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Everything posted by onesea

  1. Seems they have a high Street... https://www.lancs.live/news/lancashire-news/gallery/pictures-huge-preston-city-centre-19478798.amp
  2. Normally if you use FB you air a frustration, there is somebody ready to defend... in the case I learned that more learned riders referred to them as Triple Cross. The best compliment some one could muster was "I bought my bike from them, they service it and nothing has gone wrong..." hopefully these guys are a fresh start...
  3. New Triumph dealer in Dorset. https://www.destinationtriumph.co.uk/news-and-events/destination-triumph-dorset---opening-soon Hopefully nothing to do with the old 3xTriumph. Who during first lockdown, went out of business and are now known as Moors Valley Motorcycles.
  4. I made it out today, not so rugged being a southern softy it was 3c with no snow. How ever I can claim a bonus as my daughter request it. She managed the cold quite well.
  5. onesea

    Welcome paulc

    Having both types of deflector I would says they both work, it comes down to looks. Lights and heated grips should be able to go together, raises some electrical questions. Monitor and see, on my FZ6 it was the rectifier dyeing. Debriefs that’s what I liked about caving, hating small spaces caving was probably never a natural sport for me.
  6. Presently we have normal TRV's is just the lounge has log burner and it would be nice to turn it off when it's on. Am I being pedantic and the TRV should just deal with it.
  7. I have a Bosch easy control system, do you know a cheap alternative to the Bosch £60 one?
  8. Wasn't the last person hung in the UK subsequently proven innocent? When it comes to the judiciary I have mixed views, it certainly need review from many aspects. Including forms of punishment, length of sentence and automatic trials for false allegations. The majority who go through an acrimonious divorce know false allegations are a no lose way to get free legal aid and put the otherside on the defensive. However with an established 48% split now would not be the time to review the death penalty, unless we want more division in the country.
  9. You sound like my internet provider when I am trying to explain we have NO internet. Or its so slow loading a forum page takes a minute or so, I am the only one home to use the internet. Your using WiFi that's the problem, not when my 1 bar if 3g friggin is quicker. Sorry Rant over for the minute.
  10. Agree with height, I commute by bike but only a handful of times in London. Other things to consider are security as in bike getting pinched and carrying stuff... I don't know how far your commute is but if non motorway I would consider a powerful Scooter. I had one for whilst could carry so much more gear easily. I like my TDM 900 for traffic light, narrow and tall, similar bikes out there to taste. I would also seriously consider 2 bikes the commuter and the toy 2 different uses...
  11. The problems with statistics and surveys is they are very easily manipulated. Ask on a motorbike forum about bikers using bus/ taxi lanes, then ask again on a taxi/ bus forum. The same surveys will show very split answers. Then the statistics people and the press gets involved and it only goes down hill. This has its shown itself with Brexit and Covid very clearly at the moment.
  12. Internet jealousy here, we have broadband that slows when it rains, disconnects in heavy rain and wind. Our speed is said to be: Download 41.7 Mbps Upload 7.2 Mbps from the router an online speed test just gave 27mpbs and then 15mpbs download. I don't know if that's fast or not, it's the fastest money can buy round here. Copper phone cables? Apparently the speed changes depending how high up the box you are. On one occasion the engineers even switched out house to another number, apparently they mixed 3 sets of wires and 3 houses had the wrong number. They will pleased 2 of us worked out what happened it made it easier for them to work it which wires to switch back. Mobile phone signal is no better I cannot make a phonecall in the house without WiFi calling. Only 3 years ago I had to stand in front garden to get mobile phone signal. We do get useable 3G, however if a weekend, Summer holidays, Christmas or just busy time it drops out constantly. Useable 4G is available about 1 mile nearer the center of town. Looking forward to 5G as when they rolled out 4G the 3G signal became stronger. Hopefully the same will happen this time. Yes I have tried O2, EE presently on Three which is not as good as EE but much cheaper. But I would rather pay less for poor service that 20% more for only very marginally better service and crap customer care. I have tried complaining about slowness and disconnections in rain / wind have been beaten by wall of rubbish that is BT. A couple of years ago we had phone and internet outage, due to reqiments in logging faults to lift phone listen, check this, check that after several days trying to get past each step using bad mobile phone signal I gave up. I advised them off the fault by Snail mail. In fairness they fixed the fault 2.5 days after I sent the letter..
  13. onesea

    Welcome paulc

    Ah well if a scrote is looking to track you down you have put them in the right direction. You mention sore shoulders and neck. I have one of each of these on my bikes a little twerking and it's reduced my neck ache. Also makes a quieter ride with less wind noise. https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/264631779101?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=264631779101&targetid=1000360993382&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9045694&poi=&campaignid=10204071978&mkgroupid=103308055113&rlsatarget=aud-629407026905:pla-1000360993382&abcId=1145987&merchantid=119523726&gclid=CjwKCAiA57D_BRAZEiwAZcfCxQJrsQMvHcx3IvfzTlu7IPsH8U_f7B_pwMWFyM7KDALeuBEqojG0sRoCWQkQAvD_BwE https://m.lightinthebox.com/p/motorcycle-adjustable-clip-on-windshield-screen-extension-spoiler-wind-deflector-universal_p7702922.html?currency=GBP&litb_from=paid_adwords_shopping&sku=1_47&country_code=gb&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=cpc&adword_mt=&adword_ct=436244329570&adword_kw=&adword_pos=&adword_pl=&adword_net=u&adword_tar=&adw_src_id=3516490533_10094217773_98154483101_pla-679767095466&gclid=CjwKCAiA57D_BRAZEiwAZcfCxeZIrlt-q2Wa1Mpe_t3H3SAP9S9_efTsv_4QLOn5RArru2PShx7BwRoCcj4QAvD_BwE Only reason for having 2 different designs is looks.
  14. If covid keeps us on our toes, maybe it for lunch meets is the best we will manage. Super Sausage is not out of my range for lunchtime coffee...
  15. onesea

    Welcome paulc

    Is that really no more or another officially no more? PS I like your location is that work or just nights out, or should I not be asking...
  16. onesea

    Welcome paulc

    Thanks for the thought of going underground, a decade or so since i last attempted that. Although some tank diving brought back the memories a few years back. I never had an issue with SRT then I was a sailer so understood ropes. Your in a Nice corner of the country for biking great roads in all direction. plus you have the best egg run. Although the year I went we road home with snow laying all around.
  17. I would go with a moderate heavy pure cotton sheet. An old duvet cover? What your describing is dust sheet and waterproof covers do not allow ventilation. Another option is an old cotton blanket.
  18. To keep this forum of track is there any plans for a forum gathering this year?
  19. Valient effort however my observation is if a post has gone past about 6 posts it is no longer about is original subject. Then it becomes with reading. I blame the knowledgeable members on here. Once a problem is addressed the riff raff step in and it digresses, which is often more enjoyable. Although I do wonder how new members react when they join a forum to gain some community knowledge. Only to learn that @Six30 lives in @rennie's wardrobe has a manager for the hotly contested TOTY award. A prominent member is only a member to gloat about the lively weather in Spain. The admin is trying to raise money to run away with the proceeds. A number of moderators don't have a bike. There is a person who actually thinks Chinese bikes are great not just affordable. Oh and finally they might learn to not ever mention counter Stier. Which I am now learning is the Admins reason for posting the posts I was mentioning. They must wonder what a forum rally looks like. I picture a "carry on camping" movie staring the cast off Dastardly and Muttley on motorbikes...
  20. Am I the only one who is wondering if the constant stream of articles by @Admin is because they are sponsored for them? obviously didn't get enough money for his changing software scam?
  21. An easy way to start a Syphon without devices. Insert the length of hose into the higher barrel, so it is all submerged. Put your thumb over the end to hold fluid in hose. Pull end to other lower container and take thumb of to start Syphon. Or the traditional take your chances and give it a suck.
  22. Today our Christmas decorations came down... The dog got me into an argument, people socially distance picnicking in the forest. He went over stood 15' away trying his luck. They waved sticksb at him, picked up in his name Ben when we called him away they then shiuted "Go away Ben" so he came back thinking he was in for play or treat. When I put him on lead to take him away they tried to berate me... Had been good walk till then.
  23. onesea

    Welcome paulc

    Just had quick look at your Google page awesome. It's asking time since my caving days the pictures make me wonder why I stopped. Then I remember the cold, the wet, the small spaces....
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