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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Apart from KTM orange bits what makes it a bikers watch.
  2. Anything is possible but highly unlikely, unfortunately the police have to be shown to be doing something, I'm sure the pedophiles in Burnley will sleep easier tonight.
  3. Hold that thought I have been told there is a weatherspoons in Belfast , I will find it tmrw
  4. Pop over to the table in the corner I will buy you a pint while you make use of the WiFi
  5. That was olden day sat nav! there is 100's of maps in there Close, that was pre fi, pre abs and required 18 changes of underpants for a 2 day break
  6. I think the tank bag is a bit ott but other than that it's looking ok
  7. Bender

    Bloody Fixings

    Nowt wrong with a bit of adative
  8. [mention]Slowlycatchymonkey[/mention] Think we picked the right hotel for the weekend.
  9. Must be underlying insecurity issues, maybe an Oedipal complex, or maybe just maybe someone ate all the biscuits
  10. [mention]Mike79[/mention] Well done, half way there, good luck with mod 2
  11. Did you set out to wed a husband/wife or did he just end up that way
  12. Duke 2 comes in red with white stripe, scorpion and viper also and a few others, Google is very easy to use.
  13. Excellent, will be dl mine when I get on the laptop, thanks
  14. People are cnts its not limited to women and its not all people but been through the above and its not good, don't panic and look to the future and be prepared for setbacks.
  15. Did it come in a mahogany chest with a wrought iron lock? No, it came in a cardboard box with "Hitachi - made in japan" a photo of said antique. P1000002.JPG Doesnt look dated to me.. but then im no expert on microwave fashion. It used to be all white.. but over the years the enamel has turned as you can see an ivory/cream colour. Dude I can't belive we just threw our old one out, you could have hade it, all it needed was completely stripping, the inside sand blasted, re coated and put back together, it was from this century though so may not have blended in with your kitchen appliances Seriously though if it keeps it going and it's working fine now good fix, I had noticed the bit of card many years ago did wonder what it's purpose was.
  16. I have 2 sets slightly bigger than those, been very good had one ratchet go faulty purely through my own misuse, the case on the first one didn't last very long although I fear me driving over it with a landrover may have been the cause of that.
  17. If there is no plastic but just the residue ie nothing you can scrap or peel I would try pvc cleaner, but not the kind you get for cleaning window frames and plastic, the kind you clean pipes with before using solvent weld, it's a solvent and should fetch it off, nail polish remover and acetone also, try a small section, clean up with polish afterwards.
  18. Ignore six, that's not even a real person that's just his sex doll.
  19. Yes it's dangerous and it gets more dangerous the more variables you add, riding on the roads with black ice well that's going to end badly.
  20. Size is everything, I have corded and battery, but the bigger more powerful ones are much better at cutting.
  21. Maybe she just thought she had better give it a try.
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