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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Don't be like that mate, rear brakes have always been a hot topic Many people swear by them, other don't see the point. Its personal preference at the end of the day as you ride your best when doing something you're comfort with. Now put the thread back, sit back and watch everyone battle it out. Its a spectator sport watching the forum flare up like this, not a dig at you so don't take it personally!!
  2. Or the oiks used their mum and dad's names and addresses and the parents just turned up because that's that the official looking letter told them to do!! Haha
  3. Was he on a Cowasaki? I'm sorry - drink has been taken... Probably a Mooterbike..
  4. Anyone actually come off their bike wearing a mesh jacket?? If so, At what speed and how did to hold up??
  5. Only has a range of 150ft... Not to great really. You didn't bother reading that site did you...
  6. Exactly. I have them on a few items like car keys wallet etc. Never needed them but the app shows how many people are close by with the app installed and the "crowd" looks pretty big. Small, cheap, easy to hide away, no contract. Sticking one on your bike is a no-brainer really. Downside is that they do need replacing when the battery dies but there are video's showing how to replace the battery.
  7. The new Malden store is where I bought a load of my gear from.
  8. I'm doing laps of the neighborhood pushing my lad about in his buggy.went to Sainsbury's and it was dead! Bought a meal deal and kept walking.. living the dream.
  9. Shouldn't be any drag at all on a 125.
  10. Well buy one of these to start with.. www.thetileapp.com Its not a tracker as such but sticking one on your possessions give you a good chance of locating them if they go missing.
  11. I can not for the life of me find this simple info... do most trackers have their own battery supply, as in hold a charge if the loom is cut say?? Also, are there any truly free services, most seem to state there is a monthly charge, even the cheaper ones in ebay.. ?? Here we see the insides of a TLT2F GPS tracker. The blue thing is a battery that lets it's keep sending location after the power is cut. Like most it will need a mobile simcard card which on Giffgaff networks costs about 5quid per month.
  12. I've played about with a few GPS trackers. The good ones use GSM and GPS positioning so as long as they can receive a mobile signal they can triangulate a position from mobile phone masts. Combined with the last position from the GPS and you can get a reasonable location fix. When in the garages, mine is set to movement sensor mode. So if my bike is moved it calls me or texts me. If someone takes it out of the garage it will continue to send it's position. TLT2h - from eBay.
  13. Joeman


    Two up on a moped with L-plates with your pillion wearing a hoodie instead of a helmet is a great way to get pulled over.
  14. Higher revs at lower speed = transmission problems..
  15. Do you spank them Just a gentle pat on the bum Do you do it from moving cars?? ">
  16. Get a big fuse too and wire it in as close the the battery as possible. But nothing you're planning to wire in needs a connecting block that heavyweight.
  17. take a look at this old thread: https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=59453 https://www.cosmo-accessories.com/online-store/electronics-computers/relay-pcb-board-info.html
  18. Total rip off!! dont even think about spending that much..
  19. Put a balloon inside and inflate it to squish the cheek pads. Leave it like that all the time youre not wearing it.
  20. I wouldn't say it's a myth and just dismiss it like that, I mean, lids are plastic at the end of the day and plastic does break down and deteriorate due to exposure and UV rays over time so while most helmets, properly cared for, would last in excess of 5 years - would you really want to take the risk of one under-performing when you need it most? So many variables to take into account, I'd always feel better replacing than second guessing the condition. Have a read of this from a guy who knows pretty much everything you need to know about motorbike safety gear.. https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p=953836#p953836 But I still buy expensive helmets because I like the way they feel
  21. Get a mini vacuum attachment kit from Amazon for a few quid. That will let you get deeper inside the engine.
  22. If it's part of the bolt it will be magnetic so a long magnet might be able to get some of it out. Got a hoover?? Have a go at sucking it out. Also the long magnet down the plug hole to see if you fish any out of the combustion chamber and a hover over the plug hole to see if you can suck anything out. I wouldn't move the bike or turn the engine until at least trying those steps
  23. Ive thought about this is the past and my conclusion was that the ideal setup woukd be a PMR radio wired to the bike with Bluetooth to the riders helmet. A PTT button on the handlebars. So all you need is a device that can connect to a PMR radio, plug in the mic and speaker port that pairs with a Bluetooth headset. Simples. Bluetooth range is pathetic. I don't actually think commercial motorbike intercoms use Bluetooth from bike to bike, I think they use a proprietary protocol because the Bluetooth specification isn't design to cover large distances.
  24. Engine warning light came on and you ignored it for 5mins?? Let's hope it wasn't an overheating issue... If you suspect overheating, stop the bike and let it cool don't continue to ride risking engine damage.
  25. With Maplin closing down I bought a pair for cobra Walkie talkies with the motorbike helmet kit and PTT wiring. Currently stashed away in my garage until I figure bout what to do with them!
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