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Everything posted by onesea

  1. I believe it's all automated including setting seed limits, over seen by humans. If they were truly smart motorways, they would allow speeds greater than 70 mph at times where the road is lightly used. If they allowed 80 mph or even 90 if the traffic density was suitably low, they would get more public support. You would also get people changing their travel times to take advantage of this reducing traffic at busier times.
  2. You're right people will always break the law if they think they can get away with it. It's the consequences if you're caught or in an accident or worse that has to be the deterrent I reckon. The problem is you can bring in excessively harsh penalties and if the chance of getting caught is very low no one is going to care. I was up in North Wales area and there where signs saying £1000 for dogs fouling canal banks, there was plenty. People obviously knew they would never get caught. I think the best deterrent would making it easier for the police to catch and charge drink drivers, tailgaters, middle lane hogs, mobile phones drivers, kids without lights on pushbikes, dog fowlers, litter louts etc etc Presently you cannot help but feel they have to go to extreme lengths to make sure its not entrapment etc.
  3. Now to play devil's advocate. Then given modern measurements and ZERO tolerance after a bottle of wine and spirit over an evening of food would I be fit to drive the next day? The next question has to be out of the accidents that happen how many where over the present legal level? Seems to me people who drink drive don't care enough about the present rules and will just carry on until caught. How often would lowering out alcohol limit actually make a difference? Its a bit like speeding change the speed limit and some people still speed, change the rules on mobile phones and people still use them. The nearest I get is a shandy at lunch time if I am nominated driver and driving home after food in the evening. As I said my concern is the next day. No point changing rules if we cannot enforce what we have got.
  4. "Rule 129 Double white lines where the line nearest you is solid. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less." If traffic is stationary (even momentarily) does that not allow you to hop a few cars? I must admit the if it goes wrong it's probably fault rings high in my brain WHENEVER I filter just to keep me cautious...
  5. I filter if I am filtering so fast I cannot wave or nod or wave boot to say thanks I am filtering to fast!
  6. My thoughts on over taking: 1) Always do it in gear with most acceleration as if they are going to race, 2) If they are trying to be a dick and race an in doubt drop behind car no 2 is VERY unlikely to be keeping up, will also see car randomly accelerating as an idiot and most likely let you in. 3) If they are BMW, Audi, Type R etc they will not let you over take without a fight (Audi's to the death). 4) If on or joining motorway with one being dick, hit 100+ for afew seconds then slow to normal speed 90% do not bother playing catch up. If they do they tend to keep going. 5) BMWS on dual carriageways wind them up let them over take run ahead at 100m slow down to your preferred speed (they normally do to) and watch for there sudden braking if they see a speed camera/ police car etc... If they are an expensive car or of choice, Jag, Lamborghini, Maserati, Aston Martin etc be prepared to race with big smiles at the end no matter who wins, they are normally out for good old fun.
  7. This year its great for tagging pubs , sadly they renamed the Rose and Crown so I have to travel out the forest for that one If any one wants a route I will supply one, 9 pubs very nice roads Sea forest and beaches all included...
  8. Urg not for me: 1) They pull and rattle and on long ride that can be tiering. 2) If you do have an off will whats in it increase the chance of damage to back, even a tin of baked beans I try and avoid rucksacks for this reason...
  9. STREWTH £37 Was that for both or each? Sorry to ask, but if for one you have got the record (go on name), if for both it sounds about right for this area.... If each you did not pic the most expensive place I know of but you need to go to the IOW for that. https://www.saltysrestaurant.co.uk/ "Traditional beer battered Cod & chips with our own fresh tartare sauce - Kids £8.00 Ladies £18.00 Gents £20.00" Then the wine starts at £5 a glass (125ml)... So count yourself luck it could of been £50 for the same thing Without the ferry journey in Lymington I can find "Crispy battered fish & chips Smashed peas & tartare sauce - £14.50" With wine starting at £4.40 (125ml) a glass. So £37 is not that unusual round here anyway... Hell the Chip shop on the High Street is £7 for fish and chips.
  10. "If it is waiting for a pedestrian to cross" I believe is the full wording. IE If they are stopped by Zebra Crossing but no pedestrians you can filter passed IF THERE IS NO PEDESTRIANS ON OR APPROACHING CROSSING
  11. Other nuclear Powered Ships include: MIlitary Submarines, Aircraft carries and more, Russian Ice Breakers, Approx ?10 at least one being built presently. 4 cargo ships Otto Hahn, Mutsu, NS Savannah & Sevmorput (apparently still in service) Apparently over 140 nuclear powered ships in total There is also a small number (less than 10?) of ships designed to carry nuclear products and waste round the world. Sorry I got interested I could recall there was more than 1 cargo ship... Then I had google frenzy, I guess after googling all that my name will be on a few lists now Other ships do have diesel electric, a fair amount of the offshore industry is Diesel Electric, some cruise ships some mid sized ships tankers.
  12. I used to work with a guy who surname was bates and his 1st name was Andy. So you say then his.wife shat out a boy and being bit chav decided to call his son Andy so when he came in to work one day not long after the birth to.show off his son he stood there in front of around 40.ppl and proudly said here is Master A Bates and stood there with stupid look on his face as we all just pi$$ed oer ourselves I heard tale of a deck officer at sea with the surname Bates, he eventually made the rank of Master. He was rarely referred to as Captian Bates...
  13. onesea

    Fork seals

    THat makes sense, just seen your bikes this is all for a year 2000 - 1200 trophy.
  14. onesea

    Fork seals

    You can run it a little low, you certainly wouldn't be the first person to have ever done that. You can also top it up, if you know what the "air gap" should be then this is easy - collapse the fork as much as you can and measure the distance from the top of the stanchion down to where the oil is, and fill it until you have the correct distance. If you don't know what the air gap should be then you're stuffed, maybe just put a few slugs of oil in and see how it goes or empty it completely and refill with the correct amount. My question is how do you measure down from top? Because I might be tempted to do this with non leaking fort to match with leaking fork. How do you get your little it of oil in?
  15. Is it for satnav? or just charging? Is phone waterproof? do you have compartment for phone on bike or tank bag or under seat?
  16. Husband stands in front of a mirror naked and asks his wife "Why do I always get a hard on when I look at myself naked?" Wife replies "Because even your your cock thinks your a ****". (C U Next Tuesday)
  17. This one is going to be fun [mention]S-Westerly[/mention] seems to work on tankers by his profile picture Carrying cargo by sea/ water is one of the most efficient for most cargo's. They can produce some rubbish out of the Funnels though I believe a fair % of the pollution in Southampton comes from the cruise ships. Yet when they built the berths they did not install shore power connections that ships required in the states years ago. When on passage these ships burn around 150-200+ cub's a day (thats 150,000 to 200,000 litres a day). or enough fuel to drive your average car around 1.5-2 Million miles... Personally one energy source that's not been mentioned is wave energy, or wave and wind energy combined. Problem with tidal energy is marine growth will quickly reduce the efficiency of blades etc... Just some thoughts...
  18. I fully support the Air Ambulance they do a great job. How ever they were never seen as vital by government, they would of taken the initiative and funded them.. I just question if forcing the government's hand to do something it does not want is a good idea? (look at brexit). The service will then be subject to government scrutiny and cuts! As a publically funded charity they probably have more reliable funding. For being a bad boy and speaking out I will put an extra £1 in the next 5 Air ambulance box's I see!
  19. Trailers parked on the road is surprisingly allowed I thought they had to be connected to vehicle: https://www.askthe.police.uk/content/Q629.htm They should be lit of a night, and have some sort of brake. It could also be beneficial to report it as an abandoned vehicle, the council will stick note on vehicle. Try to contact owner then remove it. Just be careful its holiday season and it would be harsh for the owner to miss the notes because he was away Also worth doing a TAX and MOT check, on vehicles you report untaxed vehicles to DVLA. Vehicles with no MOT are hard they have to be caught by the police driving, no one seems to care about the law regarding it not being insured with no MOT.
  20. Starting to think of finding local social media page to post up, the view that if works vans are being parked/ driven badly would you use that company. I take the view if they are that much in a rush to get where every they are going that no one else matters but them how do they treat there customers... PS [mention]anth_85[/mention] than van is small and doesn't have the days rubbish hanging out of the back of it, as a neighbour said all that would need is one carelessly discarded cigarette. He then complimented me on giving up smoking .
  21. Just positng an update on this more out of frustration... 1) Works Van (Large), 2) Smaller Works Van, 3) Private car 1 4) Private car 2 5) Random Car (girlfriend of family we think) 6) Another works van. Thats 6 cars one house all parked and moved about so they can park next to there house.
  22. Which can be very frustrating for car drivers, I know some cycle lanes are not in the best condition. Then when the council/ national park spend reportedly Millions on a 2.5 mile cycle lane (its smoother than the road) to make it safer and reduce holdups and then cyclists just ignore it. You start to loose sympathy, particularly when there was talk of expanding it to make decent network across the national park. Not seen any talk of the expansion since they built it, I guess they figured it was a waste of money you can take a horse to water. As for the Motorcyles in cycle Box's I know the rules, I generally don't use them, the if it means I can make significant progress I might. When filtering it's reassuring to know its there incase the cars leave no space.
  23. And I thought the que for Snowden last weekend was weekend was bad enough: The Nepali attempt to take the Alpine horn players set mountaintop world record of 500 from the Swis failed when 4 musicians lost their footing..
  24. My misses says my fleet of bikes has to be reduced, I don't know which of the 2 to keep so putting both up for sale (D'ont worry I still have a 3rd I am keeping regardless) TDM 900 https://www.gumtree.com/p/yamaha-motorbikes/yamaha-tdm-900-non-abs/1340897609 FZ6 https://www.gumtree.com/p/yamaha-motorbikes/yamaha-fz6-s2/1340896087
  25. STart it small get it very hot then add more, wet wood so you are going to have to have it hot enough to have the wood drying before it burns.... Ironically the the less you put on the quicker it burns but its means constant topping up... Put a big mass in it cools the fire and has to reheat to get rid of the wagter then burn...
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