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Everything posted by exportmanuk

  1. Reading books like Roadcraft are helpful but without someone actually seeing if you are doing what you think you are doing you could just be reinforcing bad habits. One of the reason I stayed on to become an observer after taking the IAM test was I saw it as a way of continuing to maintain or improve my own roadcraft. Motorcyclists are still having the same accidents as when I started riding in the 70s. The same as my father back in the 50s. If it is always someone else who is to blame we don't learn, once we accept that in every incident we played a part and how way play can alter the result. I spent some time talking to local bike groups and asked other rider about their experiences. Often someone would say to me that someone came out of a junction a typical SMIDY I ask did you see them. Interestingly the general reply is yes I saw them look at me. So if you saw them why didn't you change your speed and or course to reduce the risk of a collision. often the reply is "Well I had right of way" or "but they looked at me" either way the rider was depending on someone else to look after their safety. There are and will always be instances where the rider has little to no chance of changing the event but there are a great deal more that could be avoided if the rider gave just a little more consideration to self preservation rather than self entitlement.
  2. Hi Don't know how good this is https://realrider.com/ they have been around for a few years had a look at it when they first started but it was very buggy and used a lot of power, but that was at least 5 years ago
  3. Hi Just re read my last correspondence with them from July. The company who ran the venue "Event City" in January this year are trying to negotiate to lease the old Soccer dome site, but the Bike show organiser thinks even if the do get a lease it is unlikely this will be in a fit state by March. He has looked at Gmex but they have no Availability between January and March next year. Will probably send them an email later this month
  4. Hi, There was consideration given to using Bowlers Trafford Park, but I think that has been dismissed, the last time I spoke with the organiser he was considering retirement, not spoken to him for a fewf months. I will contact him and see if I can give any news
  5. Buy another 500 handlebar if that is more comfortable and fit that they both look to be the same standard diameter you will just need to transfer all the fittings over.
  6. 2 Helmets 1 Textile Jacket 1 Mesh Jacket 1 Leather Jacket 1 Leather pants 2 Textile pants 4 Biker Jeans 1 Pair Boots (Altberg not needed anything else for several years) 4 Pairs Gloves 1 two piece waterproof over suit 1 Helitech Airbag waistcoat dozens of neck tubes several sets of base layers several pair of socks Probably a lot more that I cant remember
  7. Have a look here https://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/500346/city_centre_parking/332/motorcycles#:~:text=We have increased the number,free for motorcyclists to use.&text=If you choose to park,buy and display a ticket.
  8. In the UK legally they must be able to rest their feet on foot pegs. Also check your insurance will cover Pillions many dont. As others have said get some real experience before taking a pillion and make sure they wear all the gear including gloves no matter how hot the weather is.
  9. Hi Yes the camera warnings work even if you have not planed a route
  10. Be careful about accepting a hire bike. you should read this before you agree https://www.whitedalton.co.uk/motorbike-blog/2022/05/do-i-have-to-pay-for-a-hire-bike-i-didnt-even-want/
  11. I feel it has to be down to the individual. Some can make the change easily it seems they are the ones who realise the right hand is not holding an on off switch, but equally I come across many riders who are scared of using the throttle and brakes properly. Very timid in the application of both which can be just as dangerous as opening the throttle wide depending on the circumstances
  12. Hi, If the guy imported it legally there with be an import entry for it you need a copy of that to get a NOVA then with the NOVA you can register the bike with the DVLA
  13. Hi I have one as stated its a bit heavy but apart from that I don't perceive any down side. I don't bounce as well these days, so the extra protection could prove beneficial if the worst happens. I occasionally forget to unclip it but the tug reminds me and I can just about get off my RT with it attached, getting on the bike putting on my gloves then remembering it need attaching can be a bit frustrating.
  14. MRA is a spin off from the guys who did TYRE Trace Your Route Everywhere a tool I had been using since the early noughties ( I still use it sometimes as it can export POIs for tomtom rider ) I got in on MRA early and it was a little clunky to begin with but it has grown over the last few years and is very good. The RoadSmart group Im with use it to circulate route to associates to practice a route before the observed ride as it can export to just about all motorcycle PNDs it is a great tool.
  15. Hi, This is often because the declare the customs value as US$ 2.00 but if it get checked by HMRC then either you will have to pay the VAT plus a penalty or the stuff will be confiscated. Since we have left the EU HMRC are paying more attention to these types of import.
  16. Ali Express is the retail site for AliBaba China. If you buy through this site you should also be hit by duty & VAT as it will be a personal import.
  17. Agree with Old Codger. Unlikely to be valves more probable an obstruction or air leak would expect your 2017 bike to be fuel injected and the throttle opening at idle to be controlled by the ECU not an idle screw.
  18. Extra lights that dazzle make it more difficult to judge the speed of an approaching motorcycle and can actually contribute to people pulling out in front of you. They also can dazzle in mirrors and we all know "Where you look is where you go" so driver eyes are drawn to look into the mirror and then drift towards that side.
  19. Hi Must have seen you on the 18th do you wear a Blue tabard? For half a second I thought it was a speed camera
  20. Hi There is information from the DVLA here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/dvla-coronavirus-covid-19-update
  21. On some bikes the front mudguard is also a brace between the forks to help stabilise the compression of the forks. If your is one that uses this then it may fail.
  22. Good idea, but warning both groups expect you to adhere to speed limits. Motorways generally when joining I accelerate/chase into a gap if I can rather than slow/drop back in to a gap, That way you are looking forward in to the space you will use rather than behind you so much. One on the motorway if I can then go at a happy medium. I try to avoid getting boxed into a particular lane look to keep space around me that allows me to change lane easily if I can. If it is safer to exceed the limit for a short time I will but these days I try to stick to the Limit +10% so I am within ACPO guidelines. Indicators I use them if there is someone around to benefit but avoid starting to indicate where it may cause confusion eg turnings when there are two options close together or to move lane when there is a junction close by. If you are on facebook this guy talks a lot of sense ( Though his voice is very boring to listen too) https://www.facebook.com/SurvivalSkills
  23. Make sure your chains go through the frame not just the wheels. It's simple to pull the axel out lift the bikes and leave the wheels.
  24. Hi With the IAM if you don't want to take the test your don't have to I suspect Rospa is the same the main objective of both organisations is to improve your riding. I deliver both Bikesafe and IAM. Bikesafe is just one day ( in some areas two days) we can give out tips and make suggestions but bad habits take time to change. Taking a course over a few weeks will give you time to develop the skills and incorporate them fully into your riding and driving.
  25. Also on a 125 you will need L Plates and not Pillion until you pass the required test.
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