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Everything posted by Fish

  1. I set the disc lock alarm off just to make sure it's working
  2. Chip shop chips, chicken from off and strawberry shake from McD's
  3. I'd love for the local traffic division to do spot checks on all the delivery drivers/riders.... I bet 80% of them don't have the proper insurance for doing the deliveries. Fish
  4. Rather have the bullitt Fish
  5. Hopefully get my DAS done so I can progress onto something that has some go in it.... This 125 although nice is painful at times. Fish
  6. Afternoon everybody, to top off being put into isolation today, I've just received an email telling me that my DAS training due to start on the 4th Jan has been cancelled for a second time. This is really dumb as I can still book the actual test itself! Fish
  7. The main reason for a more upright bike is to see over as many cars as possible, I have ridden a sports for a day and it wouldn't be a choice for daily stuff. At the end of the day, you'll be the owner and user so it's really your choice. Fish
  8. I will now be sitting indoors drinking. This is due to some extra special civil servant who came into work when not feeling well, going home and getting tested positive for covid! That's managed to put 6 engineers on lockdown and a customer site with just 1 engineer to provide support. F**king ungrateful bunch at the best of times, but this has really annoyed me. Fish
  9. Although I'm still on my 125 I do commute into central London. I don't see many sports bikes, but there's plenty of overly aggressive GS riders. They have the opinion that because they sit higher they command the road. You appear to say that you've still to do your CBT, so once you've do that, got the theory test out the way and got yourself booked into a DAS, then would be the time to look at bikes for the commute. Fish
  10. Adjusted the chain and went for a ride until it started to rain. Fish
  11. Just sitting here drinking my beer and wondering how you manage to handle all those 48 horses... Still I'm guessing it's better out there than back here in blighty Fish
  12. Reached a little milestone (for me anyway). Only been on a bike since July due to this covid crap. 3333 miles, which is now a little more since my ride to work. Fish
  13. The scum are more likely to use a battery grinder than those specific cutters. Fish
  14. waitint to be told that my DAS has been cancelled yet again. I hope England follows Scotlands ruling and keeps bike tests going. Fish
  15. Litelok got in touch with that guy and they are not the usual type of bolt cutters. Fish
  16. I like this part.... "You are covered during your test and afterwards if you pass. You are not covered to ride home if you have failed your test." So you HAVE to pass to be insured! Another reason to find a school. Fish
  17. I'm almost tempted to do the same. I checked and they have a few spaces up for grabs. Fish
  18. It was due during this latest lockdown, the training centre moved it to the 4th to 6th Jan, but just emailled them as I have no work bookings for the next two weeks. Well done on getting the Mod 1 done. Fish
  19. My first ride after picking up my bike (Yam MT125) I had a few small roads then I had to take it on the A2 (a 3 lane motorway style road) 70mph stretch for circa 9 miles, all whilst not going above 7k rpm! Windy and scary as crap but it was that or lots and lots of back roads to get it home. I had been to a few dealers and sat on various bikes, Suzuki, Honda, Yam, Sinnis.... the list is long, but I thought that the Yam fitted me the best. Now I commute into central London and not looked back, been out for a few day long bimbles (or whatever you call them). Just annoyed that my DAS was cancelled during this last lockdown. Fish
  20. Not sure about tomorrow but Sunday is all the Xmas shoots, so off to a couple of those. Fish
  21. I believe that they lay a different tarmac on the test centre's that what we would see out on the roads and it costs them a small fortune. Fish
  22. I'm not looking forward to the emergency swerve section otherwise I'm not that worried about the Mod 1. Fish
  23. There not exactly real world tests though. I'd be more interested in the new FIM standard, but we all know they will be the higher end of the price range when they start filtering into the shops. Fish
  24. Ended up with some Alpinestar SMX-6 v2 Drystar. Hopefully they should keep my poor little tootsies nice and warm and dry. Fish
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