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Everything posted by Bender

  1. And the world's gone mad Why? There were clear failings by the Police. Does the family deserve compensation? f**k no. But were the Police found to be acting outside of their training and standard procedures? Yes. The world is full of ifs and busts, the little shit shouldn't have been in that position in the first place, he paid the price of the decisions he took, if he had been left to carry on and taken our a family at a bus stop no doubt the officer would have been in the wrong then. Your asking officers to look back at decisions retrospectively it's an impossible task, ohhh no I'm ending pursuit cause I'm 7miles over my allowance, no licence, failing to stop, speeding, Un insured, drugs in system I have no sympathy.
  2. Bender

    Dress codes

    Look it's nearly Christmas we all know six can be a bit hardwork at times but that's a bit ott You have to fetch sex into everything He best be a good shot
  3. Like letting out a murderer who killed 3 kids and spiked the bodies onto railings.
  4. Bender

    Dress codes

    Look it's nearly Christmas we all know six can be a bit hardwork at times but that's a bit ott
  5. With above sounds like air
  6. Bender


    Did your gloves help or hinder the injuries. Curious as to whether they grabbed and twisted your wrist? [mention]megawatt[/mention] how's the morphine doing
  7. I disagree, that was definitely[mention]Via[/mention], just without the bike landing on top of him, kinda a half via at worst, bad luck, hope your back on the bike soon.
  8. What he said, don't know till you try
  9. Go find a bike you like and tell them you paid 2900 for it, if I could get 1k for my cbf anything is possible lol
  10. Well that's as good an excuse as any https://webuyanybike.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAxZPgBRCmARIsAOrTHSbKQi7ZAdRDDu9g9fl49klay6EOpQSGMA9FIZot9OPVQPdr-udnhEEaAi1iEALw_wcB Anything over what they off is a bonus lol
  11. How about the for sale section on here
  12. Bender

    Dress codes

    Where would the fun be in that, I would sooner go and be annoying
  13. Bender

    Dress codes

    They want dress code I would go buy a nice evening dress and turn up with heels to match, I'm sue the wife will help you out
  14. Bender


    Could have been worse, gear and bikes can be replaced, speedy recovery
  15. Bender


    [mention]megawatt[/mention] Get well soon. Hope you didn't do a [mention]Via[/mention]
  16. Can we have a go at the Romans? Ehh what have they ever done for us.
  17. I believe it's been widely accepted that she was suffering from complications related to her diabetes during this interview? Whether you believe it or not, it's interesting how Boris Johnson manages to escape similar vitriol. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/22/boris-johnson-interview-disaster-diane-abbott What about the million other gaffs she's made https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/diane-abbotts-history-of-gaffes-10482258 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/politics/942160/London-knife-crime-diane-abbott-gaffe-statistic-bogus-glasgow/amp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/704849/Diane-Abbott-politician-Labour-blunders/amp ">
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