give me a break, if he wants private space I suggest he stays in his house.
  23. Bender


    Since when did we have to use TOR to access the forum? I meant I've got loads of "doughnuts" if he needs more "doughnuts" to take away his pain... Ohhh are those the heroine filled ones again
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