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Everything posted by Slowlycatchymonkey

  1. Or maybe The Ride London to Beijing? Kevin Sanders evil sounding chuckles should have warned them what’s coming their way!
  2. Parked van pulls off an empty forecourt without looking, across the whole carriageway. I get that speed of light shot of adrenaline you get when you think your numbers up. I’m braking very hard now and had momentary relief when I thought “it’s ok Im going to make it.” A thought based on him not then just stopping on the carriageway! Somehow and I have no idea how I arrive on the other side unscathed, I think the bike must have slipped through like liquid mercury to avoid that one! What a nob. In teachery mode I think, did I miss anything, have I learnt anything from this? Yes I have. My bodies preparation for fight or flight mode does not include being weighed down by an enormous lunch! I won’t be have fish or tartare sauce for a while..
  3. I have never been to America. Quebec yes America no. I’m torn over whether it’s somewhere I really want to spend time and the main reason I’m put off is the food culture there. It looks very unappealing. I’m thinking Alaska to Mexico (probably in pieces) or I understand even Route 66 is regenerating itself as a worthy offering but everyone I know who’s travelled in America said it’s heart attack food and it’s a treat you get fed up with quite quickly. What’s your opinion on America’s food offerings? Or anyone who’s been there for that matter!
  4. Well that’s good to hear and if he’s completed this job in one hit I’ll be thrilled
  5. I don’t dispute any of that. I understand why they have to do it. I don’t consider it necessary to make it so complicated to apply.
  6. Oh Bender he’s the most half arsed plumber you could ever meet. I’m amazed he’s still gainfully employed, full of unfocused energy, definitely on the spectrum. If he’s doing a job however small it’s completed in dribs and drabs over a period of days or weeks. We call him Partjob Partridge
  7. No we don’t, never carry waste. The form definitely isn’t straight forward, if it was I would have just filled it in rather than come back and get another vehicle. I appreciate the problems but they have number plate recognition there so there must be a simpler way. If I was on my tod and couldn’t get it to the tip their solution is to recommend a company that doesn’t even come into this area.
  8. The motorised valve but the valve part was ok so he left the old one in?
  9. Tried to take old washing machine to skip today. Rules have changed. Not allowed in cos I was in a van, as others have said they want loooonnng form filled in including insurance, logbook, company details n more. I say how am I suppose to dispose of this without those things or what if my car is too small? They say there’s a company I can ring to do it- for a fee. I look up company, they’re based up north and only come down as far as Birmingham! Tempted to leave it outside the councils door. The stupidity of not expecting someone sling it out of their van on the way home. I didn’t I reloaded in a car and went back but pah! No wonder people fly tip.
  10. True to form he didn’t show up yesterday so we had another day of turning the boiler on n off to control the heat but this afternoon man, part and boiler came together and it’s been fixed for two hours now. Central heating is a marvellous thing.
  11. I did ride passed a broken down biker on large roundabout once though. It was my first time out on my own a 125 and to say I was barely in control is no understatement, I was frightening. I wanted to stop but with the lack of precise control and wobbling on a new bike trying to stop in the tiny space in front of them on a fast roundabout before an exit seemed foolhardy. I did a second loop of the roundabout thinking if I was prepared for it I’d be ok but in reality I discovered it’s true the bike really does go where you look so I abandoned the manoeuvre before I added serious injuries to their woes!
  12. I’ve often get a thumbs up when I stop, probably because I ride until I want a break and when that happens I’ll stop at the very next possible point like a lay-by or gateway so possibly look broken down. I’ve not yet needed any assistance but I always appreciate the asking. When I got stuck at the traffic lights a few weeks back a biker realised I was stuck after they passed. They went down to the roundabout (quite some distance away) and came back to see if I was ok. I’d sorted it by then but I have to say I’ve found every one of these thumbs up heartening. It’s a kind thing to do. I’ve done it and although my use is limited, if it’s near where I live I know a good mechanic, have a van n ramps and at the very least am able to go n get coffee and a sarnie!
  13. When trying out all the variables recently I was surprised that having a pillion and using locks made not a jot of difference to the premium but what shocked me was the NCD (3yrs worth) made only £10-20 difference depending on the insurer. Yet it’s touted as being a big factor, so much so we’re prepared to spend extra money protecting our no claims. I think insurance companies (and this is based on nothing other than messing around with all the variables online) go from purely the answers that matter- experience, postcode, where it’s kept and any claims or endorsements in the last 5 years etc. You can only use your NCD on one bike policy but that doesn’t make you more of an insurance risk as they know this.
  14. Well we might not associate Dominic Raab with anything good but looks like he managed to write a useful letter. Hope the Dunn’s parents get what they’re looking for. https://news.sky.com/story/harry-dunns-family-can-bring-civil-claim-against-anne-sacoolas-us-court-rules-12220181
  15. They don’t do alright in nursing, the pays not enough and the top posts are filled by people with English as a first language, not down to racism just that the required presentations, interview process and direct grilling from a panel leaves someone unfamiliar with the language and social norms unable to compete. Added to the isolation of moving to another country they then cannot risk having a relationship with anyone and will certainly never marry because they may want them to stop sending the money home or dilute what money is available. A very long lonely existence. Yet they turn up every day, work diligently and are pleasant company because as you say they are responsible for the whole family.
  16. Haven’t seen it. You can skip the description
  17. Not really a democracy when the only choice you have is between two parties with varying degrees of greedy, power mad, ego maniacs. One more so than the other IMO but still not much of a choice. When I heard there was a film called dumb and dumber I assumed it must be about politics
  18. Another case of “computer says no” Not long now for you though is it? Educating children so they can get a decent job abroad is an awful burden for the child. They grow up with one sometimes two parents absent earning the money to pay for it. Brought up by a relative with the goal of the golden child reaching the golden land and sending money back home. A home they become permanently separated from. They are the child who had money spent on their education so feel obligated for their entire working lives to continue on a career path thats chosen for them in a country that is not theirs. The cost of living over here is not something really understood by the folk at home so they live very poorly in order to send as much as possible. I lost count of how many times I found nurses from overseas crying they just wanted to go home. They never did, it cost too much.
  19. You have to be a certain type of person to accept a life full of cowboys or like a lot of us not fully comprehend the consequences of your choices until you’re in too deep. Pretty disgraceful way to treat people.
  20. Have good one. Hope you have the day off to please yourself. Obviously that bits not aimed at geofferz
  21. This is kinda what I gleaned from the article and it did make me think of pirates because it’s hard to understand where these bizarre laws that don’t work have sprung from. Poor souls.
  22. @S-Westerly I don’t understand how there’s no global legal standard to cover this. It seems anyone at sea is still at the mercy of an attitude dating back an era that I can’t comprehend still exists! https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/feb/15/living-hell-of-stranded-uae-ship-iba?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
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