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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. ive dabbled in it a little. it makes money but since I hate sport I find it a tedious and boring way to make a few quid.
  2. Cheers, I signed up to see what it's all about... Used my disposable email address so no chance of fraud. Heres my invite link incase the one above runs out. https://initiativeq.com/invite/BL6XeLk37
  3. At the rate they're being invented, I think the problem is going to be backing the right horse Absolutely!! There are far too many now, most of which are failures. But if the price is low and you can spare a few quid to speculate the right crypto investment could work out very well.
  4. Everyone loves to hate crypto and are understandably a little sceptical. But there is money to be made, so I wouldnt write everything off immediately. I'll take a look at this a bit later.. may well be a scam or may just be a new coin that's looking for new ways to get off the ground.
  5. Agreed. and youtube says its 720p 60fps. Op - Are you sure you have the camera setup right? they are normally 1080p@30fps or 720p@60fps. the youtube videos suggests its running 720@30fps. ' yup, 100%. I checked the settings before leaving this morning, 1080p and as soon as I stopped I quickly turned off, got the seat off to get at it before it powered down. Went into settings as it still says 1080p. I've pulled the memory card out and the files at 1280x720p. Premiere pro is reading it at 720p 60fps. I might try setting it to 720p on my way home and see what that looks like! at the moment I am leaving it on the bike until I get something better sorted. Something is better than nothing in the case of an accident and I doubt it'll be worth shipping back to China for the sake of £36 Are you able to set the FPS separately to the resolve? Maybe if the FPS is set at 60 it ignores the resolve setting
  6. It was a long time ago, but I think the problem I had was that it didn't auto power on when the power came on. There were different firmware versions though so that might now have been solved. The mobius cameras are great. I've had a few. Here is my modified mobius helmet camera: https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=92&t=56759&p=886710&hilit=Mobius#p887164
  7. Agreed. and youtube says its 720p 60fps. Op - Are you sure you have the camera setup right? they are normally 1080p@30fps or 720p@60fps. the youtube videos suggests its running 720@30fps. '
  8. had a read through but it doesnt look like a solution was found to the auto on/off and waterproof power? I had an idea how to do it, but didnt get round to it. Started using a Mobius camera instead, but thats not waterproof without a case.
  9. What's the story there then?? Drunken eBay purchase??
  10. Its only 1080p.. lot of money! Easy enough to wire cheap cameras together if you can work a drill and soldering iron and achieve similar results for a fraction of the price.
  11. Need to decide why you want a camera. If it's just to capture the idiots who knocks you off you don't need broadcast quality footage so cheap cameras are fine. If you want to be the next BVG then get a ghost camera or whatever he uses these days.
  12. Check out this old post.. https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=52546
  13. Aldi have a 30 quid dashcam that looks ok. No idea of quality though, but you don't need broadcast quality, just enough resolution to show you're not at fault.
  14. Halfords had the nextbase 412gw on special offer so I bought on the other day. No time to install it yet though.
  15. Sounds like common sense died at some point Its like that in Denmark too. Pedestrians are like robots. They will only cross the road at crossings and then only when the green man shows. It was very strange the first time I saw it, especially considering I spend my days working in London crossing the road where ever I like dodging traffic for me is the norm. But then I realised, they just aren't in a hurry. They have no reason to rush or cross the road until the green man shows. Work life balance is so much better in mainland Europe than for us in the uk. I think the fact we can't take the extra few mins to walk to the crossing and then wait for the green man is a very telling indicator that something is very wrong in the UK with our work/life balance. (Sending this from an Airbnb appartment in France lol)
  16. Yeah, and what's fun to remind management is that there are alot fewer management roles out there than non management roles. Say something like "oh well if redundancy comes I'll be ok, but I wouldnt want to be looking for a more senior role in the current job market..." Plant the seeds of self doubt and watch them grow...
  17. just start wearing a suit to work, taking secret phone calls, and leaving at strange times for "dentist appointments"...
  18. Have you ever actually ridden a motorcyle?? ">
  19. They key to life?? Do you know the key to life?? (NSFW) https://youtu.be/em092MmCsDA
  20. TLDR, thought he was having a heart attack, medical staff didn't, so they released him and he didn't die. NHS are therefore incompetent because they didn't diagnose the heart attack he wasn't actually having.
  21. Wouldn't sweat it. First bikes are sacrificial and even with a dodgy Speedo you won't lose much money on it, but it's likely easy to fix so get stuck in!! Part of biking is fixing stuff up.
  22. I'm going to be in Le Touquet this weekend so will look out for that beer and give it a try!
  23. Great news. I'm off to France soon so will be using mine there. I'm very tempted by the metal card. Can't quite justify the monthly subscription though.
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