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Everything posted by onesea

  1. That strikes me as the best way to stop things being stolen security, security, security or undesirability (even that is no guarantee )
  2. They are not compatible, the reason I bought them was you don't have the Ugly Oxford control which was turning into a nightmare to mount.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/163952664126?mkevt=1&mkcid=28&chn=ps Then I learned they dont get as hot as Oxfords then my hands dont get hot enough to seat and stay warmer!
  3. I know of some Chinese heated grips less than £15. Been using for 3 years now on 2 bikes. One set now only works on max but I blame local triumph dealer for that...
  4. Depends how you look at it. £20 if it lasts a couple of winters at 1/10 the prices of top gear it isn't bad value. If I use it and get enough wear to know I will use it, then I know it's worth spending out on better gear. If it only gets used a couple of times and forgotten I have lost less.
  5. In all honest.... Not quick, I had forgotten I had ordered! A quick check says about 3 weeks...
  6. They are quite responsive. One thought for you do some costings, it does depend on your budget. For me whatever is recommended I would price up I would consider Packtalk Duo system Bold or Slim as well if in budget. The Music and talk function of it is a BIG plus. I ride with friends without and they routinely go quite as they are enjoying ride with music. Not a problem but always leaves decision chat or music. Edit to add its like mobile phones you do get what you pay for, however do you really need ALL the whistles and bells that's the hard cost implication. Last years model notcertain whats been added but its what I have £328 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cardo-Scala-Rider-PackTalk-Communication/dp/B010DHJL5O/ref=asc_df_B010DHJL5O/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=311059984004&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11275336778383198088&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045694&hvtargid=pla-562354226780&psc=1 Be aware Cardo warranty is only if bought through shop or something..
  7. Much depends on which unit he has as to what you should buy, if you have picture of his "Freecom" the "motorbike experts" on here might be able to identify. People on here will rave about Senna or Cardo units, they are the best known brands and generally good units. I Have a Cardo Packtalk and a £20 E-bay special (it was cheaper than a new mount set for my Cardo for my short commute to work and I would not cry if it gets bust or stolen) that's probably why @Stu included me. I have used Lidl's best intercom: That actually was not bad, the worst thing was it was a wired connection to Pillion (when I bought it my misses would not go Pillion) the wire flapping was bloody annoying.... Look at what you want, how often you want to use, how you plan to use it and how much you can afford. Key Functions to me are: SatNav? on phone or dedicated (not relevant for Pillion but make sure rider unit can do what it needs), Talking Only, Music Only, Choice between Music and talking, Music and talking simultaneously (dual audio streaming, biggest reason to buy good set), Talking with more than 2 people and how many, Do friends have intercom? Do you want to speak to them? What brand have they got? How often do you realistically ride with them? All these affect which unit you can by. After that it comes down to Quality which sadly is closely linked with price: Volume of music / talk in helmet, Position of speakers can make a big difference, Clarity of voice, Position of mic can make big difference, Range of headset, Not so much an issue with Pillion/ Rider. Another Random (Cheap) choice could be: Buy yourself any cheap set that pairs with your phone it can play music and accept that you can call him when you want as long as you have phone range and are not going to fast for quality reasons. Come back and ask more and we will see how we can help. I don't know how often you go Pillion but do ask about other points, lots of tips out there that can make it better experience... Mine is get your CBT and your own bike Soon you will be hooked and wnat a "bigger" bike.
  8. Oh no if what they are saying is true there can only be the one Ghost rider...
  9. Another idea no one has touched on is heated soles... https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1311&_nkw=heated+insoles&_sacat=0 I tried a pair with remote battery and found that the ones I bought I could feel the wire connection within by boot after a whilst... Keeps the toes warm though...
  10. Now this is not going to go down well with everybody, electric body warmer... £18.50 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electric-Vest-Heated-Jacket-USB-Thermal-Heated-Pad-Winter-Body-Warmer-Overcoat/353188019879?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=622389032158&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 I have to say for the price I cannot argue, I already had a battery pack to run it from... Had it on the other week and it was not cold enough to use it, out today for a couple of hours and it kept my body warm. on low. The heat seemed to radiate to my shoulders, which was a pleasant surprise, on arriving home my hands and arms have warmed up much quicker. Powered by USB so potentially it could be plugged into bike. One word of warning I am a Large I would say its a Small sized medium size, I bought XL Should of bought 2Xl or even 3 XL. There is a £14.00 version as well but I liked the idea of the neck warmer and its more than a nice idea. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electric-USB-Winter-Heated-Warm-Vest-Mens-Casual-Heating-Coat-Jacket-Outwear-Top/353247249683?_trkparms=aid%3D1110012%26algo%3DSPLICE.SOIPOST%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D225114%26meid%3D8e50da6d872a4e1fa3b1635a2b81a209%26pid%3D100008%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D353188019879%26itm%3D353247249683%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DPromotedSellersOtherItemsV2%26brand%3DUnbranded&_trksid=p2047675.c100008.m2219 Now thinking should I try the heated trousers at £25 as my feet are still a bit cold. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=heated+trousers&_sacat=0&_sop=15
  11. 35t a day is child’s play there are smaller ships that can burn more.. https://www.bourbonoffshore.com/sites/default/files/documents-associes/pdf/ahts-bourbon-orca.pdf 50mt a day and non of this heavy oil stuff just the pure diesel for those guys... Cruise ships leave these standing though.. 250mt a day.. https://cruises.lovetoknow.com/wiki/How_Much_Fuel_Does_a_Cruise_Ship_Use
  12. Hot and wet is good enough for me... Although I was always perplexed when flying home Varig from Brazil, after the meal when I got a coffee I always asked for a whiskey to go in it. You would receive an egg cup sized cup of strong coffee, and a mug sized shot of whisky to go in it I never complained... Then flying from Trinidad they only ever had Rum, luckily I am not one to complain.
  13. You even posted it the NOTD Thread as well, not even the "Your Worst Joke thread"... Maybe its time for some to nominate themselves on this thread.....
  14. I want to know what's going on at the back of the seat? First thought was a Pillion on that will have to have a strange shape arse... Then noticed no Pillion Pegs. All a bit weird..
  15. All this slavery its amazing how history so easily forgets, the 300 years that we where taken as slaves... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_slave_trade I have been told Cornish villages where built away form the coast to make it harder for them to find... https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Barbary-Pirates-English-Slaves/ As for later slaves coming out of Africa its also worth noting "Many nations such as the Bono State, Ashanti of present-day Ghana and the Yoruba of present-day Nigeria were involved in slave-trading. Groups such as the Imbangala of Angola and the Nyamwezi of Tanzania would serve as intermediaries or roving bands, waging war on African states to capture people for export as slaves. Historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University have estimated that of the Africans captured and then sold as slaves to the New World in the Atlantic slave trade, around 90% were enslaved by fellow Africans who sold them to European traders. Henry Louis Gates, the Harvard Chair of African and African American Studies, has stated that "without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Africa#:~:text=The Atlantic slave trade took,the Red Sea and elsewhere. History as being painted today as is always the case is being bent to present the history the people want.
  16. This has been going on 6 months now, that should give ample time to put measures in place. My local video rental shop & vape supply shop seeing first lock down coming got an online and delivery service running, this was not successful enough (they could not compete against online prices with a shop to service). Surviving the first lockdown knowing a second lockdown would be the end of them, they looked at the rules Tobacconists could stay open and so could off-licences they where essential. They made a decision. This lockdown they shut for 3 days awaiting on the last of months of paper work to be completed, apart from the delivery and click and collect service. Using the opportunity to revamp the store, they now sell a range of Craft, Beers & Spirits along with Vape supplies DVD rental and the obligatory sweets to go with the Movie. I would agree RE Black Friday deals, first phone call sorry our voucher system is not online yet. Pop your voucher in the post we will hold the item and dispatch on receipt. Pop into the package a freebee J&S T shirt, key ring mug 10% voucher or whatever and your customer might even be happy.
  17. I am sure that J&S will step up to the mark on all accounts, it will be a win win win situation. If not the MOTY award can be awarded to the member that gets J&S to flounce
  18. I live in an area with a dodgy mobile network signal. I find that if calling from home and they have Whatapp the call quality is significantly better. Starting to think that Whatapp calls are better than telephone calls. My sister lives abroad we whatapp routinely and call quality isn't bad even driving down the road.
  19. There is an app to help clean water out of speakers .. It works on Samsung, Huawei and Cubot phones. Although oily bilge water seems to challenge the app. My Huawei got tested waterproof to 2m for several hours until the tide went out.
  20. I went for some similar to these instead. I would not look back.. https://www.screwfix.com/p/teng-tools-1-2-drive-hex-drive-socket-set-9-pcs/62857?tc=XA8&ds_kid=92700055262507126&ds_rl=1244066&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqo3-BRDoARIsAE5vnaKLgw4lTTg1uNS5PtrhUSOd2He8Rt_W6KIxtZmNLRfMwxuTy9g61jEaAl3EEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  21. Your not the only one in those shoes, after 10 years I am again looking at court. Luckily there has been only the bare minimal allegations and no grounds to base them on, I have been lucky. Although 10 years of struggling to see your own child takes its toll, in all aspects of life include career (and associated in come etc). The statistics are clear "Suicide is a significant national social issue in the United Kingdom. In 2019 there were 5,691 registered deaths by suicide in England & Wales, equating to an average of 18 suicides per day in the country. Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the country." That's 18 people per day 3/4 of them men. Yep so that just short of 100 men EVERY single week. "Why so many men? Again, the research, including Samaritans’ Men and Suicide report, shows how complex the issue is. In the report, men talk about relationships breaking down, separation from children, job loss, addiction, lack of close friendships, loneliness and being unable to open up." A recent thread on this forum says allot about what so many people carry in relative silence. When I took up biking and people told me how dangerous it was I can easily argue its safer on a bike than sitting moping at home.
  22. Think I paid extra.. Probably was not valid today riding home with a home Corona test in my jacket pocket
  23. So putting this back to horses both bellow are 1 Hp: Race horse: High Speed - Low weight pulling capacity - Low stamina - relatively light weight. Could be thought of as Low Torque high speed and acceleration. Cart Horse: Low Speed - High weight pulling capacity - High Stamina - relatively heavy weight. Could be thought of as High Torque Low Speed and acceleration. I am sure there are more types of horse out there as there are bikes... Comparing a Harley and sports bike is like comparing the above. horses for courses?
  24. Did you changed battery and fuse started melting? Or has new battery been ok until now? Previous battery did not do this? Can you change back to original battery see what happens? Is it exact battery swap? You have not accidently switched any wires round when changing batteries? The new battery was not reversed terminal battery they are out there same shape but opposite terminals... I know these questions seem daft but easy mistakes to make... My next step would be WD40 and multi-meter and wiring diagram. Stuck relay? Something with ignition barrel? Melting a 15amp fuse quickly is major short (I would leave new battery disconnected, unless investigating). Someone will be along shorty to say how bad liberal use of WD40 is (it works for me) and some more intelligent suggestions, think I have double checked the basic.
  25. Visual check is a good start. How long have you had the bike is it under warranty? Do you have a multi-meter? What's been the issue with batteries? Was the ignition on when fuse melted? Does it melt with it off? Have you changed anything since you last rode it? Sounds like something is shorting or earthing to me the question is where...
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