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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Evil Knievel’s xr 750, any one would do and the fonze jacket to look completely ridiculous
  2. A good instructor should sort you out with any issues you think you may have or some you might not think you have, 20min following you will probably be all they need to work out what you need to change, I would just speak to a decent instructer and explain what your after doing.
  3. Where do you think the saying "christ on a bike" came from
  4. As long as you don't mind being turned off when they get more customers than the renewable energy they are buying you will be fine, they will also need to install a magic filter to stop non renewable energy from entering your house this will work by separating out the electrons that have been tagged at source and verified by green peace.
  5. I have a can of gel stuff, the chain is still there so I suppose its doing something, if using throughout the crap weather I would go with the others on the Scott oiler. Reason why no one on a bike is overly concerned about miniscule power loss is we ain't peddling.
  6. Nothing to see move along
  7. I didn't think I could make it much simpler than pressure pushes it out and vacume pulls it back Here it is in picture form https://www.freeasestudyguides.com/engine-radiator-cap.html
  8. When the system expands and pushes water out it is still a sealed system, if it pushes water out and the system cools it creates negative pressure which the cap allows to be sucked back in, your rad cap is an important little device
  9. If it's a system that allows the water to go both ways pressure pushes it out and vacume pulls it back, if it's just a catch tank to keep green peace happy it will evaporate.
  10. Depends on the system, you can have overflow tanks or recovery, Google will explain it better https://haynes.com/en-us/tips-tutorials/what-expansion-tank-and-what-does-it-do https://auto.howstuffworks.com/cooling-system7.htm Some systems the tank is pressurised also.
  11. Well done, pleased to know you are smiling from ear to ear, ti's a bit of a come down back to 125 but it's all good practice
  12. Don't worry about it, the worst is a fail, and even then it's just more practice, deep breath forget the past and see how it goes, I hated my mod 1's and hindsight is great but I really don't know why I let the fails get me down because I was passing it no matter how long it took.
  13. Betamax is the future I loved my Nokia comunicator which I still have somewhere, spent a fortune on a 16m USB stick when they first came out, it still works but not really much in the way of capacity these days.
  14. Pity your far away you could have just popped into my dad's shed.
  15. You all live in the wrong part of the country, north Yorkshire Cleveland and county durham have no fixed speed cameras, according to freedom of info malarkey, although I wouldn't fancy Cleveland.
  16. my first year insurance on 125 didnt count to anything for bigger bike, [mention]Daytona79[/mention] I think as you already have some experience das is the way to go, those are fast and busy sections of dual carriageway a 125 wouldn't be comfortable, fz6 was one of the cheapest I could find to insure, early ones are a little viby, s2 has all of the niggles fixed if you can stretch to one.
  17. Cbt and 125 is your quickest way to get mobile, if you buy something good it won't loose much if and when you do das and get bigger bike, you have a good stretch dual carriageway that will soon get boring on a 125 your limited to a whopping 15hp with cbt
  18. I would be looking at injectors too, it's running rich it's either thinking it's got more air than it needs or it's putting too much fuel in for the air that it's got, make sure any thing else sensor wise is reading what it's supposed to be.
  19. I’m a bit older and wiser to jump straight onto a 1000cc bike, I’d probably buy an SV650 and have it a while before considering buying another bike at whatever power. Thanks for your 2p I was probably a lot older and wiser but I had fun on the 125 before doing das and have no regrets.
  20. Don't get an Oxford stinger, (disk lock/alarm) between intermittent arming and intermittent locking a bar of Cadburys fruit and nut will probably hold off the scum longer
  21. They are money making or they would just issue points, all the money in fines spent on roads yea that's great it just let's them spend less as they know how much they get in fines I think we need a pro car/transport party.
  22. Yup it's a bitch, I failed mod 1 twice, good luck on next one, let us know how it goes
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