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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. There used to be a decent pub there apparently but it's long been closed. Can't even blame Covid for that! Once the bridge opened it was very much at the end of the road although I'd have thought the troops from the nearby barracks may have kept it going but apparently not.
  2. Well they lie about everything else so why not their solar panels? That said our lot aren't exactly paragons of virtue when it comes to the "truth". Seems very flexible somehow.
  3. Having a quiet weekend at sea before next weekend's pandemonium and pan-shite.
  4. Bet it's not any version of Euro compliant. Lucky sod.
  5. Believe that when I see it. Probably related to that loon last year with his amazing battery-less bike.
  6. Old Severn crossing The old Severn crossing before the first bridge was built.
  7. its a greasy biker Even worse ... it’s a Hipster !! No one with pretensions to being a hipster would look quite that grungy. My son's one and trust me, grunge isn't part of the look.
  8. I've no problem with an electric bike in principle although I'd miss the sound of the exhaust. My issues are firstly the range is too short and secondly the charging time is too long. Battery technology is improving but as yet imo it hasn't improved enough for a bike. Until it does I'm sticking with my ICE and a pox on Greta.
  9. Well I'm better padded than I'd like to be, getting balder by the day, auld, and grumpy BUT I don't have a BMW or a Harley. Nor anything Chinese for that matter.
  10. Deffo a rabbit away somewhere. None of my pinlocks have ever been anything other than good. They definitely don't steam up and have never slipped once in position. My "backup" helmet has no pinlock and it regularly steams up hence I only use it for short runs in fine weather with the visor partly open.
  11. Have to say watching Peppa Pig is a labour of love. My eldest grandson was into it when he was 2 and we must have watched every bloody episode with me hating every minute. Now he's 9 the mere mention of him ever having watched never mind liked PP is good for a serious snarky hissy fit.
  12. Congratulations and look forward to the rest of it.
  13. Not had one of those myself but I believe they are well regarded by those who do and I've not heard of an issue with them.
  14. I'll bite. What's an ethically influenced smart phone? It's not going to try and turn me woke is it? I need a new phone myself as my current one is on its way out I think.
  15. If it's a genuine pinlock I've never had a problem. As a general rule they are fit and forget. I had issues with one helmet where the manufacturer fitted a pinlock clone which wasn't as good and did get moisture between the visor and it. I replaced with a genuine pinlock and never a problem since. I wear glasses and sometimes ride with my visor open, no problems. What make is your helmet?
  16. I think having OEM tyres only would be reaching a bit as once a bike's a certain age OEM tyres might not be available having been replaced with a new version. On Ducati forum there's a lot of talk about tyres but I've never seen anyone twitching about insurance issues!
  17. Being robbed blind by Nigerian pirates, sorry authorities. 3000 dollars fine for bullshit violations which funnily enough only happen in Nigeria. Pay the fine or risk 2-3 days delay at 25000 dollars a day. Hate this effing country.
  18. You should let us all know when you were planning on doing it and sell tickets to spectate. Need to have some special effects like blood bags and make a real buck or two.
  19. My dad had them in his 80's and was still driving a car! God knows how he didn't have an accident. Still has to wear glasses though but he is 90 but no car. Didn't know that you could get them at that age (49) unless you were exposed to a lot of high intensity light / glare?
  20. He's probably fallen into a hole in a road in Scotland caused by an earthquake in Japan and been sexually abused by a doll that escaped from a pram.
  21. Non breathable rubber type gloves really do not work for me. Silk liner gloves are good and for very cold weather a blend of silk and merino wool works very well. That said I tend not to ride if the temperature is below 2 C.
  22. Rumour has it that large numbers of sheep have been infected with a new form of Covid so to protect us innocent English from depraved Welshmen certain areas of Wales are now locked down again.
  23. Well done on fessing up although you've now deprived us of something to gripe about. How do you find the Himalayan copes with British winter roads and all the salt and crap? My mutley does better than I expected but it gets a good coating of ACF every winter.
  24. Don't count on it as I've tried a few both in working life and when I owned a boat myself. First off they tend to be quite baggy which is fine when working but not so much when you're riding a bike, I'd guess they'd flog themselves to pieces in short order. Secondly unless you pay silly money for Gore Tex ones you sweat like a bast*rd in them. If you don't go particularly fast they may be worth a punt in colder weather.
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