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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. No amount of chain lube gets past the o-rings so lubing the chain is all about reducing wear on chain rollers outer surface where they touch the sprockets. That's why many people in American forums say they use WD40. I think because basically they have cleaned the chain and the thin film of residue is enough in dry conditions to reduce the wear a little.
  2. Celery is 90% water, so if I walk on celery that makes me 90% Jesus.
  3. Good advice, but we shouldn't have to know the "secret pass phrase" in order to get medical advice from medical professionals in a hospital. If they aren't qualified to make a judgement or provide advice, why keep us waiting so long? Why not just send us somewhere we can get professional medical advice?? Their excuse that they are only there to decide if it's life threatening or not was nonsense. They left us waiting ages with potentially life threatening temperatures. They basically served zero purpose, delayed the diagnosis, dealyed the administering of drugs to lower his temperature and expected us to sit in extreme high temperature waiting room likely full of bugs whilst they faffed about not treating the other patients either. We actually waited in the doorway causing the automatic doors to the outside world to go a bit nuts. My lad in just a t-shirt and shorts burning hot so no way I was going to wait in the hot waiting room with radiators on full blast. Still, at least it's free right??
  4. Nope, wasn't given any advice, just left to roast in a waiting room for ages before being told they can't advise what we should do, it was entirely up to us. No advice on cooling the child down either. Best advice came from the pharmacist to be honest. Both kids are fine today, very slight temperatures this morning but all good now, no thanks to the local minor injuries clinic or the 111 box ticking service... This pic was taken yesterday afternoon before I calledd 111 for my daughter.
  5. It could help it's self in so many ways!! My cases yesterday are prime examples of complete waste of time. The minor injuries clinic knew they couldn't actually do anything to help yet left us waiting hours just so they could send us away saying it wasn't life threatening and what I did next was up to me!! What a complete waste of everyones time and efforts!! They added zero value and left me in exactly the same position I was in hours earlier but with a hungry, tired, overheating child... I'd go so far as to say they made the situation worse as they forced my son to wait longer before going to a pediatric department, and they didn't even advise that we should take him there. Other people may have easily misunderstood their lack of recommendation as saying the child didn't need to goto hospital... And as for the 111 service, that's just a box ticking excercise asking totally unrelated questions and then fobbing me off with "the doctor will call you later" when they know for a fact any responsibile parent will have already taken their child to A&E as GP surgeries aren't open at weekends!!! And calling at 00:47.. if it had been any other organisation i would have probably lectured them on how pointless their service was... Maybe they actually do need to be told so they wake up and realise?? Or do they know but don't have the balls to speak up?? Its a total mess that needs a massive shake up. Wastage all the way through the system is blatently obviouse to everyone so why arent the management dealing with it??? I've got private healthcare so I probably should have just used that, but that's a sad state of affairs when you have to go private just to get tonsillitis diagnosed...
  6. Oh and the second time I was there I watched a little old lady come hobbling in on two walking sticks. She walked straight in and stood waiting at the reception desk. How was she possibly supposed to read the sign flat on the counter that said "reception unmanned, please take a ticket"... So I took a ticket for her and had to try to explain why a scruffy looking bloke in ripped jeans was handing her a bit of paper with a number on and telling her not to keep waiting for the receptionist to return...
  7. My two kids have been unwell for a few days so following the NHS website advice i took my youngest to minor injuries clinic at about 10am yesterday. Everything was broken, the lift, the coffee machine, the vending machines everything had scrappy sings on saying "out of order" that looked like they had been there for a long time. But the heating was working and on full blast roasting everyone in the waiting area!! No receptionist, had to take a ticket and wait for my number to be called. I was third in the queue and watched as the two other people went into the room for 5mins and came back out into the waiting room. 40min later my number got called, allowing me to speak to someone about why I was there (23month old with 40degree temp been left roasting in an overheating waiting room) Just as the two other had before me, I spent 5mins explaining why I was there before being sent back to the waiting room to slow cook some more. Another 40mins later eventually we got seen by a nurse who explained they couldn't do anything other than call an ambulance if they decided the situation was life threatening. I asked what I should do next and was told they couldn't give advice and the decision was upto me, either go home or take my son to A&E. Since they weren't allowed to give advice I said "ok well I'll deduce from the fact you're not on the phone to an ambulance that's its not life threatening, but I'm still in the same position as I was before I came with the same decision to make - Hospital or Home." We said our goodbyes and we left. A total waste of time and simply exposed us both to more bugs in overheated, hospital with all facilities broken and medical staff who were not allowed to give advice... So I called my other half to explain and she said she would take the boy to A&E. She was seen by two doctors who couldn't work out why his temperature was so high and couldn't discharge him as they didn't know what was wrong. They started preparing to admit him overnight before as luck would have it a specialist popped in, checked his ears chest and throat and quickly diagnosted him as having tonsillitis. Prescribed some penicillin and off they went... All done in less than 5mins and apparently the specialist gave the doctors a disapproving look as if to say they really should have picked that up immediately not wasted best part of a day confused about tonsillitis... So they eventually got home at 7pm. Full day wasted many NHS staff involved, loads of waiting in bug ridden hospitals for a simple tonsillitis diagnosis that took one man 5mins. Going back in time a bit at around 2pm whilst my son was stuck in hospital I was home with my daughter. She was asleep on the sofa with a 40degree fever so i phoned 111 to ask some advice. I explained the whole situation and was told the out of hours doctor would call me back shortly.. By the time my son got home at 7pm the out of hours doctor hadn't called so I decided to take my daughter to minor injuries... Big mistake. Exactly the same experience as before, waiting in roasting waiting room eventually saw the nurse who said nothing they could do as it was now 7:45pm and they close at 8pm and once again they couldn't advise me what to do but they didn't feel the need for an ambulance... By this point I'm bored of hospitals so I took my daughter to the pharmacy in sainsbos and explained the situation to her. She'd heard the same story may times before from many frustrated parents who had wasted time taking sick children to the minor injuries clinic. We bought some more Calpol and Nurophen and left 18quid lighter. My partner still thought we should go to hospital so after dropping the drugs home (and having an ice lolly) me and my daughter drove off the the hospital where my son had spent most of the day. We got seen pretty quickly. The triage nurse was good and we saw a doctor within an hour or so. The doctor checked her out and felt she was past the worst of it so we should go home and just keep doing what we were doing... Not a waste of time as we had her checked out and now knew it wasn't serious. We finally got home at around 10:30pm so she fell asleep pretty quickly and I could finally get some me time. Watching TV, surfing the web, trolling people on twitter, time flew by.. then at 00:47 my phone rang ... It was the out of hours doctor that was supposed to call me shortly after 2pm!! And this entire post has been typed one handed with me sat on the sofa with my son fast asleep on my chest... TLDR; Sick kids + crumbling NHS = wasted weekend ..
  8. I was told this a while ago and it seems pretty accurate, but looks so much cooler with Ali-G I had to upload the meme
  9. I guessed it wasn't your home so didn't remove the GPS data
  10. Similar to a BSA bantam rigid frame.. engine mounts are different though
  11. Dremel it open then tape it back up. Nobody ever sees it..
  12. That's a bad drinking problem you have there Stu!!
  13. Always thought these looked a good alternative to chains. Designed for pushbikes but as a deterrent it would be ideal as they told away pretty small
  14. Joeman


    There is a road where I grew up in the new forest which we used to call "cowpat canyon". Its a hill with the gate to a farmers field at one end and the farm at the other. Every day the cows walk the road to get milked and leave a huge amount of cowpats all over the road. We used to see how fast we could ride our BMX bikes down cowpat canyon withoutt sliding off. Many times we returned home covered in cowpats with knees bleeding to be shoved into the shower and patched up with detol and plasters... Happy (stinky) memories.
  15. 1month after brexit day, we'll all be wondering what all the fuss was about.. wait and see...
  16. Watching the video statistics was more interesting..
  17. You can move money between Euro and Sterling accounts at a very good rate and with zero commission so yes you will almost certainly save money if you watch the exchange rates and transfer when the rates are most favourable. Alot cheaper than using a UK credit/debit card abroad and paying the extortionate FX rates and fees.
  18. Have you ordered the card? Did it say it will arrive before you leave? Hope so!
  19. Exactly what I'm doing. Load it up with some cash and see how the spending goes.. You can attach receipts to payments too which might be handy. I'm always losing receipts.
  20. You'll be fine but that's some increase.. it will easily wheelie!! Your engine braking will increase alot too so you can close the throttle a little to bring the front wheel back down, but close it gently else you smash your man parts on the tank..
  21. Yeah it's rounding up the the nearest whole number. I have the x2 multiplier setup to double the rounding so 2quid meant there was a £1 change. Its fascinating to see how your money gets apent. And setting budgets etc. Other accounts I have do that but not as well a Revolut. And the FX rates are great. Might be very useful when brexit comes to have some money stashed away in Euros I'm currently only using it for small purchases, not all bills etc.
  22. -2 front is pretty big change! Make sure your back brake works as it's your lifeline when the wheelies start happening!!
  23. Thought I'd post this. Get a Revolut card. Its like a pre-paid debit card that gives you better exchange rates on Euros and USD or many other currencies so if you're traveling, or just making payments in other currencies you don't get mugged by the banks exchange rate. The rate you pay is close to the interbank spot rate with no commission. It also gives you a proper UK and EU bank account to pay bills from which is useful if you have bills in Euros. But the cool part is the way it can round up the spare change from your spending a stick it into a savings pot. So if you buy a coffee for £1.90 the spare 10p gets stuck into your savings pot. I've got mine setup to double the spare change so 20p would go into my savings pot. Everytime you spend you save! The whole think is controlled from an app on your phone and you can set monthly budgets and loads of other cool features. I got one for the greats exchange rates it offers but I've started using it as my daily card. Just download the app, sign-up, have a play. It gives you a cool breakdown of your spending over the month too... If you like numbers and dont like getting mugged off by banks, give it a try...
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