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Everything posted by dynax

  1. Why just the two choices? I think there should be more choice in the matter, you know, sparkle it up with a bit of razzmatazz. They're as good as dead anyway so I reckon there should be a wild-card option where the victim's family get to chose whatever they want. Thrown into a pit of Vipers, or a tank with Piranhas
  2. Not all injuries are visible at the time, my SIL, had a bump a couple of years ago, it was only 6 months later that a problem arose due to the accident, and never accept their first offer
  3. Rapists and pedo's should be castrated
  4. use a leather conditioner, leather needs to be kept reasonably moisturised as it will dry and shrink and crack
  5. There has to be a balance, and a punishment must fit the crime, capitol punishment should only be a last resort, and repeat offenders made an example of, how many chances do people need to change, the one's that do need to be eliminated, are the drug dealers and pusher's
  6. Hmmm, could have a ride to the Wildlife park, that'll get the primates going ape
  7. Good luck, and let us know how you get on, and have a look at the map, https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/app.php/map, top one is member locations, and below is a map of cafes and meeting places
  8. On reflection, you might be in a better position to your DAS, and i think the majority of members, would probably say that would be the best way forward for you
  9. Most people would recommend doing CBT first, then have a look at bikes, but you also need to take into account the insurance costs, which can be more than the price of the bike, and don't forget to budget for clothing and a helmet, i had a budget of £3600, for everything, i ended up at closer to £4300, but i saw a bike that i had to have, and i bought that first, then had to shop around for insurance, then i got my helmet and clothing, then i did the CBT, completely back to front to the way it is usually done, but it worked for me
  10. Where are you based, have a look for some instructors, i phoned around a few near me, as i initially wanted to do mine over 2 days, morning one day, then the road work on the second, and as i phoned around i found one that could do it over 2 days and was £40 cheaper than anywhere else, but i managed to get it done in one day, but if you phone around and explain your situation, most will be able to help
  11. Ideal candidate to get paintballed
  12. I haven't cleaned mine yet, only done 70km, but i have got some chain cleaner one of them brushes and some banana scented dry lube, didn't know it was flavoured till i got home and read the instructions
  13. Have you got a full car licence, or are you starting as a new learner/driver, the reason i ask, is it might help to get a 50cc geared bike, and get used to riding, you can then practice at your leisure what you do on the CBT, the CBT is mainly to let the instructor know that you are safe to ride on the road, and can handle riding in different situations
  14. Muck in the fuel system, doesn't take much, when was it last serviced, what fuel system is it, carb or efi,
  15. Also have a look at J & S, not all their stuff is online, i found a nice jacket in store, that wasn't listed on the website
  16. A friend of mine from a few years ago, had a friend in the USA, who was a police officer, and said to him, if you shoot anyone running from your property, just drag them back over the threshold, and claim self defence, or what ever it is over their apparently if someone is running away, you can be prosecuted, but if they are inside the property, that's ok , works for me
  17. I am tempted to just get a frame with a V5, and do a full custom build
  18. I googled it earlier, Dorking, on the old london road, box hill, RH5 6BY
  19. This is true, but i have quite a lot of tools and equipment, i can weld,spray, and fabricate, and at a push i can use my wood lathe for metal turning and polishing, the only addition i would consider getting would be a parts washer, just a matter of biding my time until the right one turns up, at a push i might be able to get around £400 for the boat, but that needs a bit of work doing to it too, but just too big to handle on my own, not the work, the boat itself
  20. could it be a drag racer ?,
  21. If you're quick enough to find it again, could be Sunday lunch
  22. Cheers for the offer Bob, but my top end limit is £300, but ideally would like to spend nearer £200 if possible, also won't be anytime soon, looking at a winter time project, and depends what i can get for my boat that i am going to sell, that will fund the purchase
  23. seriously considering buying a restoration project, nothing bigger than a 125, but what would people suggest, older bikes 70's,80's, or something under 10-15 years old, looking to pay up to around £300 max less would be better
  24. Just need a lottery win, but i would like it in a very dark metallic red with gold flecks
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