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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. [mention]Ian Frog[/mention] I watched Stone for the first time not too long ago. Good film with better bikes
  2. I've just finished watching Quadrophenia if that counts Worlds fastest Indian with Anthony Hopkins is very good
  3. Scarily that plate is taxed and tested too!!
  4. Ding Ding Ding we have a winner!!!......and no
  5. Its not but it definitely looks like her!
  6. [mention]Richzx6r[/mention] don't behave badly (thats a small clue)
  7. I'm bored so thought I'd start a game What am I watching?
  8. Have a look at different compare sites if you haven't already. I find comparethemarket usually quotes me a lot less than other ones and thats with the same brokers! Any details you could change slightly to get the quotes down? mileage is one, not everyone needs 10,000 on their bike Other one that worked for me was occupation. I am a fish fryer but as I run the shop I put down manager which knocks approx £45 of for year I have to deal with whats known in the insurance game as "the Bradford tax" and I still would weep at paying your quotes
  9. Bloody hell!! at those quotes I'd be looking at getting a different cheaper bike and building up my no claims for a couple of years
  10. My issue is after doing the job I cant be arsed putting them away and go back inside the house
  11. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gilera-Cougar-125-swing-arm-chain-protector-cover/283860147580?hash=item4217621d7c:g:pj8AAOSwU~VepjsK
  12. Just need a sledgehammer and you're sorted
  13. Shall I post a video of my 2001 Suzuki firing up after living outside under a cover for 4 years for you to show him?
  14. Its not for me as I don't do heights Pity as it looks good fun
  15. This reply had me pissing myself
  16. He's the gift that keeps on giving
  17. just looking at that makes my shins ache
  18. The hardest part for me will be the repainting, I am crap at that
  19. [mention]JackieOWheels[/mention] Because I know all the things that go wrong with it Seriously though, I might keep it to play with for a bit but this year was meant to be the year I got my full license and a big boys bike. I have the money for the test but will use the sale of this towards a new (to me) bike.
  20. I just wouldn't feel happy with one of those sump valves, I've seen different variations for cars & bikes and I couldnt cope with the worry of thinking have I knocked it open after going over that speed bump too fast
  21. I've dragged my old bike from back of Garage where it has lived for the last 3/4 years under a cover I'm planning on lightly restoring it to sell off, basically getting it back road worthy and giving it a lick of paint. I put some fuel in tank to try & start earlier in week which immediately started leaking out of the petcock So thats a rebuild kit needed for a start Good news is the engine fires up with a bit of WD40 sprayed into the airbox so thats one hurdle cleared. Carb looked cleaner than expected, Electrics seem fine, Both brakes are completely seized, tons of rust to deal with as well.
  22. But if we all fit those arcturus engines we could be there by yesterday
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