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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. Looks bloody good, especially compared with what it was looking like when you got it. Well done you.
  2. Well that confirmed that I won't be fitting LED indicators to my bike! Looks like far too much effort!
  3. Says the man who went well south to pick up a bike bought presumably off photos? And assuming it has only 51 miles I can't see what else could be under the covers plus it should have at least a partial manufacturers warranty.
  4. It would depend on the price no? If it was discounted enough the cost of a new chain isn't exactly a deal breaker and with only 51 miles on the clock?. I agree it's a pretty poor show on the dealer's part though.
  5. When I find a locked public footpath I just climb over the gate. Unless it's been diverted in which case there should be a council produced notice to that effect or in the case of something like foot and mouth when they can be closed on a temporary basis. Covid isn't an agricultural disease and is no grounds to close a path.
  6. So is this the look you're working towards for your Harley? Definitely be able to see you coming although the hysterical laughter may cause accidents.
  7. Just taking a wild assed guess here but.... promotional stunt?
  8. A few years ago my oldest offspring in her role as dog-robber for some admiral organised a Trafalgar Night dinner on HMS Victory. Apparently it was rather good.
  9. If you're in NI as it's part of the UK it's no problem to buy in England and basically ride it home. Well Covid permitting of course. Just don't leave it unattended in Liverpool.
  10. Quote My missus (we've been together 38 years) remembers everything I've done or said.......when she mentions something from the past I've got no idea! Unquote Your not alone there. I think it's a woman thing. I've been married 41 years and needless to say there's loads of stuff I can't remember but my wife apparently can. Mostly things I did wrong. The fact I can't remember them of course means that she can claim I did just about anything which is a tad irksome.
  11. Looks like if you stop suddenly you'll end up as the headless horseman, or scooterist at least.
  12. That's fair enough. I think it's the same in the UK? A foreign license is valid for a while and then you have to get a UK one. I believe some countries have equivalence. Does that mean you have to take a Spanish driving test?
  13. You don't need an international driver's license for many non-EU countries so if the EU decide we do it's going to be out of vindictiveness. Surely they wouldn't be like that?
  14. Somehow when you hear about someone else's absolutely horrible experiences your own issues become considerably more insignificant and you realise quite how lucky you are and should stop whining and just get on with your (pretty damned good) life. Thanks a lot to some of you - I think.
  15. Last lockdown was bad, my wife went off the deep end and was hospitalised for a month. No visiting allowed. Stressed everybody to hell and gone. I'm at sea now and building up a store of pure rage which I have to really fight to manage as I don't want to lash out at someone who doesn't deserve it. When I do get home and if we're in any kind of lockdown I'll be stressed out. The weird thing is this isn't normal for me at all. Normally I'm pretty easy going and work on the basis of "if I can't do anything about it then there's no point stressing about it". Maybe it's age catching up with me?
  16. In the sea, surfing, or high on a mountain ridge ... my heart soars ..... Same here. I took a beat on the northern plains once, and found myself staring out at the Great Divide. As I was standing there, trying to decide which way to go - east or west - I saw a young hawk flying. My soul began to rise... Great song, one of my favourites.
  17. Nope, I'm quite happily eating meat and drinking booze when I'm home. Can't when I'm away and to be honest I don't notice any difference. That said good on you for doing what you are. If it really does extend your life why not? Live and let live.
  18. I'm using Tom Tom at the moment but purely because it was on a really good deal when I bought it. If Garmin had been cheaper I'd have had that. Used Garmin before, especially on the boat and no problems with it. The Multistrada has a special wire for installing GPS so just a matter of connecting it up and you are good to go. Quite surprised the BMW doesn't.
  19. Not a great fan of DIY mechanics as I'm basically rubbish at it and don't have the patience. That said my wife's previous car - BMW 3 series - had the most ridiculous headlight accessibility I've ever seen. To change the lamp you had to go via the wheel arch. Usually in the rain. Stupid bloody design.
  20. I was keen to get that very helmet myself but sadly it just didn't fit me at all. One size was way too big and even with extra padding was loose as hell. The next size down pushed my chin into my ears. Why I like Helmet City in Cheltenham as I can try the things on. The stated size doesn't necessarily mean jack if your head shapes wrong.
  21. I ride for pleasure but very occasionally I have to be somewhere and the wife is using her car so I have to use the bike. That said I won't ride in snow or ice unless I get caught out which I haven't for years. The only bit of me which gets cold is the very tips of my fingers. After a couple of hours they can get quite painful. As to clothing quality layering works for me.
  22. There used to be a decent pub there apparently but it's long been closed. Can't even blame Covid for that! Once the bridge opened it was very much at the end of the road although I'd have thought the troops from the nearby barracks may have kept it going but apparently not.
  23. Well they lie about everything else so why not their solar panels? That said our lot aren't exactly paragons of virtue when it comes to the "truth". Seems very flexible somehow.
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