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EU... in or out


<t>In or Out</t>  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. In or Out

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    • Out
    • Haven't got the foggiest!

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The 'vote' is worrying some of the bigger companies. The one I work for (I am not allowed to state who) have issued a letter to all employees stating the negative impact leaving the EU would have. I can only assume, this tactic is being employed by other big companies who have offices in both UK and other countries within Europe.

Yes I can understand some (but not all) the negatives as well as some (but again, not all) of the positives. What is apparant though is that the 'change' if we do leave will not be transparent or trivial - it will have a massive effect which will take years to recover from. Will we be better off 'out' - I don't know but I do know, life/work/costs for the British people will suffer (initially - for what period???) and if leaving 'tips the balance' for the 'Scottish Vote', that will be another semi-crisis. Staying in - will this benifit? Again, no real idea but, at least we will still have a chance to improve things.

Worried - yes! Concerned - Yes! Frightened - No!

As others have said - There is an awful lot of 'believable' bullsh!t being issued, by the press, polititions and others. How do you descern what is true - ????

End of the day - it is YOUR choice. Make it count!


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Given the latest Panama Papers thing, none of them, EU, UK, US, Russia, Iceland, etc, are squeaky clean!!

What we pay into the EU is a p*ss in the ocean compared to the massive tax evasion that is going on in this country and others......and if you think this will improve if we leave the EU I think you're sadly mistaken! I also think that anyone believing that any "savings" made from leaving the EU will be diverted to the NHS or anything else that would benefit the general populous are being very naive!

And believing anything printed in the daily propaganda! Tuesday this week one of the biggest scandals seen was breaking.....corruption at the highest level and on an unprecedented scale......and the Front page headlines in the Daily Express? WALNUTS!!! Talk about smokescreening. ......not even subtle!

I have reservations about the EU.....especially TTIP.......but I think leaving will have a huge negative impact on our economy. There will be job losses....everyone agrees this, including the Brexit advocates......The pound will drop against the other currencies, again pretty much everyone agrees on this.....where they do not agree is the depth and longevity of these negative impacts.

Anyone who thinks that the EU will allow us to walk away and take our £12bn with us and maintain the same trading conditions with the market because we're "special" are sadly deluded. There will be extra tariffs. The price of most goods will increase.....directly or indirectly.

Steel.......The Germans have successfully protected their steel industry......If our government wanted to it could do the same for our steel industry......The key phrase here is "if they wanted to"!!!!! But they'd rather buy cheap, inferior steel from China! Who have just announced higher import tariffs on imported steel to protect their steel industry......you couldn't make this stuff up!!


I am suprised that anyone is even shocked about stuff like the latest Panama leak. Given that no one is sqeaky clean then us coming out of the EU will mean one less F***ed up organisation we are leaching money to. The difference is that if we dislike our goverments or politicians then we can vote them out. But the EU is untouchable for people like us. Look where that waste of space Neil Kinnock and his wife ended up along with Peter Mandlesson and amongst others. All failed UK politicians. Yet good enough to sit in the gravey train called the EU.

I am in no doubt there will be unknown times ahead if we leave. But no one can say what the impact will be. But then we can't say what the impact will be if we stay. But the fact is that both the EU and us cannot afford to stop trading. There is too much money tied up for both parties for a massive shift in policy. So I forsee a slight change of trading conditions but not the massive impact the IN group are predicting. Why would either party want to cause a massive disruption to the way the money flows?

They have more to lose than we do if we leave.

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The 'vote' is worrying some of the bigger companies. The one I work for (I am not allowed to state who) have issued a letter to all employees stating the negative impact leaving the EU would have. I can only assume, this tactic is being employed by other big companies who have offices in both UK and other countries within Europe.

Yes I can understand some (but not all) the negatives as well as some (but again, not all) of the positives. What is apparant though is that the 'change' if we do leave will not be transparent or trivial - it will have a massive effect which will take years to recover from. Will we be better off 'out' - I don't know but I do know, life/work/costs for the British people will suffer (initially - for what period???) and if leaving 'tips the balance' for the 'Scottish Vote', that will be another semi-crisis. Staying in - will this benifit? Again, no real idea but, at least we will still have a chance to improve things.

Worried - yes! Concerned - Yes! Frightened - No!

As others have said - There is an awful lot of 'believable' bullsh!t being issued, by the press, polititions and others. How do you descern what is true - ????

End of the day - it is YOUR choice. Make it count!



Why would leaving mean a change for Scotland. The SNP seem to think everyone in Scotland wants to stay in. Given that they lied about the money they would get from the oil revenue and had based their whole policy on made up figures then they have shown how desperate they were. There is also the fact that the price of oil has crashed through the floor and made them look even more stupid so If i was in the SNP I would be keeping my head down. They have no more idea about how Scotland will vote over this than we have. So to keep banging on about wanting to break away if we vote out is rather tiresome and pathetic.

I too am worried. But only about staying in. I am also concerned that this vote will be a small turn out and a massive issue like this will be decided by a tiny minority of the poplualtion.

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Who cares what the Scots will do... We could massively improve Hadrians wall with just one days payment the eu gets off us ... Just leave a guarded gate so bikes can get in and out .

Edit by Vicki .... changed your use of the word for Scot's after report...any issues, you know where to find me .... but im good at hiding!

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They have no more idea about how Scotland will vote over this than we have. So to keep banging on about wanting to break away if we vote out is rather tiresome and pathetic.


This is what debate is about.. just because you seem to take a reductionist approach to everything doesn't mean that is acceptable to everyone. examining the possible ramifications is crucial to making any kind of informed decision.

Seems to me from quiet observation that the last thing the 'exit' camp seem to want is 'informed decision' so phrases like 'tiresome and pathetic' crop up with alarming regularity.

this level of debate is i reckon Ukips single greatest achievement.

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Who cares what the Scots will do... We could massively improve Hadrians wall with just one days payment the eu gets off us ... Just leave a guarded gate so bikes can get in and out .

Edit by Vicki .... changed your use of the word for Scot's after report...any issues, you know where to find me .... but im good at hiding!


no problem , can I report who ever reported it to the twat police :D

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They have more to lose than we do if we leave.


I am pretty sure you guys live in a nice fantasy world. Leaving the EU will mean complete disaster for the UK from financial and political power point fo view.

Even the US will not do free trade agreement with the UK. And the other agreements with the trade with the EU will take decades. Look at Canada/EU trade agreement.

http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/oct/29/us-warns-britain-it-could-face-trade-barriers-if-it-leaves-eu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Do not get me started on loss of political power. Which by the way already is hapenning because of the referendum. FYI in the world of politics influence you have directly translates in power to make your policies work which directly translates in money at some point. So the UK is already loosing by the simple fact there is a referendum with all antics around it. That is not winning any friends. In EU, US in China or anywhere else.

Cameron and freinds are writing a new book: How to Loose Friends and not Influence People.

Which is why we have this from the IMF:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36024492" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

This is hapening already because of the referendum.

So yes I admire your fantasy world :lol:

Anyhow why nobody wants to go with me this Sunday on a breakfast ride?

Are anybody actually riding these bikes or we all stay here in the forum only :lol:

http://themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=60050" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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They have more to lose than we do if we leave.


I am pretty sure you guys live in a nice fantasy world. Leaving the EU will mean complete disaster for the UK from financial and political power point fo view.

Even the US will not do free trade agreement with the UK. And the other agreements with the trade with the EU will take decades. Look at Canada/EU trade agreement.

http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/oct/29/us-warns-britain-it-could-face-trade-barriers-if-it-leaves-eu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Do not get me started on loss of political power. Which by the way already is hapenning because of the referendum. FYI in the world of politics influence you have directly translates in power to make your policies work which directly translates in money at some point. So the UK is already loosing by the simple fact there is a referendum with all antics around it. That is not winning any friends. In EU, US in China or anywhere else.

Cameron and freinds are writing a new book: How to Loose Friends and not Influence People.

Which is why we have this from the IMF:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36024492" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

This is hapening already because of the referendum.

So yes I admire your fantasy world :lol:

Anyhow why nobody wants to go with me this Sunday on a breakfast ride?

Are anybody actually riding these bikes or we all stay here in the forum only :lol:

http://themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=60050" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Have you not noticed this place is most busy when the sun is shining......

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The way I see it, all the other countries are saying "don't leave" so it's clearly in their interest that we stay...

So if we were to leave and theb decided we didn't like it, would they block us from re-joining?? Probably not.

so let's give it a try, see what happens, and when it all goes tits-up rejoin!!

What's the worst that can happen??

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They have more to lose than we do if we leave.


I am pretty sure you guys live in a nice fantasy world. Leaving the EU will mean complete disaster for the UK from financial and political power point fo view.

Even the US will not do free trade agreement with the UK. And the other agreements with the trade with the EU will take decades. Look at Canada/EU trade agreement.

http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/oct/29/us-warns-britain-it-could-face-trade-barriers-if-it-leaves-eu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Do not get me started on loss of political power. Which by the way already is hapenning because of the referendum. FYI in the world of politics influence you have directly translates in power to make your policies work which directly translates in money at some point. So the UK is already loosing by the simple fact there is a referendum with all antics around it. That is not winning any friends. In EU, US in China or anywhere else.

Cameron and freinds are writing a new book: How to Loose Friends and not Influence People.

Which is why we have this from the IMF:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36024492" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

This is hapening already because of the referendum.

So yes I admire your fantasy world :lol:

Anyhow why nobody wants to go with me this Sunday on a breakfast ride?

Are anybody actually riding these bikes or we all stay here in the forum only :lol:

http://themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=60050" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


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so its migrants why you feel we need to leave the EU?

is that all you are basing your vote on?

there is a lot more to it than migrants despite what others say

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I'd say a decent percentage of this countries population come from migrant stock. And I'm only talking the last 100 years.

Migrants are not the route of all evil.

On the other hand.

The express is.

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If immigration had been controlled more , then it wouldn't be the main reason why people want out, it's not rocket science why we have a housing crisis and the NHS is struggling...

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another problem to come.this why we need out.

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/661387/Migrant-crisis-Nigel-Farage-Turkey-EU-visa-free-travel" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


If we are to believe that people like the Turks will drop all of their domestic commitments at the first chance of moving to a more affluent country, why are the working poor and unemployed UK voters not flocking to Germany - where wages and benefits are higher, and unemployment and youth unemployment is much lower?

Strange as it may sound.. The Turks are also human beings. Just like British humans most have families that they care about; friends they enjoy spending time with; a 'life' in their local communities; a first language they enjoy speaking and a culture they are familiar with.

I seem to remember a similar story to this from a few years back.. 100s of 1,000s of Romanians and Bulgarians flocking to the UK. did that happen?

Edited by Anonymous
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Having previously complained about the fact that most of the posts I read on Facebook from 'Out' supporters have been written by people who have yet to grasp the basics of their native tongue, I had to chuckle in the playground this morning when one of my Czech friends, who is about to take his British citizenship test, took his son's teacher to one side and said "I'm afraid there are a number of spelling mistakes in the homework you've set this week."

And he was right. :lol:

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another problem to come.this why we need out.

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/661387/Migrant-crisis-Nigel-Farage-Turkey-EU-visa-free-travel" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


If we are to believe that people like the Turks will drop all of their domestic commitments at the first chance of moving to a more affluent country, why are the working poor and unemployed UK voters not flocking to Germany - where wages and benefits are higher, and unemployment and youth unemployment is much lower?

Strange as it may sound.. The Turks are also human beings. Just like British humans most have families that they care about; friends they enjoy spending time with; a 'life' in their local communities; a first language they enjoy speaking and a culture they are familiar with.

I seem to remember a similar story to this from a few years back.. 100s of 1,000s of Romanians and Bulgarians flocking to the UK. did that happen?


FFS, don't you go bringing logic and common sense to this...... :up:

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