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Everything posted by husoi

  1. I'm sorry but I disagree with the "Fake mark" Not defending anyone here but if EU is stupid enough to leave a massive loophole in their rules that's what happens. We all know Chinese love to copy stuff instead creating their own. There is an argument for why would you recreate the wheel? This doesn't excuse IP and patent violations and there are laws which all countries should follow. Had the EU trademark the CE symbol and would have made it harder to use it. Lets not forget that others do similar crimes and get away with it. As said, you get what you pay for. Don't expect an Aston Martin for the price of a Dacia
  2. husoi

    Honda ST1300

  3. husoi

    Honda Shadow VT750

  4. Being a beverage break thread I think this will make sense in here. I've been practicing this for a good few years now
  5. Portugal and Spain have very high standards in all types of medicine, most of the time both countries are short in resources being Portugal behind on affordability. When in Lisbon I used to have dental treatments at the local university and the service was really good, the downside was how long it would take. Proof of Iberian quality is how easy is for practitioners to find a job anywhere they want.
  6. Isn't that why McPlastic was invented? So we can go to the toilet Like Billy Connelly once said, there are 3 rules that you must follow after 60 1 - Never bypass a toilet 2 - Never waste an erection even if you're alone 3 - Never trust a fart
  7. If it is just a rubber cover why don't you buy one silicone matt used in cooking and put it in? For the look of it is just a cover. https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/264713877497?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-153316-527457-8&mkcid=2&itemid=264713877497&targetid=4584619895229426&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=&poi=&campaignid=398226952&mkgroupid=1296324443769585&rlsatarget=pla-4584619895229426&abcId=2145997&merchantid=87779&msclkid=f690b792a1a510c159c7e85b7b4059dd
  8. I bet is a 2 wheels bike
  9. Good morning?! pretty much still good night, bloody dark still
  10. Links have to include /#/27907,3203,1186 at the end to be affiliated to the forum I clicked on the link in the forum then made a search for the grips
  11. Bad weather in south Spain? Will be what? A strong breeze?
  12. I don't like Ale or guinness but I don't go calling it vill... Just not to my (very refined) taste
  13. Make sure you follow the link to their shop here in the forum
  14. husoi


    Same as @Ian Frog. Located in Australia..
  15. have you check here? https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_cat/1763 if you ask them usually they will get the right one.
  16. You know the rule @Ian Frog no photo, it doesn't exist.
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