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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Have you cleaned it though, that's the burning question Nope Ohh you must add pics when you do I'm off to see how my bike is doing as I ain't heard a thing. [mention]Stu[/mention] looks like [mention]Six30[/mention] is in a twat ish mood
  2. We got a refund for a non refund allowed hotel, not sure how that worked, might have been down to Paris being shut.
  3. Have you cleaned it though, that's the burning question
  4. To say I'm a tad concerned about the deposit I put down on my van is putting it mildly As in the company you ordered from going under or your source of income taking a huge hit? I'm OK for money at mo it's the thought of them folding that's the worry, it's a big dealer but that just means bigger losses and ironically I was made redundant by them many years ago in a recession long gone, they shut the company I worked at, so I know they have history of drastic measures.
  5. To say I'm a tad concerned about the deposit I put down on my van is putting it mildly
  6. No fooked off with polishing , my arms killing me I thought you would be used to the arm action! Be the wrist, I think he's just being coy
  7. Missed it, not heard back from mot/service. When it's back I will clean it and add the cleaned it pic to this thread
  8. This has always been the way, it's not the way in all countries though
  9. I'm presuming that as no one has answered the original thread then it's because no one has done what your proposing which is fairly specific. Trying to keep costs down is great but not if you end up with parts that don't fit.
  10. Loads of guides on t web https://www.wexphotovideo.com/blog/tips-and-technique/photography-lens-guide-lens-types-explained/?mkwid=s_dm&pcrid=418859072621&kword=&match=b&plid=&si=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7qn1BRDqARIsAKMbHDb5EbB28w62NUR8XKcdO7sXyiSLrHrFGaaKEaPNNWvkGewj7vAByZ4aArPrEALw_wcB
  11. I have just dug out my old camera, it's something I like but never have the time for.
  12. Well... Comparing us to Spanish... That says everything about you and your attitude. It says nothing about me. Comparing servers from one country to another. If they are miserable that's what they are, try Sri Lanka, some of the friendliest helpful people on the planet. We always tip so before you use that card don't bother, the world is huge and we manage to travel the rest of it just fine, hey if its your country that's fine, it's just not one we would return to in a hurry if at all.
  13. And where your kids get to watch prostitutes getting beat up, I'm sure there are some nice places, but it was enough to put us off from a return we did do some drives out into the country and found no difference in prices and some of the most miserable servers we have come across, just like Spain.
  14. Def Portugal, went with kids, had to hire a car so we could go to one of the cheap supermarkets, car paid for its self by end of holiday We were somewhere near Açoteias in algarve.
  15. Hmmmm we must have gone to a different Portugal, found it fooking expensive with a huge drug problem.
  16. Bugger Done a Google, it's only on sky, but it's free, we don't have sky sub we just use it for free view.
  17. 185 travel channel at 10.30, had some interesting stuff last night
  18. Bender


    I took mine down for service and mot on mon
  19. Nowt wrong with a dip in the river and I prefer midges to people.
  20. Happy birthday, what you doing today [mention]XTreme[/mention] does [mention]Six30[/mention] always wish your old chap a happy birthday or is this a whole new level of depravity
  21. Well you noticed it so sounds like a yes, double check everything you did is OK then re set rear wheel. This is the reason you shouldn't rely on markings on swing arm
  22. As long as option 2 are no fix no fee I would go for that. Money not an issue 3
  23. https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/202002197506063?advertising-location=at_bikes&postcode=NE158BW&page=2&price-from=500&make=BUELL Only real option for a buell is a buell, length, fork rake, frame its all very specific Ducati monster, but it won't be a buell
  24. There are advantages to the trailer especially on longer trips, also the ability to spend an adhock night where you like. I would much sooner be in a tent in the Highlands on me tod than in a hotel having to give a semblance of civility to other twats
  25. Wild Hoggs, one for [mention]fastbob[/mention]
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