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Everything posted by Fish

  1. As the weather is looking ok (ok dry at least) I'll be going for a socially distanced ride to god knows where. Week from hell, but on the plus side I've just passed an exam from hell. Sometimes I hate working in IT, and this was one of those weeks. Hope everyone else has a good weekend. Fish
  2. You do know this isn't hemorrhoid cream.... Fish
  3. The idiot who dropped his Speed Tripple RS! Riding (filtering at this point) to work up the old kent road this morning and an impatient guy on a noisy beast starts giving plenty of right wrist behind me. So when I get a chance I move over to let him through, only to catch him at the next set of lights. Couple of sets of lights later and I'm still there with him much to his dismay. Just past Elephant and Castle heading towards Westminster and the road drops into a 20mph zone due to schools and the like. This guys blasts from like is the start of a race, front wheel struggling to keep on the ground. 500 yards up the road and he's dusting himself off and the tripple is in the gutter on its side! I would guess that some school kids crossed a road and he wasn't able to stop and dropped it. I hope the bike isn't too bad as I quite like them, but I just hope he's learnt to stop being a dick. Fish PS. I'm not preaching that I'm an angel, but when there's schools around I do tend to ease off.
  4. Email from the training company this morning, England have closed the testing centre's..... It's not like we're sitting in the same car or anything They are now looking to reschedule as per their current schedule. So those booked on the 5th will get first, I should be in the second or third batch. Fish
  5. Sadly it's down to the fact that only that persons opinion matters and anything else is wrong and should be banned full stop. We're now a country of snowflake arsewipes who cannot accept others doing something they don't agree with. Fish
  6. I have my DAS booked for the 10th to 12th Nov, I'm not giving up that they will be cancelled at this point. I had an email from the training company this morning and they seem to think they will continue but should know 100% by Wednesday. Fish
  7. The idiot in the Suzuki Jeep thing..... I think he learnt that they don't corner well in the wet when braking hard. End of dual carriageway, 50 mph road and raining fairly hard, idiot in Suzuki then comes flying up the outside lane and having to brake overly hard to not go straight over the roundabout. A 270 spin and a look of smug on my face when passing him. A couple of miles later back he comes again, this time learning that his shitheap doesn't corner as well as an Abarth. Fish
  8. I'm waiting to see if I can get any motivation to actually go and do something. Sitting in my chair and can't be arsed to do anything. Weathers just turned to crap, so going for a ride is out as I don't fancy getting wet crotch syndrome. Yeah I know I need to get some waterproof over trousers or some waterproof textiles (if such a thing exists) Fish
  9. I've been using the Dainese Tempest D-Dry gloves for the last couple of weeks. Early mornings and late nights riding to work and home meant that the gloves I have wasn't up to the colder temps and the rain. So I got myself a pair of these and the feel like a pair of ski gloves in the padding around the fingers, but still with plenty of bend in them. Kept the rain off my hands, even though they are a shorter glove the elasticated securing strap works well. Clicky Link Fish
  10. I'll get some the next time I go up there. Fish
  11. So went into work expecting to be there a while, but what was expecrted to be a slow job turned into an HOUR! So once out of the building, I thought to myself what can I do..... So I had a little ride to the Bike Shed, bit of breakfast and watched some GP practice. Fish
  12. Got to work tomorrow, and I'll see what the weather is like when I open my eyes on Sunday as to what trouble I can get myself into. Fish
  13. It's just taking you on the scenic route. Fish
  14. So I get the renewal quote from my current insurer and thought I've got a spare hour, let's grab a couple of quick quotes from the non-search sites. Over £100 saving! I thought the government had put something in place about insurance companies ripping off loyal customers. Guess I'll be having a bit more of a proper search tonight when I'm bored again. Fish
  15. Congrats on the pass, now to wait for the DAS course. Fish
  16. To get my bike on a paddock stand I have to remove an ABS bracet. Trying to do this I snapped the ball end off one of my allen key wrenches, so after washing the bike and cleaning/lubing the chain I went in search of my snapon dealer to get the wrench replaced. Well at least I got out of a couple of hours ride.... trying to track him down Fish
  17. Welcome along. I had much the same when doing my CBT. My first instrouctor was an arse! Started the day with we're not doing this or that and that he wanted to be finished after a couple of hours. I dropped the bike quite early into the session and the nerves got the better of me. We got out onto the road and within the first 10 mins he'd already given me two warnings, but not telling me what they was for. So I pulled over and told him to take me back to the training centre. I got an email at the end of the day, which I replied to with what happened on the day, how bad the instructor is and that the training centre itself wasn't fit for purpose. I had a call from the training company asking me to reattend the centre and discuss, which I did and then rebooked but with a different instructor. The second instructor was so much better and not rushing anything. Totally rebuilt some confidence in my abilities. So I'd say rebook, but explain what's happened and if they are any good (and most of them are) they will put you with a different instructor who will take more time with you. Fish
  18. Giving the bike a clean, chain cleaned and waxed then hopefully some clay busting on Sunday. Fish
  19. Nice work, got mine next month. Fish
  20. After working all weekend from evening until circa 4am each day, with the horrid rain on Friday and Saturday night to deal with on the way home (motorway puddles are the best don't you know, nothing like sliding sideways at 65mph in poor visability), but at least the drive home at 5am this morning was dry. Time to sleep soon.
  21. The project monkey in charge of last night’s work.... Meant to finish at 3am, but sends half the team home at 2 when there's still work to start and snagging to sort! Don't think he appreciated my comments of his abilities. Ended up leaving at just gone 4:30 Fish
  22. Leaving it under the rain cover and taking the car. Fish
  23. I'm currently wearing some Richa Colorodo textiles which I got back in June, but now the weather has turned they are leaking around the crotch area. The legs are fine, but it just looks like I've pee'd myself after any sign of rain. Anyone recommend a decent pair (that wont break the bank) pair that would be waterproof. Thanks Fish
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