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Austrian Alps september 2020


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Macron was here on Thursday and it was reported in the press that he was expected to lobby the UK government to relax the 14 day quarantine. France did have a similar thing set up... But that was overturned very recently. The French seem keen to salvage something from this holiday season, which is almost upon us. And UK holiday makers, second home owners and the like are very important to them.

The BBC story does mention some restrictions, but none seem insurmountable and anyway, we have another 10 weeks before we are due to cross. So who knows what the situation wil be by then? There may be a reversal, in which case we will switch to our Plan B. But as of today, I'm feeling very positive and upbeat.

I've also discovered that Austria is demanding that all visitors have a recent negative test result. I'm sure we can sort that out. But if not... We will stay on the German side of the border and... Perhaps have a few extra days in the Black Forest before heading for Bavaria. Bavaria and the mountains that border the Czech Republic was from the start, our fall-back destination, though back in January, when I suggested it. I thought we might go there due to bad weather in the Alps. That was then, this is now.

See how it goes, but... I think it's time to get cracking with routes for our daily rides. And I think I might include Slovenia, if the weather forces us further south. I've stayed at Bled before, several years ago and would love to go back and explore more thoroughly the Julian Alps.



I was crossing Austria, no one asked nothing, in any case you can stay close in southern Germany or Slovenia, it is short ride to Austria. From any corner is one day ride.

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Now I remember why june is not the best month to go to the Alps. Rain and Snow, both very possible.

When Snod and i went several years ago we had it all, bakng heat (In Monaco), Rain... and Snow with <3c in the Mountains.

So, from this, A very happy Snoddy seeing the Med for the first time:



To this, a relatively cool Lake Como.




To this, Leaving the Dolomites...




To this, on the Glockner... Bitterly cold. (but fantastic)



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So after months of not really knowing.. just hoping and trying to remain optimistic. It now looks highly likely that our trip can go ahead. There may need to be some tweaking as Austria is insisting on a negative test result for all visitors intending to stay. We'll have to see about that, at worst it may mean staying on the German side of the border and crossing into Austria for the day. Ive offered the guys a choice, if they dont want to bother with that and the palaver involved then we will go back to the French Alps. perhaps stay at camping moto again and try again for Combe Laval, which was closed last time due to a rockfall. or we could head for Bavaria and explore the Bavarian Forest mountain range that is right up against the Czech border.. 9 weeks today so plenty of time to work it all out.

I still really want to revisit the Grossglockner though.






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You can get a test more or less at the end of our road.

They've not much to do, so you just turn up and job done.

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We can discuss that in August. I’m just relieved that there is now some level of certainty, as much as there can be in these strange times. We can at the very least do part one, the Black Forest and then take it from there. If we can manage it, I would really like to see Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland if we decide to stay in the BF for a few days. It’s a fairly easy ride from our base via Interlaken.

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I would really like to see Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland


prepare to be underwhelmed .. crowded tacky and expensive .. even for switzerland..




the Hof & Post is spot on .. if thats where you is stoppin..

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I would really like to see Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland


prepare to be underwhelmed .. crowded tacky and expensive.


That doesn’t matter, it will be a normal working week and I’m not all that interested in the village. I want to see the valley.

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So, something has happened that I didn't notice. And just found out, rather belatedly today.




This means that some of my ideas can be put back into the mix.

Apparently on Monday.. things are going to happen here. not that the current situation has been putting people off, FB is crammed with trip reports from bikers who have thumbed their noses at this farcical 14 day quarantine. And none.. not a single one of them has reported a phone call from the GOV making sure they are self isolating.

and a pretty photo.




58 Days to go...


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And... We're off!!!

People arriving in England from countries including France, Spain, Germany and Italy will no longer need to quarantine from 10 July, the government has confirmed.


All passengers, except those on a small list of exemptions, will still be required to provide contact information on arrival in the UK, including details of countries or territories they have been in or through during the previous 14 days.

So, I expect the governments advice on travel to change quite soon, which will mean we can get travel insurance. I still have my tunnel crossing booked as well as a room for the Friday night at the Premier inn.

Big smiles. Alps, here we come!!! :mrgreen:

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Alps here we come, but which ones?

Slight hitch as far as Austria goes. They have decided to be difficult. They are currently demanding that visitors from some countries including the UK have a negative test result, In itself, thats quite easy to achieve. However, they are also insisting that it is at most 4 days old and thats rather more problematic. I can probably manage that... but the trouble is it would then put us under a lot of pressure to get down to Austria within those 4 days and Im not sure thats even possible.

Its not really a disaster.. going at all has been touch and go for such a long time, that being able to go anywhere at all seems like a major triumph. And theres always a chance that the Austrians might change policy in the next 7 weeks. That would be great. but Im not holding my breath.

So.. Plan B.

If it turns out that we have to miss out on one truly iconic road.. then its only fair that we ride another. The Grossglockner in Austria is a day out, 30 miles from end to end, But its the sort of road you cant just ride once, you really need to go back and forth. with stops in both directions to take it all in.

So, if thats out of the question, what to do? There is another iconic road.. actually a route. Though this one is just a tad longer. And is admittedly a little bit longer. 447 miles. And runs from the southern shore of Lake Geneva to the Med, a few miles along the coast from Monte Carlo.


I have the entire route all ready to load onto the sat nav... we'll have to see, watch this space (as they say)






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:shock: OMG I love the RDGA, it has to be one of my favorite routes. I have done this a few times, we usually stay in St Maxime for a couple of nights then take the Route Napoleon home. :thumb:
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:shock: OMG I love the RDGA, it has to be one of my favorite routes. I have done this a few times, we usually stay in St Maxime for a couple of nights then take the Route Napoleon home. :thumb:


It’s just an idea at the moment that may come to nothing. I’m hoping for a change of policy in Austria and that’s not just because it was the original plan. The biggest plus is the journey there. It’s very pleasant once we’re away from the north east corner of France. First there’s the route south east to the Vosges and then the Black Forest then across lower Swabia to pick up the German Alpine road. Getting to the south of France involves a lot of motorway, too much motorway. So, it depends a lot on whether there is an alternative that’s a pleasure to ride. Through a landscape that’s varied enough to distract from the miles we need to cover. I don’t go on holiday to spend day after day on motorways. We did that a few years ago and never again. If we do head for the RDGA then I will probably spread the journey over 2 days from our first stop at Eperney. If we head for the actual start at Thonon that’s 300 miles, though I would be inclined to join a bit further south, at Cluses perhaps. Anyway plenty of time to sort it all out.

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:shock: OMG I love the RDGA, it has to be one of my favorite routes. I have done this a few times, we usually stay in St Maxime for a couple of nights then take the Route Napoleon home. :thumb:


Getting to the south of France involves a lot of motorway, too much motorway.


Maybe on your routes, but there are other ways, as you probably know. :)

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:shock: OMG I love the RDGA, it has to be one of my favorite routes. I have done this a few times, we usually stay in St Maxime for a couple of nights then take the Route Napoleon home. :thumb:


Getting to the south of France involves a lot of motorway, too much motorway.


Maybe on your routes, but there are other ways, as you probably know. :)


yep. its all sorted.

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So, today Austria has relaxed the 4 day rule for 30 countries. but NOT the UK.

So thats that. I can forget about Austria for this year and carry on getting ready for the French Alps.

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And we have a plan of sorts...

Saturday starts easy with a 180 mile ride to Eperney in Champagne and stay overnight at the rather good Municipal campsite on the edge of town.

Sunday, an earlyish start and then a fairly rapid ride across to the Alsace and the Vosges mountains, hopefully to the top of the Grand Ballon and a view of the Alps on the southern horizon as well as the Black Forest to the east.

Monday, south through the Jura and into the Alps to the south of Lake Geneva... to another Municipal near Cluses that is right on the RDGA.

Tuesday.. a treat, I have a route that goes round Mont Blanc, A day to take it easy and get reused to riding in the mountains. see a bit of Switzerland and Italy. over the Grand Bernard Pass. And along the Aosta valley. (eat pizza)

Wednesday/Thursday and Friday.. wander down the RDGA to the sea at Menton. taking it very easy. see the sea.

Saturday. get on the motorway to get past Monte Carlo and Nice and then turn north, following Route Napoleon to the Gorges of Verdon and then onwards to le Camping Moto in the Vercors.

Sunday.. a day off. get pissed as farts. Eat cake.

Monday/Tuesday.. explore the Vercors. return to Combe Laval and see the sights.

Wednesday/Thursday and Friday. Not really sure.. but i wouldn't mind having a wander through the Auvergne, buy a bottle of Volvic in Volvic and see some Volcanos. then north and west stopping about 200 miles from the Tunnel, maybe at Eperney again. And book a ferry return.

Saturday.. ride to calais and then home.

we may have an extra day and return on the Sunday.

bit of a back of an envelope plan that.. revisiting places ive been before and are more than happy to see again. old and new. familiar and unfamiliar,

42 days

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm restricted by time and going by the way countiries are getting restricted again I'm just going to stick to France. My current thinking is to join you all for the 1st night then peel off and cross country to the D Day beaches then Thiepval and home. That is if we are still allowed over there.

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Guest Richzx6r

I'm just back from Chamonix. Lots of nice bikes out and about. None of them mine unfortunately.


:scratch: you did say nice bikes didnt you?

I fair to see any

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I'm just back from Chamonix. Lots of nice bikes out and about. None of them mine unfortunately.


:scratch: you did say nice bikes didnt you?

I fair to see any


These 2 were shining in the sun and were a far cry from the dozens of hondas, KTM and Yamaha lined up.

They looked great but I'd never have one of these :D

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Once again everything is looking a bit dicey. but 31 days to go.. so, lets see.

I have two distinct tours all ready to roll. depending on what the situation is 'on the day'.

South of France.

Germany, Austria and... very likely dropping down to the Dolomites. either.. out of choice, or necessity if the weather is a bit off further north.

I really fancy a return to Cortina d'Ampezzo. Theres a great campsite there with its own Pizzeria. and the view from the site is very special.

But... Theres a lot going on right now.. so still just watching and waiting as thats all i can do. its pretty much out of my hands.

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