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Everything posted by fastbob

  1. It's been a while but I've found the time to drag the ER5 out and fire it up . It literally fired up first touch of the button . Not a lot to say really .
  2. I've almost had flies that bad once . I was riding past the Cotswold Water Park late one warm evening . In the road ahead I could see what appeared to be dense columns of smoke but when I rode through one I discovered that they were composed of millions of some kind of lake fly . My visor went from clear to zero visibility in an instant so that I had to just brake in a straight line and hope for the best . Luckily , I was prepared for just such an event . TOP TIP . Whenever you visit a KFC with help yourself Clean Up Tissues , fill your pockets . I've just realised that that was the same night that I got nicked by my arch enemy Gloucestershire Constabulary for overtaking a Breakdown Truck on double white lines .
  3. I've just ridden through a load of Mayflies . Juicy buggers aren't they .
  4. Took a picture of my neighbor's bike today .
  5. In that case it just has to Sally's Place in the Malvern Hills .
  6. One criticism of the Blackbird was that it went straight from nought to stupid speeds before anyone realised what was happening .
  7. A lovely ride out around Warwickshire and parts of Worcestershire . Summer's here at last .
  8. Quite so . Although I wasn't actually behind the screen , riding my GSXR was like being in a still-air bubble . If I was doing highly illegal speeds I used to sit upright to act as an air brake when I needed to slow down .
  9. Anyway , I thought you worked for the NHS as a professional Homophobe .
  10. Why would anyone be scared of a house ?
  11. I do not accept the premise that the rings are forced against the cylinder wall by combustion .
  12. They made a lot more than water cooled 50's . This flat twin model proved extremely popular with these young German enthusiasts and was the mount of choice for many a European excursion .
  13. A nice run out this evening . The first time I've been out after work on a weekday this year . I got home in time to change my engine oil and my primary oil . That's all the maintenance I'm likely to do on the Harley this year . Over the weekend I'm planning on dragging the ER5 project out and firing it up for the first time since I rebuilt it with better barrels and pistons .
  14. Colin the forger who went blind but tried to escape with James Garner by stealing an aeroplane .
  15. We have a bloke at work who looks very like Donald Pleasance called Martin . Without being aware that I was doing it , I called him Colin for years . Oddly enough he never said anything but that's the Civil Service for you .
  16. Fishing for Prospects means scouting for potential new members . You are already suspected of being the ringleader of a desperate band of bloodthirsty Road Warriors .
  17. Nobody has heard of it for a reason . Having said that , not too many people are aware of CZ chain but I got very good use out of one . Made by the Czech company that brought you CZ motorcycles . https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-FZS600-FZ600S-FAZER-2001-CZ-Gold-X-Ring-Drive-Chain-/382892119872?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286
  18. Yeah right . Fishing for Prospects to join your roving pack of vicious hooligans more likely .
  19. You won't get results without putting a bit of work in . Here's a couple of ER5 engines that I prepared .
  20. This weekend I will be riding the f**king tyres off it !
  21. That's a good question . This is quite a revealing read . https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1001919/born-to-be-tamed-the-biker-gangs-revving-on-chinas-roads
  22. Was the ringleader of these filthy lawless scum riding a bike like this ?
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