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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. Councils. Providing employment to the unemployable. I like this statement even if there are some decent people working for councils. That said my local council - Stroud - is spending god knows how much for an "anti-racism" campaign. So far as I'm aware we are not exactly a hot bed of the KKK or the BNP. Our council is forever having "woke" campaigns. XR was largely started by one of our local loonies and we've a shed load of them.
  2. Can you not check it's mileage against the records of MOT's? The seat looks very worn for less than 16000 miles.
  3. Don't like it's looks so not for me. And no it doesn't look like a Multistrada.
  4. Just read this. https://www.bennetts.co.uk/bikesocial/reviews/bikes/mv-agusta/mv-agusta-turismo-veloce-800-lusso-2018-review. Now I know that I need one. Added to my "when I win the lottery list".
  5. To be fair I've had some excellent food in China. I tend to go for the seafood though which is kind of difficult to pass something else off for.
  6. I'm with Xtreme as well. For a while now even before Covid I've been trying not to buy Chinese products. Yes it's not easy, particularly with electronics and some components are often going to end up coming from there but a lot of the key components are actually made in Taiwan and in the case of chip sets the USA. I've been to China and didn't particularly enjoy the experience.
  7. I'd agree with Milton Keynes but I quite like Helensburgh. Never noticed a problem with it when I was there for a few weeks back in the day.
  8. I think it depends. Those with "advanced" riding/driving qualifications who go just go about their business might see a benefit from louder pipes. Those with "advanced" qualifications who bang on about it ad nauseam are likely to get little benefit as other road users will see the all encompassing glow of their self righteous smugness from some considerable distance, thus rendering the loud pipes superfluous. And here's me thinking you would see their polite jacket first Now that's just being gratuitously nasty!
  9. I think it depends. Those with "advanced" riding/driving qualifications who go just go about their business might see a benefit from louder pipes. Those with "advanced" qualifications who bang on about it ad nauseam are likely to get little benefit as other road users will see the all encompassing glow of their self righteous smugness from some considerable distance, thus rendering the loud pipes superfluous. It's the special aura that advanced qualification riders have. Us lesser mortals just don't have it.
  10. He seems to have got worse for this over recent years. In his earlier vids he was more careful to obey limits other than NSL ones.
  11. From what I understand the major mobile phone networks intend to continue with the current roaming arrangements for Europe.
  12. I think when it comes to retirement it very much depends on what you enjoy doing. I spend half the year on leave anyway so it won't be that dramatic a change. Less income obviously so that will be a major factor. Other than that I'm pretty damned busy with "stuff" so I'll do more of it. Maybe do some kind of part time job for beer money - or not.
  13. All this talk about pensions makes me laugh. All I'll get when I reach 67 is the state minimum whatever that might be. Everything else is going to be from what we've managed to save and to be fair it's reasonable but.... How long it has to last is the question? My parents are still both going and my Dad is 90 next week so it may be difficult. I know low interest rates benefit the younger generation but I do feel a bit bitter and twisted when I was paying mortgages off at 15% and now I'm looking for a decent return I'm lucky to get 2%.
  14. Early autumn last year the first big wind brought down tons of beech nuts. Came round a sharp bend and the road was absolutely carpeted with them. Fortunately it was a 30 mph zone so I wasn't going fast but it still made for a buttock clenching moment.
  15. Must have been the same builder as us. Every single door in the house needed adjustment and some of them needed edges planing. Most of them are fire doors under the latest building regs and weigh a ton.
  16. Have to say that I am not a good boy when it comes to these nobbers. I give them half a minute or so to pull over than just cut through the inside. Don't flash lights or sound horn just do it - fast.
  17. Sounds about right, but what about 40 limits? Do they do 30? Somerset is full of them. The only time they're close to the limit is in a 40 mph zone. Drive me nuts especially if I'm in the car and can't get past. Not so much on the bike cos I can.
  18. S-Westerly

    HID or LED

    A lot of new bikes have LED as standard so presumably don't fail MOT's. The latest version of mine does and I have thought about switching to them on that basis.
  19. Probably cruise around in a van and just lift anything that looks likely. Can I say Pikeys?
  20. Bloody hell! Cheeky bast*rds, hope you get sorted but good luck with the insurance.
  21. Okay so did you drop it when stationary or were you riding at the time. With short legs I've dropped mine a couple of times when stopped.
  22. Yeah like Marino said. 3 to 4 months away and then 3 to 4 months home. Going back always sucks. Sadly work seems to be the default, it's like I've never been home.
  23. That has nothing at all to do with this question. this site is for the irish republic. and its own laws and regulations regarding its citizens. It does indirectly as you have to go through the Republic of Ireland to get to Northern Ireland from the ferry There are ferries from Liverpool to Belfast, Stranraer to Larne and Cairn Ryan to Belfast. None of these require you to leave the UK. Last time I looked Ulster was part of the UK so unless your insurance has an issue with going there it's not a problem.
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