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Everything posted by Bender

  1. I got stopped years ago, producer for documents, off to local nick I went, 3 weeks later summons for me not holding a license at all, looked in wallet yup still there, called them, nope sir dvla say you never passed your test, wtf, I applied for another licence which arrived before court date, rang to say I now have 2 licences, they didn't like that, your not supposed to have 2 lol, they still proceeded with prosecution, obviously they failed, I had to surrender my original license though. Sometimes they are a bit mental and having your docs is no guarantee lol, glad they were on the ball really the bike tho.
  2. [mention]Joebaxi[/mention] As long as you can use the gears I doubt they will care less. It's mostly aimed at assessing your safety and others, control comes into it but if it's not affecting your stability or safety it shouldn't be a problem, have a word with your instructor he will have a better idea, if it were a problem he should have spotted it. All that said being in 5th or 6th isn't ideal for response if your in a 30limit, don't worry about the revs, stop thinking about being an hgv and changing at 1600 rpm lol. I would do the mod 2 now.
  3. Well you can't make it worse, clean paint and tidy up what you can while using it, the rear shock can be swapped out easy enough when you have funds
  4. Who the fcuk came up with collecting half digested, fermented coffee cherries that a cat ate and shat out and turning it into expensive coffee, call it civet coffee, or the Thai name but its coffee made from shit.
  5. Well done [mention]Joebaxi[/mention] it is good to see the back of the cones
  6. When in hole stop digging That only applies if you know when to stop lol
  7. Hopefully they will meet with one of those police vars and be run off the road. It ducks, but beware when you replace it as they will know it's a possibility for another bike. Hope you get sorted soon
  8. you obviously have an issue with size perception. May I draw your attention to the following educational video ">
  9. [mention]Slowlycatchymonkey[/mention] the v strom is a little short on suspension travel for proper off road and a bit gutless for sand but it's a cracking lite bike with good mpg, some spoke wheels, decent tyres and s few extras and it would handle most surfaces, the 650 would be pick of the bunch but I fear even with lowseat it may be a tad tall. Back on topic glad you all had a good time it's on my to do list next year.
  10. Good job he didn't mention mohamad he would have been fooked
  11. They wouldn't be though, it would be down to 12 people who are too stupid to get out of jury service. [mention]Via[/mention] I have done jury service and I would have happily pulled the rope/thrown the switch, we weren't all stupid but it was about 70/40 split seriously though its a sobering experience, especially murder, not so much the case but unfortunately the thought processes of some of the jurors. we would have given the gallows had it been available.
  12. News update on BBC says 3 instances are under investigation, but non of the members of the tactical team are involved. I hope they keep it up and do a Netflix slot
  13. No but if they are running away the police should be free to shove them over. If they flee in or on a vehicle then said vehicle is fair game for a hard stop If they are armed shoot the armed thieves If they Rob something and then hide under a tree standing on a chair with a rope around there neck then yes the police should be able to remove the chair
  14. [mention]Via[/mention] The following are changes that were being looked at earlier in the year, basically as long as they were trained and doing what they were supposed to be doing they should be safe, obviously reversing over them or going head on at 60mph in the swat truck would probably fall outside the realms of reasonable, shame. driving tactics that are necessary and proportionate to the circumstances. A consultation document says: “This standard would allow investigators, prosecutors and the courts to take account of the driver’s level of training and skill, not only to make allowance for driving beyond that expected from the public but also if manoeuvres or tactics are employed that the driver is not trained or authorised to carry out.” Instances in which the test could be applied include “hard stops”, where trained drivers are required to make contact with a suspect vehicle.
  15. It's not certain death its just a hint of possible death, don't be so negative
  16. It was only sorned a year ago maybe the rider never checked out
  17. I watched that one when I was looking for vids And this guy who is just a show off ">
  18. I got away from my examiner at a roundabout, there definitely wasn't room for him to pull out and I was definitely out of sight, never said a word?
  19. That's his problem, your not riding for him, sucks but book another.
  20. Dear God Almighty I think I agree with six for the 2nd time. Waste of time, won't overturn the decision, how could it, how you going to prove your right he's wrong, my examiner was as miserable as sin and is renowned for it but I passed, had I failed I would have taken it again. What was it you failed on
  21. orientation of the dial is turned 15-degrees clockwise so it can be read while one is gripping the handlebar of a motorcycle. Less obviously, the dial and case are sloped five degrees toward the wearer. Be easier to velcro an old watch to the bike but I now see why its aimed at bikers who don't wear safety gear.
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